Monday, November 15, 2010

I Heart New York


We’re back!

{or did you even notice we were gone?}

We had a blast in New York and I am attempting to document it, chapter by chapter, for our memories and *hopefully* for your entertainment.

I’ve had to work every second we’ve been back though and today, on my day off, I have the uncontrollable urge to get down my fall decorations and plaster every inch of my home with CHRISTMAS!

{After New York, I feel the need for more glitter in my life and I think Christmas decor will be just the ticket…}

There hasn’t been much time for blogging, or sanity, but I’m attempting to do it as quick as possible before I start forgetting all the little memories of our trip that made it so wonderful♥


Like this wacky old guy who boogied down to music while ice skating in Rockefeller and whom Nick just had to get his picture taken with…


Somehow,  I was the one who got pressured into doing an “ice dancer pose” the old guy thought was a fun idea… I would have rather seen Nick’s flexibility. What a picture that would have been!

But more on that and our other adventures later.

I can’t wait to show you more, but for today, I gotta get back to my lofty goal of finishing Christmas decorating before Thanksgiving ;)



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  1. love the picture! looks like such a fun time!

  2. Cuteee! I can't wait to see more pictures! I've never been to New York but hopefully one day I will finally talk my husband into taking me! :)

  3. Love the cute picture...can't wait to see more!

  4. Ahhh, I'm so envious that you got to ice skate there!!! Love the picture

  5. So cute! Never been to NYC, but wanna. Love your exude HAPPINESS! I love it...

  6. I can't wait see more! I'm actually a fellow Kentucky girl who now lives in the New York City area and, just like you, I love it!!! I still feel like a tourist. ;-) If you have the time, feel free to follow my blog:

    P.S. Your blog is so cute! :-)

  7. Christmas decorating before Thanksgiving!?! Girl, you are crazy! :)

  8. I am your newest follower!

    What an adorable picture!!! I am excited to read more!

    Have an awesome day!

  9. Glad you're back! I can't wait for all the pictures and updates.....

  10. Can't wait to see more photos!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)