Thursday, August 02, 2012

uncle fishy


This past Saturday, we spent a fun-filled day in Newport {northern Kentucky} celebrating my brother-in-law’s birthday with family and lots of friends. Chad lives in Michigan and we so rarely get to see him that it was much more of a treat for us than for him!


McKinlee and Kennadee {sisters and family friends} with Houston and Uncle Chad.



There was about 13 of us total that ate together at Mitchell’s Fish Market on the levee in Newport. It was delicious and the company was even better.


Sweet Dani and D.J.! So happy to finally see these gorgeous girl again and to finally meet D.J. for the first time. I can’t wait to get him and Houston together again SOON.



I wasn’t sure how Houston was going to handle a visit to the aquarium. We’ve never done anything quite like this with him before {no zoo, shows, etc. yet – are we boring or what?!} and it happened at a time when he is usually ready for his second nap of the day, so anything was possible.

I was {extremely} pleasantly surprised.


Houston petting a starfish!♥



Admiring a school of fish with his Kiki♥



Kennadee and the croc, “Mighty Mike”



Houston trying to make a run for it from Mighty Mike…



Mother and son:






This bird flew anywhere he liked around the “rain forest” area of the aquarium, which this day was right into the head of the man in front of us… Nick took this picture while I quickly scurried past and tried not to anger it any further!







He was SO PRECIOUS {as usual ;)} with his finger pointing and oohing at everything he saw.♥ Just when did he get to this age????



Ho-hummmm…. just an enormous shark swimming over top of our heads…




My favorite always – the penguins. I could watch them waddle, jump and swim all day!



Strollers weren’t allowed in the aquarium at the busy time of day that we went, so when we had our stroller returned to us at the end, this boy was buckled in and asleep in 60 seconds. You would never have known he was that tired while in the aquarium, he had a blast!



Back to the grandparents house for a little birthday celebration.











and of course – MORE PLAYING!







…and maybe even time for a tiny photo shoot with the Roberts men and their Reds jerseys.


roberts reds 



♥ ♥ ♥

loves of my life:





These girls adored Houston almost as much as he adored them.







I was so impressed at how great they were with him, toting him around all day, feeding him, entertaining him. I said out loud that Houston didn’t need a little sibling, I needed to somehow get him a big sister. But how??

Kennadee quickly quipped that of course – I could adopt!

Knowing these two sweet faces on these gorgeous girls were BOTH adopted, it sounded like the best idea I’d heard in a long time.



You may or may not recognize them as our tiny flower girls in our wedding just 4 short years ago. Which is now making me feel soooooooooooooo old.


Our Wedding 365





  1. Looks like a blast!! Can you believe our little guys are almost 1!! Mine turns 1 on the 17th!! I love the pictures of them in jerseys!!!

  2. Houston is seriously cute! Looks like the aquarium was a hit and glad ya'll enjoyed it! :)

  3. looks like Houston had such a fabulous time! and I think those Reds photos are definitely frame worthy...even if I am a diehard Cards fan! ha!

  4. This looks like SO much fun! And you look STUNNING in your wedding photo! What a gorgeous fam you have :)

  5. So much fun! And how time flies is right!

  6. What a cutie Houston is!!!!! The picture of him asleep in his stroller was precious!!! And your little nieces seem so sweet!

  7. I love the jersey pics! We haven't been to Newport yet. We did the zoo last summer & it wads huge hit so it might be time. Maybe one of these 90+ degree days. :)

  8. Looks like so much fun although I cold do without the sharks overhead. The boys in the jerseys are just too cute.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)