Monday, September 10, 2012

I declare it shall be Autumn. Like…. NOW.


Fall has finally hit our home .

…and I say “finally” because my crazy obsessive side that is in love with decorations/colors/scents wants to yank it all out and hose the place down with “fall” as soon as July is out the door.

…Which actually sorta kinda happened last year with Houston’s impending arrival coming at the end of August, I decided better to get it all out early knowing there would be much more important things to tend to once my little darling was here.

…Or at least that was my excuse to enjoy it all a little longer than usual.




The weather is starting to cool down to something less than sweltering, the smell of pumpkin scents are burning in every room of my house and of course my collection of pumpkins themselves have put a little extra spring in my step – despite a bum knee.

Torn meniscus anyone?

Not really sure what happened but we shall see if my very UNprofessional diagnosis of my right knee based purely on Google wisdom proves true this Friday… SO exciting!







Anywho… the PUMPKINS!! Oh my GOSH my love for pumpkins and fall is immense.

I found I have to tweak my decorations a little this year with a toddler toddling around who would love to take his favorite baseball bat to one of my beloved fake pumpkins :)


Last year’s decor is no more since that little pumpkin I had hiding up my d

ress decided to debut… and that’s ok! I’d STILL take him over my obsession with fall any day♥

Fireplace pokers, beloved framed cross stitch from my mother-in-law, and other decorations: you shall have no business being anywhere near our floors in the foreseeable future! I hope you enjoyed your last hurrah in 2011.





A little reminder I need tattooed to my forehead – too BLESSED to be STRESSED! This “give thanks” decoration actually stays out year round at our house. Why should we only focus on being thankful for a season?!





I’m considering making a simple little burlap fall banner like this one for the mantle since the surrounding area is not as junked up with gobs of fall as I would like ;)

{I ♥ burlap!}



That DIY should be second nature after spending waaaaaaaay too much time making this canvas banner for Houston’s birthday… which I may or may not have made every member of the family swear they would display every year on his birthday if God forbid I’m not around anymore.








The “Houston” portion of the banner even made it into the nursery after all the festivities were over.

{My mental illness’s way of justifying time spent on making it!}




Last year, with a newborn on the way, my decor was strictly what we already had stored and nothing new or crafty was purchased or made. I dreamed about several projects in this post that I’m also hoping to get to this year.

But with a one year old instead of a newborn, we’re still not scot-free to DIY to my heart’s content… and again, that’s ok!



But wouldn’t it be nice to apply my love for candy corn to this adorable wreath?!

Hot glue gun + a one year old = a big thumbs up!






Last but not least, I’ve taken my love for all fall colors and tried to be cool with some trendy black polish. But I’m still torn on this trend.


Maybe it’s just that I’m too pale to pull it off.

Or I’m too vanilla.

Or maybe it’s just that black polish isn’t really as trendy as I thought it was?


What say you on the black polish debate?



And when did my hand get so haggard and wrinkly?

We’re definitely knock, knock, knocking on 30’s door around these parts ;)





  1. I'm so in the fall mood now, too. Your decorations are gorgeous. If you haven't had the chance to go to Bath and Body Works yet, you should definitely check it out. I went yesterday, and their new fall scents are to die for! P.S. I can't seem to get on the black nail trend either. I was thinking more of a cocoa or neutral. More power to ya if you can pull it off!

  2. I feel the same way about fall! I decorated at the end of August when it was still in the 90's here! I can't wait for cool weather and to enjoy my favorite time of year with my little one this year.

  3. I declared fall to start the first day of September. I love the weather this time a year more than any time where I live!!

    I get ya on the knee pain and problems too. I've been having knee problems for the past 5 years and even had 2 surgeries on it. I have an MRI this week to see if I will be needing another surgery in the near future too. So fun being 22 years old with knee problems!

  4. Absolutely love the wreath...but what about ants??? Black polish...I think it looks chic....but not on me :)

  5. I feel the same way about fall. LOVE IT!!! Though, I feel like it's never going to get here. Can't wait to get off of bed rest and get to shopping and crafting for the season!

  6. Love the wreath! And, you're a funny one!! Thanks for sharing. Visiting from Creations by Kara. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)