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We have had one crazy {wonderful} week around here!
Houston turned 8 weeks old last Monday {the day his new friend, Wyatt, came into the world!} and then yesterday, officially celebrated his 2 month birthday.
He wasn’t much into our 2 month photo shoot, unless laying like a knot on a log counts for being “into it”. So I asked him to give mommy a smile:
I got attitude instead!
I guess if he won’t smile, sticking his tongue out may be the next best thing.
For his 2 month birthday, we got him the bestest gift of all. The gift of immunity to polio, rotavirus, hepatitis A,B&C, tetanus, diptheria, pertussis…
The poor boy got 3 shots in those tiny little thighs for his big birthday. How’s that for a mean mommy?! :(
The appointment actually went better than I expected. I nursed him ASAP after the shots were over and he barely had time to cry before they were already forgotten. Nick was in Atlanta for business and I was extremely thankful to have my mom with me to help keep a brave front. Houston slept most the day after that with a couple crying spells and a not.so.great night of sleep after. I was just relieved for no allergic reactions or fever – THANK GOD!
His 2 month stats from the appointment:
Height: 22 1/4 in (10-25 percentile)
Weight: 11 lbs 5.5 oz (25-50 percentile)
Head: 15 3/4 in (75-90 percentile)
In other words: still a small fry with a big pumpkin head ;)
Our little guy can still wear some of his newborn clothing and is now big enough to wear most of his 0-3 month without them swallowing him whole anymore. He is smiling up a storm these days and tracking our every move with those big gorgeous eyes. He’s also holding his head up pretty great these days too – soon we’ll be throwing that boy on our hip to tote him around and will finally be able to use the other arm when carrying him – hallelujah!
As I mentioned before, we braved 4 days and 3 nights without daddy here {survived with the help of H’s Mimmie!} We missed our daddy terribly but are so proud of the award he brought back from Atlanta. He has such a wonderful work ethic and still comes home to take care of us both after a long day {and commute}with a sweet disposition. We could not ask for a better husband or father!♥
Today we’re attempting the “baby in a pumpkin” shot with high hopes and low expectations – ha! I have little confidence that we will get a shot that he’s not crying in, but even that adorable sad face would be worth it.
{Worth it to me – I’m not sure how Houston actually feels about that!}
Sneak peek sans babe, hoping to share the final shots with you tomorrow:
Lastly, in addition to turning 2 months old, my little guy decided to roll over from tummy to back 3 times on Thursday.
My baby is growing up.
I happened to catch one of those rolls on the camera on my iPhone but I:
1.) Filmed it sideways on accident.
2.) Moved and shook the camera so much you’ll feel like you’re watching The Blair Witch Project.
3.) Talked obnoxious baby talk the whole way through and ended the video with my mom and I whooping up a storm for this amazing display of gymnastic ability.
That being said: Enjoy! ;)