Wednesday, July 18, 2012

TODAY is the day


Today is the day - the day I get back to blogging!


I have been so encouraged by sweet comments and emails while I’ve been MIA over the past few months. I’m sorry I haven’t replied but the most I’ve seen of the internet is through my iPhone and my mammoth fingers and thumbs just don’t do well with the tiny touch screen keyboard ;)


The last time I posted, {on MAY 1st!!!!}, it was about my final day of being fed-up with hanging onto the baby weight. I must say that I DID NOT stick to my couch to 5k schedule. Record 100+ degree high temps in June?! Momma doesn’t have time for a heat stroke… Nor have I been sticking to healthy eating habits {I fall off the diet wagon and climb back on about every other week}, but by some act of God, I’ve managed to lose more than 10 pounds and am only 3 pounds away from my pregnancy start weight :)

More on that later though – I have so much more to catch up on!




{Not the best picture but it’s really one of the very few I have of me these days… seems like one tiny little mister is the focus of all my camera’s attention now ;)}


My time away has certainly not been due to lack of blogging material… this summer has most possibly been the BUSIEST summer of my life, which I mean in the best way possible! Between the mundane life of work schedules and the never ending piles of laundry and dishes, since I’ve been gone we’ve had at least 5 holidays (all firsts for Houston!), a wedding shower, a baby shower, bachelor and bachelorette parties in other states, parties, swimming fun, lots of family visits, a little boy that started crawling and is very close to WALKING(!) as well as an amazing amount of growing on Houston’s part.


The last time I did a monthly update {which I could literally cry about for not keeping up}, our baby boy looked like this at just 6 months old:



We now have an almost 11 month old baby boy and he is SO.MUCH.FUN!!






I can’t wait to tell you more about this little boy we are so in love with and what he’s been up to…



…and maybe even just a little of what we’ve been up to.

Missed you and SO GLAD to be back!





  1. Welcome back! I know how hard it is to try to pry yourself away from that sweet baby boy, so just take your time (: He is SO adorable - the perfect mix of you and your husband.

  2. Welcome back. and wow Little Houston is not so little anymore. time flies!!! He is so cute.

  3. Cutie! It's definitley not the same when a little one is in the picture. I am the same way with lots to blog about, no time to make it happen. Glad to see you are back. I'm back-ish as well. :)

  4. Welcome back!! I actually just checked your blog the other day to see if you had deleted it since it had been so long since we heard from you. I can't wait to hear about what you guys have been up to!

    Houston is such a cutie an he looks just like you!!

  5. Welcome back!!!! Love all the pics! Can;t believe how big the little guy is!!

  6. So glad your back blogging! I love reading about your sweet family. Houston has gotten so BIG! Can't wait to see what is in store for his first birthday!!

  7. Yay, so happy that your back! Houston has gotten so big and is cute as ever. Sounds like a fun summer so far and can't wait to read more! :)

  8. So glad you're back. Can't believe how big Houston has gotten! So handsome!

  9. Im so glad you're back to blogging! I found your adorable blog and then poof you were gone! (for good and cute reasons though!)

  10. We missed you!!! So glad to have you back and catch up on your little family =)

  11. So glad to see you are back! He's gotten so big! Can't wait to read more!

  12. YAYY so glad you are BACK :)

  13. Welcome back!!! Houston is so handsome- can't wait to hear all about what y'all have been up to :)

  14. So very glad you are back. Your boy is more handsome than ever!

  15. So glad to see you're back! Can't wait to hear more about that sweet little boy's shenanigans :)

  16. Yayyyyyyyy!!! I'm reading lots if blogs but posting nothing these days too. I can read while I feed a baby...type not so much. Can't wait to see what you guys have been up to.

  17. So glad that you are back. Holy cow, Houston has changed so much, but is so adorable!

  18. What an adorable little guy! And you look great girl. : ) Glad you're back!

  19. So glad to see your back!!! You were missed. :)

  20. glad you are back!!! I'm ready for Millie to be born (Tuesday) and to get this weight off, so depressing.

  21. Oh my! He is so big and so handsome! Welcome back!

  22. Gkad your back girl!!! You look awesome!!
    Little Houston sure has grown and is such a cutie!!!

  23. Yeah!! Glad you're back! Houston is ADORABLE!!!

  24. Welcome back! And he has gotten so big! He is so cute!

  25. Yeah! So glad you're back! I can't believe how big Houston is getting...and he's so darn cute!

  26. welcome back! I was just thinking about you the other day...can't believe how big your little man has gotten!

  27. You were missed. Glad you are back!!!

  28. I've missed you too. Houston looks wonderful - you all look great. Looking forward to having your unique and eminently likable voice back in the blogosphere.

  29. Welcome back! Houston looks so big and so cute!!!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)