Friday, June 25, 2010

my baby turns 2!

Yesterday he turned 2!

Where did the time go?

It doesn't seem this little guy could be two years old yet.

and YES, the baby I'm speaking of is a fur-child...

Or that it's almost been two years since we brought him home.
{Which means it's almost our 2 year wedding anniversary!}

He's such an entertaining little guy, keeping us smiling, laughing, making us a little family, even inspiring me on a gloomy day.

They say that owning a pet can increase your life span, making them especially good companions with the elderly. I don't know if all that's true, but I do know he's definitely increased the life in our years.
Time for a picture montage?

I think so!
Dedicated to the little one we love and who loves us back unconditionally and without limits♥

 naptime February 003
February 037
 August 08 008
 Camera Tryout 004
 Camera Tryout 008
Christmas 2008 013
 Christmas 2008 040
 Christmas 2008 270
 Cuteness 019
 In-law weekend 031

The Baby Days:


and on his 2nd birthday!:


Poor baby had to go to the dreaded groomers on his birthday! But it was all for his good - this 100 degree weather hasn't been to comfortable for a little guy who loves to explore the neighborhood in a huge fur-coat =)

Sorry, Hendrix! If it's any consolation, you look super cute with your very "poodle-ish" trim. We hope you had a great 2nd birthday anyway!!


  1. Oh my goodness, that picture of the three of you napping is so adorable - I hope you have that in a frame somewhere! Happy birthday to your furry baby!

  2. Those are the cutest pictures ever! I love love love the second one, the family sleeping! So cute. Hope you have a gret birthday!

  3. Soooo cute! What kind of pup is he??

  4. Happy birthday, Hendrix! Oh how we adore our furry babies here as well! We celebrate...cake for humans, treats for kitties/dog! Your sweet guy is so ADORABLE...and probably gets zero love...~wink~!

  5. Happy Birthday Hendrix!!! You're adorable!!

  6. He is SO adorable, and I'm not even a dog person. Love the new haircut, I think he looks better with it that way! Happy 2nd Birthday!

  7. He is adorable!!! Happy Birthday!

  8. What precious pictures! Happy birthday Hendrix!

  9. Happy Birthday to your little cutie pie!!

  10. He is so sweet. The second to last picture kills me he's so cute!!

  11. Your doggie is cute as a button.
    Happy birthday to your fur child. :-)

  12. Happy Birthday Hendrix! He's such a cutie pie!

  13. Happy Birthday, Hendrix! You have a great mommy and daddy who love you very much :)

  14. Hahahaha Oh my goodness, the picture of him almost getting eaten absolutely cracked me up! He's so adorable!!!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)