Monday, June 28, 2010

new look and a blog design giveaway!

Notice anything new???

We now have “Friday’s Five Featured Followers” on the right sidebar!

You’ll never guess which day it gets updated each week…

Featured Followers!⇒

Not only will the newest featured followers be on the sidebar and changed weekly, you’ll also be able to see the history of all past featured followers from each week by accessing it from the buttons at the top “Featured Followers” tab.

{Only because I love my followers more than I should and I love to give credit to sweet, talented blog-world people! It’s my way of reaching out and hugging your neck without gettin’ all up in your personal space ;) }

 featured blogger finished

*Don’t forget*: if you are one of the “featured followers” – feel free to grab the new “I was featured/I am loved!” button. It’s super upbeat design leaves me a little giddy and reminds me just a little of Napoleon Dynamite for some reason…

{I’d flip if I actually saw it on someone else’s blog besides my own – that goes for the other new blog button too!}


Now down to business:

It was time for changing things up around here.

We’re in the dead middle of the year when things are starting to get old and a little sprucing up is a much welcomed change.

I’ve recently been changing the decor around the house after getting tired of looking at the same old stuff in the same old places. For a new look without spending a dime, I switched a few things from the guest bedroom into the family room, family room accessories into the master bedroom, and so-on and so-on until every room was revived. {I call it “shopping your home”.}

New decor that feels fresh and is FREE?!

Count me in!


With the fresh room decor change-up also came a fresh new blog change-up.

I wanted a new look, a blog button, a new signature… but all for zero dollars.

{Ya see… I’m cheap – or as some call it, "thrifty*.}

So I decided I could do it myself with enough internet research and a sprinkle of craftiness.

Thank God for nice people and their helpful tutorials!

The only negative side has been the time dedication which has resulted in my right hand’s fingers becoming locked in a painful cramped claw.


{Feel free to grab our button from the right sidebar HTML code!}

I used scrapblog to make the different pictures used in the header and buttons, downloaded them and edited in Picasa, and then uploaded the blog buttons to Photobucket in order to have access to an “HTML” code for embedding them in the blog.

Sound like a bunch of rubbish? You’re not alone. Figuring out how to do it myself was not happening at first. Then I found these wonderful tutorials to walk me through it - I must give credit where credit is due! I’m also leaving the links for you in case you would like to do the same:

Still don’t feel like doing it all yourself? WIN OUR GIVEAWAY!

Out with the old:

Concert & 30th Bday


In with the new!:


In honor of our new look and the 400th follower (YAY!), I’m giving away a gift certificate for a pre-made blog layout to 4 lucky bloggers from Leelou Blogs! {or you can put the gift certificate towards one of Leelou Blog’s other many design services for blogs, twitter, myspace, business cards, Etsy, and logos!}

{It’ll save you from the dreaded painful claw that comes from doing it yourself.}

leelou blogs

Wanna see the truckload of layout possibilities? CLICK HERE. Be sure to keep clicking “Older Posts” at the bottom of the page to see more.

Some of my personal favorites from Leelou Blogs:

Leelou Blogs blog layout



Leelou Blogs Premade blog layout_I heart spring

Layouts just for the holidays!

Ginger snap copy

Cocoa Latte

all about halloween


If you would like to be one of the 4 blog followers to win our giveaway:

{pre-requisite: you gotta’ be a follower of course! =) }

  • for 1 entry – leave a comment on this post
  • for 2 entries – post about this giveaway on your blog
  • for 3 entries – grab our blog button and post it on your sidebar

{Be sure to let me know in your comments if you posted about the giveaway or put our button on you blog!}


Winners will be announced next Tuesday, July 6th.

Good luck to all and THANK YOU for following!


 blog signature


  1. Ooh, I am in NEED of a blog makeover! I just got married a couple weeks ago and it's time for an update! I'm a follower of course!

  2. I love, love the new look! Great job and be sure to rest your claw! :)

  3. Wow I love the new look it it super duper fun! Good work! :)

  4. LOVE your new layout, it's so summery and refreshing (if that makes any sense ;) I can't believe you did it all yourself, it looks so professional. I am no good with that computer language but since you provided easy links maybe I'll give it a shot. Thanks again for featuring me on your "featured followers".

  5. Love this new blog makeover! I desperately need a new look, maybe it will inspire me to blog more regularly and gain some followers!

  6. Stephanie, you are a doll! Thank you so much for featuring me! Oh, I'm beyond flattered :) You're one of the first blogs I started reading when I started my blog back in October. I appreciate this so much! Don't count this comment as an entry for the giveaway, it's just a thank you! So, thank you, sweet lady!! xoxo

  7. Love love your new look, I can't believe you taught yourself, it looks amazing, I wish I could do my own!! I am really wanting a blog makeover but don't have the extra money, I woudl love to win this!!!!

