It's Friday! YAY!
I have Fridays off! YAY YAY!
I've been in doctor appointments and tests since early this morning and unexpectedly had to go to the hospital where I'm working right now on one of my darned days off! BOO.
This post may provide just a little more information than you may ever want to know about me. WARNING: Stop now if you don't want to hear about my day with boobies and va-jay-jays.... I'm warning you.
SOoOoOoOoO, this was the plan for today: wake-up early, get to the doctor, get the yearly over with and go back to my puppy at home and perhaps get back to that thing I love so dearly - sleep.
But the universe had different plans. I went in for a pap smear (too much information?) and came out with appointments for a doppler sonogram on my leg, a mammogram and sonogram on my breasts. Yippee.
While in the appointment, she found a "mass" in my breast (probably just
fibrocystic - not worrying about it right now), things I won't go into during the pap, and checked the leg I told her I had been having pain in and deemed it swollen. Her thoughts on the swollen leg, perhaps a clot (yikes!) or a
popliteal cyst.
Here's the lucky part. I got all the little diagnostic procedures over with TODAY! I was originally told only my leg sonogram could get done and that the breasts would have to wait till mid-November (!).
BUT the nice people who work at Pikeville Medical Center, none of whom I had ever met before today, total strangers, went out of their way so that this little lady wouldn't have to find more time to come back in on two additional days.
So, onto the results.
The leg: I asked the technician when she was finished with the ultrasound if she saw anything. Her words, "We're not supposed to say anything, but if there was something there, we wouldn't let you leave here." Thinking that sounds pretty good. Though there is still no explanation for the pain and swelling for the past two weeks, but peace of mind has
somewhat been restored in this area.
The breast: my first mammogram! Most people have to wait till their 40's for this exciting and
titillating (hehe) experience, but lucky me at my 24 years of life!
Oh, sarcasm, how I abuse thee.

We'll be waiting for the mammogram results as well as those from the pap smear. Not worried, just happy to be able to take the precaution and gain even more peace of mind.
As for my review on the mammogram - not bad! I've heard horror stories of squished painful experiences and I have no doubt it has been painful for many a woman, but maybe it's the small variety that can actually count ourselves lucky for once for not being as well-endowed as our sisters... maybe the big squishes, (thus extra pain), are for the big boobies.
During the whole experience I was actually taken back by how lucky we are to have these fabulous machines! We can get caught up in what we'd like to fix about the world - war, the housing slump, the stock market roller coaster, gas prices... BUT isn't it more fun to count our blessings? And today, my blessings were powerful with a support system I could ring up at anytime (Nick, Amanda Matney, Mom - love you all!), being lucky enough to have insurance, a doctor who cares and machines, that to me, work

I would much appreciate it if you could say a little prayer for me. If anyone should be inclined to worry for me, (conceited to think anyone would?), DON'T do it!
I'm not and I have every reason in the world to expect all will be well.
Onto enjoying my Friday. Now, about that nap...
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is life not more important than food and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life."Matthew 6:25-27
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."