Then Nick spotted this one inside Red Robin after lunch on Saturday and I just had to take the picture to show her. {There was a table full of people right below the flag whom I'm sure thought that I was taking a picture of them.} Karen and I just ate at this same Red Robin the week before and didn't see this.... So, which one's your favorite, Mother-in-law?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
for you, kk
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
It's over!

Unfortunately, I don't think I'm going to get to wear my many pairs of scrubs to work at CVS.
(I'm seriously sad about this...)
I never had to think about what I was going to wear, just made sure they were clean! I never ironed them, I wore the same comfy tennis shoes, and usually the same jewelry. IT WAS SO EASY!!!!!

When God closes a door, he opens a window. Back to having to think about what I wear to work, and hopefully, back to a smaller waistline.
P.S. After some consideration, I decided not to go to work for CVS till after graduation, May 18th, so I have some free time for a couple of weeks!.. and I really need to study for the boards during that time. BOO.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
This past Saturday, Nick and I got a chance to head back to the antique store from this post to see the sights and to check out the painting.
Do you remember my dogs I found last time? This time I looked for dogs that might look similar to my sister's real life pups. (She has two malamutes, brother and sister, that look almost identical.) I found these two that were actually attached... they looked pretty similar to hers... except her pups aren't brown. I thought I might find one dog to look like her two dogs, but how ironic to find two that look like hers and come as a set?!? Crazy luck.

How sweet would these stretched canvases be in a nursery or kids' room? I think my favorite is the mother goose. Very nice.

THE painting was still there and I still love it... though they had marked up the price. Up?!? *Butt-heads.*
We didn't even try to talk them down since they don't seem to be going in that direction.
It was ugly anyway. ;)

For now, I've also given up on looking for prints online. I found many I like, but with the size of the wall, they were never large enough and I couldn't find a set of 3 that I liked together.
So here are our blank canvases hanging on the wall. I wanted to get them placed to see how they looked together before I attempted to paint our own art. We'll see how it goes... we may be back in stores checking out the retail art verrrry soon.

Monday, April 27, 2009
yap yap yap
{Vacation home because we seem to only be there on the weekends when we're not working. Even though we're still working very hard to put everything in it's place at the house, we're so happy and relaxed when we're there that it doesn't feel so much like work. Therefore, it's our vacation home, for now.}

This is the same darned dog that woke me up every five minutes starting at 7 am this morning on my first week-day off from rotations. Somehow, I still love him.

Even without those little nuances, I do believe you'll still get the big picture.

"Do you know what you're asking? I've been storing this for 12 years! It's brand new!"

It's not your average garage. My parents bought our house, with no attached garage, when I was born. There were the normal storage issues with a family of four, add in a dad who collects pop bottles, old electric power meters, stuff that other people threw away, and they soon found the need to build a barn-sized two story garage with a "garage door". The type of door that most people use as a gateway to drive an automobile through.... laughable because this garage has never stored a car because it has been stuffed with other knick-knacks since my little brain can remember.
I do love that my parents have found the room to store lots of my stuff in this building until Nick and I had a place big enough to keep it all. Now that we have accomplished acquiring such a place, I have been asked to rummage through this building and remove anything of mine that I would like to keep in my life. Or else it will be seen as something I no longer need/want and be yard-saled at a later date.
Did ya'll care for my off subject rant about some dumb old garage? I knew you would...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
from white coat to cap and gown

We had fun together, we had high school-esque drama, we had some professional moments and manymanymany unprofessional moments... there were promises made, some promises kept and that saying "what happens in pharmacy school, stays in pharmacy school" was a great slogan but not always the case. Some of us will take our secrets to the grave though =)

That same guy that I started the 3 years of pharmacy school with as my "boyfriend", became my "fiancee" in my second year, and my "husband" in the third year. To me, this man and our relationship has been the real ride with everything else, only the obstacles. We have come so far.

Bittersweet has been the star reoccuring emotion of late in my little life. It is one that catches my breath, chokes me up and ends with me smiling through tears. It seems to be one that rears its little head right as I'm taking another step into adulthood and turn back to reminisce in my childhood that I never wanted to leave.
It is painful and exciting.
It's life and I'm loving it.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Finders Keepers
Inside the store was a huge display cabinet full of dog figurines from the 1940's - 50's. There were literally hundreds to look through, but I took the time to hunt and look who I found:

I also found a mega huge art piece that would look straight-up fabulous behind our sofa. (See my last post for a photo of our large empty wall...)

