Monday, August 13, 2012

gearing up for a FIRST birthday!


This time last year I was feverishly preparing a nursery for my little love to be, anxiously awaiting his arrival, making lists and checking them off, reading all the baby books I could get my  hands on and getting BIGGER by the hour :)


I could have never imagined how fast this first year would fly by, what it would have in store for us OR just who that little boy would be that was waiting on the other side of my belly button. He has stolen so many hearts, grown the best little personality and surprises us {mostly good surprises…} daily with what he’s learning.


I can.not.believe that in less than 2 weeks, a gaggle of family and friends will be at our house celebrating our little buckaroo’s first birthday. I am so excited!


The theme?

Cowboys and Indians!




Hopefully next year, when he can start to understand giving and sharing, we can start the process of teaching him it is better to give than to receive – even on your birthday! I have several plans for this little life lesson, but for this year, I want to give back to YOU!


You that have given me sweet cherished advice, consolation, and a voice that tells me I’m not alone in the first year of motherhood. I honestly don’t know how well I would have made it through or just how confused I would be without all of your generous comments and emails. SERIOUSLY, from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate you!


I’m hoping to do several giveaways on the blog in the week leading up to Houston’s birthday {August 29th}. Several have contacted me before about hosting a giveaway for their shops/products here and if you’re one of them or are interested in being featured, please contact me!:



Erin from E Three Design Studio whipped up these ADORABLE invitations for us and will be hosting a giveaway on the blog for Houston’s birthday giveaway extravaganza as well! Check out her Etsy shop – her designs are no joke, beyond amazing.


Enjoy a few of the outtakes from our tiny cowboy photo shoot Nick and I attempted… 



This boy was having no part in wearing his cowboy hat.



AND the cowboy boots I ordered him were waaaaay to large,



yet he still made for some extreme cuteness in the chaos of it all!♥



Wait… is that the Naked Cowboy??? ;)









  1. What a cute theme! He is going to make the most adorable 1 year old cowboy. Can't wait to see pictures from the party

  2. I can't believe he is already turn 1!! It flies by doesn't it? He is too cute!! Love the theme and the invites!

  3. Happy early birthday to your sweet baby! :)

  4. Love, love, LOVE the invitation!!! Hope you all enjoy his big day!

  5. Sooooo sweet! If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest posts!

  6. No Cuter than ever! I wish I'd known your theme...I've been doing lots of "cowboy" boot tags on my Etsy, and I would have treated you to some!

  7. Oh my gosh...does Houston ever look just like his mommy! Especially in that second picture!

  8. Hi Stephanie! I recently found your blog and wanted to tell you that I have SO enjoyed reading. You are such an adorable mommy. Houston is precious. Happy early birthday cowboy!

  9. Wow one year already! I remember finding you through your maybe baby blog. Doesn't feel like that much time has passed. Love the pictures of your little cowboy.

  10. awwwww, what a little cutie! happy happy first birthday to your little boy! :D

    <3, Mimi
    Win 3 kinds of truffles from The Madelaine Chocolate Company! :)

  11. Those pictures are so cute. The first year flies by, doesn't it?!? My third baby just turned 1. It goes even faster with each kid!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)