Friday, November 05, 2010

girls trip ~ Charleston, SC

I really wanted to start this post with one of these, it’s just that I’m not sure how to finish these openers yet:


A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead drive into South Carolina…


An accountant, a nurse, and a pharmacist are all on a road-trip together when…

Read on to see what really happened! =)




It seems unfair to be on the verge of another trip, complete with its own blog posts and picture montages, without ever having reviewed the trip I took on Labor Day weekend.

Remember Labor Day?

Remember all the way back to the first weekend in September?

I admit it readily…





To come to my own rescue for the delay {and to beat myself up for more personal faults}, I forgot my camera for the trip. Since I forgot my camera, I had to rely on my friends’ pictures for this post, which took me a while to get {still my fault, not theirs!}

The camera was packed and sitting nicely in its little travel bag, along with the tiny camcorder, which were left sitting in the bedroom where ALL OF MY BATHING SUITS were left as well.

So at least the camera was packed, just not put into the car. The bathing suits didn’t even get packed before being left. They weren’t even a thought for a frickin’ beach trip.

I loathe myself sometimes.



Thankfully, I have fabulous friends who loan me things like pictures and bathing suits. Friends who put up with a nut like me, a nice nut who did all the driving from Kentucky to Charleston, SC and then precedes to turn slap happy as usual when the exhaustion set in at dinner that night:





{FYI: tanning bed goggles found in your purse can be used for entertainment purposes without a single tanning bed in sight…}



Luckily, my friends can be just as nutty…


Have you ever been to Charleston?


I’m ready to go back. This time though, I will forgo the hotel, instead taking my husband and my pup, find a sweet realtor and move in for good!






I don’t think I’ve ever fell in love so hard with a city.

It’s gorgeous, laid back, has BOAT LOADS of shopping {the high end kind and the my end kind =)}, tons of history, amazing architecture, and food that will knock your socks off!



I have never tried dinner grits before BUT OH MY STARS, this lobster/shrimp/scallops/butter/grits thang was to die for.

I am now a full fledged grits lover.

{and a good 10 pounds heavier still from this trip}








These pictures are barely even a sideways glimpse at the massive mansions {around 30-40 thousand square feet} built by plantation owners a couple hundred years ago. They were – for lack of a better term– magical.





Photos taken from our horse drawn carriage tour – a must in Charleston.



I’m fairly certain I could have fit in perfectly in this era.

A long southern draw, petticoats and hoop skirts, huge parties, gossip over tea, dramatic fainting and all.

You can just call me Miss Scarlet.





On our last day, we woke up early {a small feat for these 3 working girls} to catch the sunrise at the beach.

Totally worth it.





Rebecca ~ Stephanie ~ Ellen.



I may have missed my calling as a true southern bell, but I may still one day answer the call of beach bum. I can see myself living mighty happily in this quaint home with the backyard beach =)




I’ll be back, Charleston!



Now to decide whether to take the clunky Canon Rebel to New York, risking looking like the obvious tourist, while bringing home some awesome photo memories…

Decisions, decisions.


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  1. If you find a realtor you love in Charleston, send me their name! I'd LOVE to move there...Husband and I always say we'll buy a house on Kiawah Island (about a 30 minute drive from Charleston) when we win the lottery :) So glad you had such a good time!

  2. I am dying to go to Charleston! One of my life long besties lives there and she loves it! We thought about moving there for a while, but it's not much of a financial center so it would be difficult for hubs to find a job he'd like as a hedge fund accountant so we decided to pass on it... but someday we're so going there! Looks gorgy! Hope you're well! xo

  3. Oh Yay! I love how much you loved Charleston. I moved here a little over two years ago from Kentucky. It really is a great little city. Glad you had a good trip!

  4. so glad you loved charleston! although its kind of hard not too...i moved to charleston this past spring and i love it here!

  5. Charleston is pretty amazing! I take it for granted sometimes going so much. Your post was a nice reminder for me of how incredible it is! And the food is seriously, the best ever! Next time let me know that you are coming, I will give you some names of places to eat "off the tourist grid" you will love!! :)

  6. I am glad you liked our city!! I have been here for 10 years and love it very much!

  7. I have never been but you make me want to visit, looks like you had a wonderful trip!

  8. Charleston is a beautiful place. We just bought our first home here back in the spring and I've been here since college (yes, I went to college in this beautiful city) Next time you should take the drive out to Kiawah; my parents have had a beach house there for years and it is a beautiful place off the path from all the Charleston touristy things.

  9. Oh, I love a good road trip...especially with my girls! Looks like you fine ladies had a mighty fine time! I love the pictures...most definitely take the canon rebel!

