Thursday, August 16, 2012

Show and Tell

Personally, I’ve pinned oodles and oodles of crafts to make and DIY out the wazoo on my Pinterest, but I never dreamed my darling husband would be the first one to actually put a pin to work.

For our anniversary, my love made me the sweetest gift that spoke right to my heart.

“52 Reasons Why I Love You” as seen on Pinterest  and recreated by MY HUSBY!:)




I know it’s a stretch for him to get crafty sometimes, so just the thought of him getting it all together and taking lots of time to get it just right spoke to my crafty lovin’ little heart♥



As for the “reasons” why he loves me – these were no generic reasons! He took the time to actually think of 52 reasons specific to the whacky relationship we have. Yes… I get “mad” if he says goodnight before I get in bed. I could explain, but you just think I was even MORE crazy than you’re already imagining!

{this man LOVES me AND my crazy!! u.n.b.e.l.i.e.v.a.b.l.e.}



He cracked me up in between the tear jerkers. He is such a keeper♥



That was my “show” part of the post, now for my “tell”…


I didn’t know I’d been keeping a secret. I’ve been getting compliments on my legs lately – which is very WEIRD for me to say to you… it’s not that I have toned legs – the very opposite in fact. I sort of loathe my legs and am usually the girl sweating it out in pants when everyone else is all cool and cute in their appropriate summer wear.


Case in point:

{looking ridiculous next to my cutie pah-tootie friends in Nashville}



But FINALLY, I can live free with my legs out to breathe WITHOUT panty hose:)


My friends seemed wowed by this product and everyone is running to Kroger/CVS/Walmart to get it. Have you heard of it?

It’s literally been around for years!

My mom even uses and love it.:

Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs



My legs are cool as a cucumber these days :)



Let’s do this show and tell again soon!




  1. Oh my goodness that gift from your husband is SO cute! I've seen girls make it before, but a guy making it? Man, he's a keeper :) And you look gorgeous in your pics, as always!!

  2. So cute!!! And I am a HUGE SH Airbrush Legs fan!!! I have used it since college and it is a dream come true for a girl who is anti-tanning! I spray mine on, then rub it in. Sometimes, I will add some lotion on top to help even it out! By far the best self tanning product on the market!!!

  3. Another leg-hater here! I hadn't heard of that. I'm buying it asap. I am so over the Jergens tinting lotion!

  4. So funny that you posted about the Sally Hansen airbrush Legs product! I actually used to use the face one YEARS ago (like over 10 years ago at least). I have always seen the legs one, but never gave it a try. And then the face product disappeared and the legs one stayed... always see it but have never tried it. Think Ill give it a go =)

  5. I will have to get this! Does it stay put??

  6. I'm so glad to hear someone else gets mad if the hubby says good night before I get in bed. I thought I was the only one and my hubby thinks its ridiculous!! :) ha!!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)