Lemme just say, I love our room! The bedding {from Wal-mart!}, the lamps, the chair, our furniture. Believe me, I'm thankful, lucky, and extremely blessed.
Now that you know I appreciate it all, can we get onto the things I'd like to alter/add to the room without judgment? Thanks.
I'll just go ahead and pass on the side of guilt I usually feel about still wanting things when I know I have everything I'll ever need. Phew.
The ceiling is a little tall and though you can't see it so much here, that space above seems so empty... It's just crying out for something. I'm entertaining the idea of hanging a couple of the white lanterns from our wedding reception, or possibly, a BIRDCAGE.
Because I loooooove a good birdcage.
I know it sounds crazy, but you can't see the space where I'm talking about hanging these things in the pictures. Trust me, it be cool, dude.
Hendrix may have this crate in our bedroom, but rarely does he ever sleep in it. You can see the king in his usual spot in the above. =) He doesn't care in the least to be put in the crate, but his momma {and daddy too!} miss all the cuddles when he's in there. And let's be real, who doesn't love to wake up to a million wet puppy kisses on your face to tell you the sun is out and someone wants to be walked?!
A look at the wall beside the bathroom door. You can catch the master bathroom back in this post or on the sidebar to the right of the page where I've put the rest of our house's links. {Check us out, y'all!}
We've already bought the curtain rods, just haven't got in any hurry to put them up since we haven't picked out the curtains yet. {I may actually make them myself. Be sure if I do, they'll probably be a crazy post to come about THAT day.} Do these rods not look perfect with the bedding motif ?????????? Love 'em!

Finally, the most important space in our room, the master closet.
Our closet space is fabulous. Not beautifully organized, nothing to wow you, but it is some great space. I a-l-w-a-y-s need my space. I'd love to paint it some crazy wall color that I would never choose for a real room. Black, perhaps. Also add some more jewelry organization and some closet art.
We'll get around to all that one day, when there's nothing else to do but paint closet walls for the heck of it ;)
Our closet space is fabulous. Not beautifully organized, nothing to wow you, but it is some great space. I a-l-w-a-y-s need my space. I'd love to paint it some crazy wall color that I would never choose for a real room. Black, perhaps. Also add some more jewelry organization and some closet art.
We'll get around to all that one day, when there's nothing else to do but paint closet walls for the heck of it ;)