  10. I love Charleston! My hubby and I went up for the day a couple of weekends ago :) I took a lot of the same pictures as you of the houses and bridge!

  11. I always thought I was born in the wrong era too. Movie like Gone with the Wind and Pride and Prejudice make me so wistful to live in a time like that. Beautiful pictures and as always you look beautiful too!

  12. I Love Love Charleston! We go there every summer, weather it is a stop in on our way to a summer vacay spot or vacationing there!!

    I think we have discussed this before but I know Ellen!! She is from my hometown... Her cousin Tiffany is one of my best friends!!

    What a small world!!!!

  13. Ahhhh I LURVE Charleston! It is AMAAAZING and you really never want to leave! Thanks for the recap... Now I'll be daydreaming about ways to finagle a trip soon!

    Seeing these pics makes me SO JEALOUS of your formerly long locks! lol, I've finally grown it out super long and now have to drop some serious cash to try to recreate THAT COLOR! I'm getting ready to get it cut (& donate it) though, so at least that color appointment will be a little bit cheaper!

  14. Love, love, love Charleston too and we're planning a trip there this summer. Can't wait! My husband and I would like to live there someday too or at least have a vacation home (: What restaurants did you eat at (where were the food pics taken)?

  15. My little sister going to College of Charleston and we visited her last weekend and let me just say ... I LOVE my kentucky CATS but ahhh, I'm so mad I didn't go to CofC!! It's AMAZING there and I'm so jealous of my little sis! Charleston is the!!! xo

  16. I've never been to Charleston or anywhere else in S. Carolina but after looking at your pics I think I'd love it. Those homes are SPECTACULAR!!! As a Louisiana girl I can tell you grits ROCK!!

    I say bring the big camera to NY. You want to make sure & get great pics!

  17. What a great trip with the girls and the south is pretty awesome if I do say so myself and all the beaches.

  18. Looks like such a fun girls trip! My honey and I are planning a trip to Charleston next Spring and I cannot wait, it looks so beautiful!

  19. What a fun trip! We live here in Charleston and feel so fortunate to live in such wonderful place! You will have to see my latest post about the Calhoun mansion! So glad you enjoyed yourselves!

  20. Charleston looks gorgeous! Seems like y'all had a lot of fun! You have a such a glow in all your pictures- so jealous! LOL

  21. I LOVE Charleston!! Looks like a great and your girls look gorgeous!

  22. I have never been to Charleston but after your trip it looks amazing and I think I might have to go there. It looks like ya'll had a really good time and the tanning bed goggles makes you look like one of the hypnotized people on True Blood when Maryann had bewitched everyone. LOL The houses are so pretty I would have loved to been there during the Scarlet days too. :) Have a great weekend.

  23. I'm pretty sure I would do just about anything to live in an old plantation house! They are so beautiful :)

  24. What a beautiful post, sweetheart! I loved all the pictures, and now I am ready to book my own Charleston trip! But I have bee DYING to ask you, you gorgeous girl, how in the world you do your make-up!!? You always look FLAWLESS! Do share ;)
    Have a lovely day, babe!

  25. Take your rebel to New York everyone there is a tourist. Cross on the green light (when the traffic is clear) and ignore everyone that is what true new yorkers do haha

  26. Just came across your blog and I was born and raised (and still live) in Charleston! Glad yall had a good time!

  27. I was hoping someone would do a post on Charleston. We lived there for two 2003-2005 and loved every second of it. I have been begging my husband for a trip back this summer, and your pictures just proved we need to get back there soon! Thanks for the great post!

  28. I'm sure my husband is tired of me repeatedly telling him that I want to take a vacation to Charleston....this post confirms my desire to travel there 10x over!

  29. i grew up in Charleston and... oh how I miss it!!! Seriously, it's simply wonderful.

  30. I stumbled upon your blog from Kelly's Korner and I couldn't leave with out saying how much I ADORE Charleston! We had the amazing opportunity to spend an entire month in the city last summer. Incredible. You said it best in you post when you said "I don’t think I’ve ever fell in love so hard with a city". That's exactly how we feel. There's just something about it. It just draws you in. Woo-Hoo for Charles Towne! ;)

  31. LOVE Charleston...such gorgeous homes! Look like a fun trip! :)

  32. Found your link through CG's party, I ALSO wrote about my trip to Charleston with my bestest girlfriends! Glad someone else was a little nutty there as well...

  33. Just stumbled on your blog. You are gorgeous. I'm looking forward to following you :)

  34. Where have you gone Stephanie? Come back!

    ~ Charleston


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)