The painting had been hanging in a restaurant in Louisville for a few decades. {Derby painting, Louisville restaraunt, you understand, right?} It's painted on a type of press board, not canvas, and had been hanging on the wall by screws - no frame. So it has a few holes in the top and bottom. And honestly, if we did buy it, we'd probably hang it right back up by those holes until we could afford to frame it - I'm guessing that it's at least 6 feet in width!
You can't tell from the photo, but the colors *POP* and would great with the new wall color. Plus, who doesn't want a little piece of history hanging on their wall?!
We'll be back in Lexington this weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to get Nick to stop in with me, the painting will still be there, Nick will love it as much as I do and we'll convince the owner to knock off a few hundred and viola, our empty wall will be empty no more.
{Perhaps I can justify the purchase as a graduation gift for yours truly from the best hubby in the world. Ya know, cause the new house, TVs, rugs, and furniture were... for my birthday? Or better yet... they were for Nick's birthday! So I'm due, right?}
But if not... I'll just go back to browsing 1000's of art prints on the net till I find the perfect set.
Que sera, sera.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Crystal blue persuasion
I only hesitate to show you these since I know I will only have to post more later when it's really really finished, i.e. art pieces on the wall behind the couch, mirror and decor found for the fireplace mantle, and shelves painted and hung on the walls either side of the fireplace.
You've been warned that you'll have to see these AGAIN on another date with the additions, so make your choice now whether you still want to scroll down =)
It took even longer to finish the job up on Friday than I had estimated. I cannot believe I ever thought I could do this by myself! I told my mother-in-law and Nick several times that had I started it by myself, I would have ended up crying in the middle of the floor and consequently, hiring painters.
The color is e-x-a-c-t-l-y what I wanted! I love the feeling it gives me when I'm in this room. Karen and Nick picked up the couch and moved it in. {I was at a law review for the boards at UK on Saturday morning during all the furniture moving - great excuse to not help, huh?}

Thursday, April 16, 2009
No news
Here's an update for you: we are not finished painting this ONE room yet.
2 people have already put in, what I have calculated to be, about 34 hours or MORE of nothing but straight painting and we still have about 8 to go.
The room is large, the moldings are many (5 windows, 3 doors, 2 archways, crown molding and a fireplace that is completely wood moldings), as well as some tall ceilings , that may I add, are breaking my back getting up and down the darned ladder. I am reeeeeallllllllllly growing to hate that ladder immensely.
Side note: how W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L is my mother-in-law???!?!??!?
The good news is that the color is beautiful, or at least Karen and I think so, and we shouldn't have to paint over for another 100 years. {An exaggeration, but at least if we change the wall color again, the wood moldings should not have to be repainted... it's just that the previous owners had the nastiest beige-almost-tan color on them. Very dingy looking.}
So perhaps some photos another time.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Shippin' out
Can you say, disaster?
{Also, 2nd disaster - the added stress on our marriage - Nick and I moving furniture together... he gets frustrated that I'm not stronger, I get frustrated that the darn furniture weighs so much, there's a whole lot of yelling and then usually someone ends up hurt. Hurt by the furniture, that is. All is back to happy when it's finished, though =) }
With that said, enjoy the above picture of my parents 'purty' red tulips. The picture below is from later that day, one unsupervised crazy poof-ball puppy dog tulip eater later. See if you can count how many flower heads are no longer with us. I can hardly believe it, but he actually ATE them, right down to the nubby stems. I caught him red handed (or is that red tuliped?) in the act.
The cable/internet guys will be making a visit to the house to set everything up on Thursday, so hopefully, if things go well, {both with the internet AND the painting}, I'll have some words and images to share by Thursday evening!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Just say NO!
This happens to a lot of pharmacists, I've heard. I mean, you're around these drugs a.l.l. d.a.y. l.o.n.g. You just can't help but help yourself, and before you know it, you've become a label. An addict.

Of course I'm talking about pop... or soda, coke, whatever you crazy kids are calling it these days. It started with my K-mart pharmacy rotation and carried over into my Food City rotation. I can see it through the window we have in our little pharmacy world, peering out into lots of caffienated goodness.

Yuck. I'd like to keep my money in my pocket and my white teeth in my ever-lovin' head. For now, I see nothing in the near future of kicking the habit. It sucks. My parents taught me waaaaaaaaa-a-a-aaa-ay better than this.
And please don't tell me that pop is a "gateway drug".
I can't handle much more of this down-hill living.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Saturday Before Easter
You must know by now how much it pains me to forget to document an occasion.