Monday, July 23, 2012

the magic numbers


This past week we celebrated a couple momentous occasions.

Not many weeks contain momentous occasions… let alone TWO! ;)


On Saturday, we traveled to Louisville to be present for my maternal Grandmother’s 80th birthday party. It was supposed to be a swim party at my aunt’s house, but as you’ll see in the pictures, most of us opted to hide from the sun and hang out in the nice large, COOL garage instead :):):)

My grandmother was thoroughly surprised… even remarked that she wished we would have told her so she could have dressed a little cooler and left her fancy stockings at home… hehe.

We had so much fun and I am so glad that Houston was there as well to celebrate BOTH of his great-grandparents!

{My grandfather’s birthday is just 2 days after my grandmothers, turning 84 this year… so of course we unofficially celebrated him as well!}

My great-aunt violet {Papa’s sister} on the left, my Papa in the middle and my Mamaw {the birthday girl!} on the right.



Baby boy had fun with the fan… he’d put his mouth on it trying to eat it {like everything} and sling spit on everyone around! This explains my momma’s face in the background…



My parents with Houston:



The birthday girl!



My sissy and me:



Baby-daddy lovin’



Can you imagine just WHO wanted to take home ALL of the balloons??!



The second momentous occasion you ask?

Our fourth year of wedded bliss this past Thursday. {July 19th}

I am absolutely giddy to tell you I am married to my BEST friend. It’s 100% completely true. There is no one else on this earth I’d rather spend the majority of my life beside. He is sweet, loving, HANDSOME, intelligent… and as corny as it sounds, he completes me. I see more and more as time goes by that we each pick up where the other leaves off. In too many ways we are perfectly matched and our ESP seriously gets scarier every day!

I am so proud to be married to this handsome man and so proud to have been *happily*  married to him for 4 years and counting now.

{Plus 4 is my favorite numbers… random factoid there :)}

I don’t have any pictures from our actual anniversary except of these gorgeous red and pink roses he brought home… good man!



But I do have pictures from the next night of us at Rimcon for a quick dinner date. The first anniversary dinner date that included our little bundle of joy!

anni dinner1


…and a burrito the size of my head!

anni dinner2



Posts from previous anniversaries: A VERY preggo anniversary, pictures from our blessed wedding day, and our very FIRST wedding anniversary. I can’t believe how quick time flies when you’re having fun :)





  1. Houston is just such an angel. He is so handsome! Glad you are back to blogging!

  2. Your grandmother looks young for 80. Tell her I said so! Happy birthday to her and glad to hear things are going well with you.

  3. So glad you're back, looks like a ridiculously fun weekend- Happy Anniversary, you two!

  4. I am so loving Houston's little outfit at the birthday party! That is so sweet! Happy Anniversary!

  5. FABULOUS!!! Grand events are great....especially when that cutie Houston is around. Oh yes ma'am...

  6. Happy belated anniversary!
    It looks like you had a great time with your family!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)