Oh, to be a small dog. To see the world around me with wide eyes, an innocent heart, a love so pure for the simple. To wake up without a plan for my day, to let God take me where He will and to soak it in with delight despite my unkempt appearance, tail wagging happily to be here, anywhere.
To look up to each person I meet, ready to learn, loving without judgment. To forgive so easily when my owners leave me alone for hours on end that I only rejoice when they are home, the forgiveness of Jesus that we struggle to attain and a small dog easily grasps.
A pup whose complete contentment is found curled up in his owner’s lap, thankful to be with them in that moment, careless of his surroundings; a cramped apartment with sink full of dishes, basket full of laundry, or the hand-me down furniture on which he loves life to the fullest.
To be outside and explore every blade of grass and fallen branch on the lawn as an enchanted world he has happened upon. To be true to myself, no matter the perceived importance the person before me may have, to be only God’s child and live for today.
Oh, how I long to be like that small dog whose thoughts do not wander to the future, who does not want for anything besides food and shelter, who can so easily slumber without a moment’s hesitation. To take what I am given without question.
His thoughts are not on this world and the traps and snares that can so easily steal our joy. He contemplates only what is good and knows precisely where his loyalties lie. He lives for today, he lives to be with others, to delight in their presence and company only.
How thankful I am for this little spirit to shine his light and show me God’s beauty and meaning for our life. Until my last breath, I will strive to love the way he has loved since his first breath and still fall short. Yes, all dogs do go to heaven. They are angels walking among us, speaking to us daily without uttering a word.
Oh, to be a small dog in my Father’s world.
~Stephanie Dye Roberts
Matthew 18:1-4
‘At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.’
To look up to each person I meet, ready to learn, loving without judgment. To forgive so easily when my owners leave me alone for hours on end that I only rejoice when they are home, the forgiveness of Jesus that we struggle to attain and a small dog easily grasps.
A pup whose complete contentment is found curled up in his owner’s lap, thankful to be with them in that moment, careless of his surroundings; a cramped apartment with sink full of dishes, basket full of laundry, or the hand-me down furniture on which he loves life to the fullest.
To be outside and explore every blade of grass and fallen branch on the lawn as an enchanted world he has happened upon. To be true to myself, no matter the perceived importance the person before me may have, to be only God’s child and live for today.
Oh, how I long to be like that small dog whose thoughts do not wander to the future, who does not want for anything besides food and shelter, who can so easily slumber without a moment’s hesitation. To take what I am given without question.
His thoughts are not on this world and the traps and snares that can so easily steal our joy. He contemplates only what is good and knows precisely where his loyalties lie. He lives for today, he lives to be with others, to delight in their presence and company only.
How thankful I am for this little spirit to shine his light and show me God’s beauty and meaning for our life. Until my last breath, I will strive to love the way he has loved since his first breath and still fall short. Yes, all dogs do go to heaven. They are angels walking among us, speaking to us daily without uttering a word.
Oh, to be a small dog in my Father’s world.
~Stephanie Dye Roberts
Matthew 18:1-4
‘At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.’