Wednesday, June 23, 2010

sewing machine?!… I SEW need your advice!

Are you sew cool?

If you are - I lend you my ear.

A nobody, that is seeeeeeeew decidedly uncool. I have decided I'd like to be at least a little.

What would make me feel a tiny bit cooler?

If only I were able to make things like these:












I might even practice on some of these, for friends, and once I’ve screwed up all of their gifts ;)  and then got the hang of it, I’ll be allowed to have my own children with perfectly sewn clothes and ruffled butt onesies♥





Besides crafting, I’d love to alter my own clothes.

The tailored look is sew chic.

{Tired of my sewing puns yet? Just one more…}

I’m ready to take my kiddy crafts to a new level. Finally, I’m ready for grown-up crafts.

Me? Sewing?! My mother can tell you, that is sew not me.

But I need advice for picking out a sewing machine – I AM CLUELESS.

What do you use? What features could you not do without or would like to have? Recommend any instructional books?


I do know I want it to be electric and that I don’t need the most professional piece of equipment but I’d like something better than the basic, should I actually get good at this stuff in the future.

Any advice at all for my new adventure?



  1. Love the pillows & the ruffle butt babies!!! I would love to offer some advice but alas, I can't sew either!!

  2. My husband bought me the Janome Sew Mini for Christmas. You can get one for around $50 and it works great! It's been amazing for me, being a beginner. I've made blankets, pillow cases, and done minor alterations. The only time I've been a little frustrated was when I tried to patch some jeans. Because it's so small, it's tough to get the material on there. Other than that, I highly recommend it for starting out. I'll probably get something a little bigger and fancier in a few more months, once I feel my abilities are worth the money. ;) I love the pillows in the first few pictures, and are a couple from Fly Through Our Window's blog? I love Darby, she inspired me to learn to sew so I can make clothes for our future children.

    Sorry I wrote a book! Good luck!

  3. oh my goodness--if you get some good advice, please share it with us! I need serious help in this area!

  4. I am no help, I think maybe I sewed a button on once and an ugly 80s looking scrunchie back in 8th grade home ec. but that's about the extent of my knowledge. I'd love to learn but I know I have zero time for that. Those ruffled butt onesies are to die for, if you figure that out, I'll be your first customer ;)

  5. I have my new sewing machine on layaway as we speak (I get in August woohoo) I bought the Brother Inovis 900D. It is a sewing machine and embroidery machine as well......oh the things you could monogram!!!!

  6. I have a Kenmore and I like it. I am just learning to sew as well. Several people in my sewing class this fall had a Brother's brand machine and really like it. I saw one with lots of bells and whistles at Costco for $129.

    Good luck learning to sew!

  7. I would recommend a Janome. They are very high quality and will take you beyond basic sewing as you get more comfortable with sewing. Have fun!

  8. Whichever machine you end up buying, make sure it has an automatic buttonhole maker; I definitely cannot go without one. Good luck on your search. Unfortunately, I don't know which machine is better, but there are many people out in blog land that do. Happy sewing!

  9. I have a sewing machine and I just bought the cheapest one from Walmart, until I got "sew" good at sewing. It is simple and I love it! New follower by the way!

  10. I've been wanting to learn to sew for "sew" long! :) I keep thinking of all the cute clothes I can make for Alexandra for not too much money - the problem is (a) finding the time, (b) finding the patience, and (c) finding the skill!

  11. I'm getting ready to make some Roman Shades so I'll let you know how it works out for that project. You're also welcome to try my sewing machine out and see how you like it. It's good quality but basic and can get the job done on just about anything. I can teach you some of the basics for pillows and other things. I have a friend at church who has started making the cutest outfits for her little girl and she said she just started following patterns and they taught her everything that she needed to know. Love, Melissa

  12. Me too girl. i really want to start sewing

  13. sorry, no advice! I do not like to sew.
    just wanted to pop in and say thanks for stopping by my blog.
    I have to say that I LOVE that wedding picture in your header.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)