  8. I put your button on my blog!!

  9. I will blog about this tomorrow!!!

  10. Sorry...forgot to mention that I added your button to my blog and wrote a post about it! :)

  11. I'd love a makeover...and I will write a post about your giveaway!

    I'm loving the new look...I'm all about being "thrifty."

  12. Love the new blog layout, it looks fantastic! In answer to your question about Moroccan Oil, I think it would work great for you - I also have thick hair that is relatively fine in texture. The only time I don't use the oil is when I curl it, because it doesn't seem to hold curl as well then. Good luck, let me know if you decide to try it!

  13. I definitely need a new layout!

  14. Don't count this comment as an entry, but I just wanted to let you know the makeover looks great! I've been reading your blog for a bit now and I love it. :)

  15. cute new look! my blog needs one so bad i hope i win! xoxo

  16. my poor little bloggy has been the exact same since it began about 14 months ago! a touch up is definitely needed! but i'm lovin your new look! xo i've been reading forever and only commented acouple of times.

  17. I am a new follower, love your blog... Found it through Julie at BeB....
    You read my mind about the Blog Buttons I was wondering how everyone did these..Thanks for sharing! Have a great day!

  18. Your makeover looks great! And 400 followers?! Wow!

  19. I posted your button on my Blog :-)

  20. I just found you from BeB, love your blog. I'm a new follower.


  21. I blogged about your Giveaway! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!


  22. I really like Leelou myself, and am having trouble keeping my pics big all of a sudden and have had to switch from it. I think I like your old header better though..

  23. Love your blog! And I really want a dog like yours. I think he is precious! O and also I would LOVE a blog makeover!

  24. Love your blog. Would love to win the blog makeover. I sure do need one.
    Thanks for hosting.

  25. Your new blog layout looks awesome! I love it!!! This is so my style.

    Thank you for making my blog stalk-worthy this week! I'm so excited and honored! :)

  26. Yay! Another KY girl and Cats fan! I just subscribed to your blog via Google Reader so hopefully that will qualify me for your drawing. If not, that's ok too, I'll just enjoy getting to know you.

    By the way, did you go to UK for pharmacy school? I have a couple friends that are grads from there, so I just wondered.

  27. hey i forgot to tell you that i don't know where to find a print of that saying :( if you find one, let me know though! also i'm gonna go blog about your giveaway right now! xoxo

  28. I just found your blog through Julie, the Brown Eyed Belle! You have a great blog here. I like your new header :)

  29. Just found your blog and I love it!

    I am a new follower...
    I blogged about your giveaway...
    and I have your button now..

    This giveaway looks fun!

  30. The new look and design fits you well. I likey likey!!!

  31. The new design is great! I can't believe you did it yourself

  32. Love the new look & thanks for the links. Maybe someday I will have the time a patience to update my blog myself, but for right now I could use some help!!

  33. Love it!!! I just did a post about the giveaway for the makeover and I added your button to my sidebar! :) Count me in for 3 please! Feel free to visit at
    I just love your sweet blog :)

  34. I'm loving the new fun!! I love your blog and reading all of the updates that you post! ps- thanks for the links to the tutorials...I've been trying to figure out some of that stuff for forever!

  35. pps- my fiance bought a canvas like the blue button you have to the right that says "keep calm and carry on" it!

  36. Ooh, her layouts are awesome, and yours came out sooo good!! It's so summery and fun! :)

    I am of course a follower, and I'll comment again if I get around to posting about it! :)

  37. just found the blog and am now a follower!

  38. I'm a follower! I would love to win this!

  39. So this is great, because I have been trying to make my own background, my own banner, my own signiture, and my own button for weeks. I have read, researched and still am struggling to figure it out. I have PhotoShop Elements and have been playing around with the banner, but I am still partially lost. I will check our your links, for sure and keep working on it.

    I am enjoying your blog and am glad you found me a few weeks ago!!

  40. I grabbed you button for a second chance! I really want a makeover!!

  41. I love your new layout and am in desperate need of a blog makeover! Great giveaway!

  42. What a great giveaway! I love following your blog :)

  43. I blogged about the giveaway too :)

  44. Her layouts are really cute!! I hope I win! :)

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I'm a follower of your blog and put your blog button up on my sidebar :)

  47. I just posted about your giveaway on my blog.

  48. I also blogged about your giveaway.

  49. I just blogged about your give-away!!

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Opps LOL probably should have read the date :}
    Cute blog still!

  56. Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)