Wednesday, August 29, 2012

to my little love on his first birthday


One year ago today, at 11:51 am, our lives changed forever.



Our sweet Houston Michael Roberts entered this world, wide eyed and screaming, he was ours – literally everything we had hoped for times a thousand.



His smiles, his joyful noises, his every move has brought us a love and happiness we never knew until we became parents. Not just parents, but parents to this child. My glowingly happy, cuddly sweet, unbelievably bright baby boy. We have been infinitely blessed by him and further blessed that God has made this first year a very healthy year in his life.



As cliché as it sounds, this year has passed with lightening speed.We had no idea what to expect when we brought that precious babe home and as hard as some moments and days were, the reward is beyond anything we will ever deserve. Tonight I think we will jump for joy and celebrate the year that we survived as new parents and that Houston survived US!


This past Saturday, we had a BIG birthday party for our little buckaroo. It was perfectly magical and I do not exaggerate when I say that I felt love and elation in every moment our boy’s happy day. More pictures coming soon!



Happy Birthday, sweet Houston! Our world, in all seriousness, now revolves around you and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You have made your father and I better people with your mere existence. May you always know the love and laughter you have brought so many in this first tiny year. You are SO special.



{…and now I think I’ll continue the sob-fest I started with writing this post. I’ve proudly kept the tears at bay for the 2 weeks leading up to this day as we prepared for his big birthday. The flood gates are now OPEN :) I am so thankful for these HAPPY tears!}





  1. Happy Birthday to your sweet, adorable boy!!

  2. AHHHH! Presh! Happy birthday to Houston! What a beautiful family y'all are!

  3. I can't believe it's already been a year! What a beautiful family. Happy birthday to Houston!

  4. Awww. What a sweet post. Happy birthday to him. I feel now that Layla has passed one that it's going by even faster. :(

  5. I remember when he was just a hope to you two as you started your trying to conceive journey on the other blog. I can't believe he is already one!
    That last picture with the cake smash is too cute for words. Happy Birthday Houston!

  6. Oh my goodness! He's looking so grown up! Thanks for sharing!

  7. My goodness...a yr already! I adore the way he scrunches up his eyes when he laughs....just full of joy! You are a beautiful family!

  8. I have followed your blog since before Houston was born, and enjoyed reading about your happy life with this adorable boy.
    Our son is 38yrs old --- TODAY!
    And looking at your wedding pictures, our son and DIL left their wedding reception in a Corvette also.

    Enjoy that little boy, they do grow up fast!

  9. SO SWEET!! These pictures are adorable - happy birthday Houston!

  10. Wow, I can't believe it has already been a year!! It goes by so fast!!

    Happy 1st Birthday to Houston!!!

  11. Oh my gosh, he is the sweetest little thing :)
    Happy 1st Birthday Houston!!

  12. Happy 1st Birthday Houston! He is a real cutie! I know it is bittersweet, but so fun! Soak in every moment!

  13. Great pictures! Happy birthday little man!!

  14. I'm in tears just sharing in your pure joy! Xoxoxo! Happy Birthday Sweet Houston & Many Blessings today & always!

  15. How is he already 1? I feel like I was just reading your pregnancy posts! Happy birthday to him!

  16. Happy Happy Birthday to the sweetest boy on earth and his fabulous parents. He has indeed turned the family upside down since his arrival. All in a very good way. He will continue to be the center of the universal-UNTIL another grandchild arrives. Love you to the moon and back, Mimmie and Poppy.

  17. I can't believe it's been a year! Happy birthday to your sweet sweet boy!

  18. so sweet!!!! happy happy birthday houston!!

  19. What a cutie pie!! Love all of the pictures! Happy belated birthday to your little guy!

  20. Gosh, how time flies!! Congrats on your first birthday, Houston!! I can't wait to see pictures :)

  21. Happy birthday to your sweet boy! The picture of him with the cake is precious!

  22. Oh my goodness, he is so cute! Happy first birthday Houston! I can't believe it's been a year already. I've been following you since your secret pregnancy blog and it's been so much fun watching your little one grow up! My baby is almost 4 months and I'm shocked how fast it all goes by!

  23. Why do you look so gorgeous in the picture of you guys at the hospital? Unbelievable. I can't believe Houston is one already. Happy late birthday!

  24. Yes, the years fly by. Believe me. My oldest just started Kindergarten. It doesn't seem possible. Cherish each and every moment! :)

  25. First cake smash! Houston looks messy yet still adorable!
    brooklyn birthday party


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)