Monday, November 01, 2010

November! New York!


Happy November, y’all!

Have you ever tried blogging on a chilly morning with a tiny space heater by your feet, all toasty and warm? – I love it. In fact, I predict you will be seeing more of me here as the mornings become even chillier and I try to dig for a good excuse just to sit by the heater all morning.

It’s the modern day version of reading and writing by the “fire”.



We are already having an especially exciting November in the Roberts house as we are planning a spontaneous trip to New York very soon.

Being spontaneous and planning anything always equates to me asking for help from you…

And y’all are ALWAYS awesome and quick to offer help and sweet advice. I could never have imagined when I started blogging that it would lead to so many “friendships” on the big ol’ world wide web. I am always floored by the just plain GOOD human beings out there who will go the extra mile for a stranger. You continually renew my faith in humanity.

Sorry, but I felt the need for that little tangent and constantly feel I should start every post with sweet words for all of you who leave such sweet thoughts for me!



Anywho, we have been making our own little list of the sites and scenes we’d love to take in while in New York. But I’m sure we’re leaving out some must-sees that you know of and would love to get any advice on the ones we’re already planning to see as well as what to pack, what to avoid, safety tips, WHERE TO EAT!, etc.

Our fun to-do list:

  • site seeing on a double decker bus tour
  • taking the ferry over to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty
  • ice skating at Rockefeller
  • dancing on a giant size piano in FAO Schwartz
  • kissing on top of the Empire State building ♥
  • drinking one of Oprah’s favorites – a frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity
  • paying our respects at Ground Zero
  • strolling hand and hand through Central Park
  • Taking a carriage ride in the city
  • hopefully, being in the audience on at least one of these: The Today Show / Regis and Kelly(!!!) / David Letterman / Good Morning America
  • seeing Wicked on Broadway
  • filling up our sugar tanks at Dylan’s Candy Bar
  • visiting the Brooklyn Bridge
  • ringing the opening bell on Wall Street ;)
  • no clue on which museums we’ll have time for but we would love to see them all!!: MoMA {the museum of modern art}, the Guggenheim, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and American Museum of Natural History
  • possibly seeing the Rockettes – anyone recommend it?


We are flying in so we won’t have to deal with a a car in New York {thank God} and we somehow lucked in to staying here:



The Waldorf=Astoria


We are too excited that we only had to pay for one night because the rest were covered by my reward stays through Hilton Honors earned traveling for my former job with CVS.

Who knew good could come out of that frustrating time in my life?! =)

The BIG GUY did.


The last time {and only time} I made my way to New York, I was 15, a freshman in high school on a choir trip.

This picture was taken on that trip with my future maid of honor, Bridget, and my future flat mate in pharmacy school, Andrew, on the ferry over to the Statue of Liberty. I love this picture – so young, so naive, so clueless of the future, and without any thought, centered perfectly with the twin towers in the background.



Nick has never been to New York. We couldn’t be more pumped. The super quick spontaneity of putting this trip together has been a rush as well.


Can’t wait to hear your advice.

We need it!

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  1. The Rockettes are amazing! I highly recommend them. Especially at Christmastime. I've walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. It takes a little bit of time but it's a GREAT view of the city. Have fun in NYC!

  2. Im not sure the giant piano is still there, when I last visited the store was closed for a refurb!
    There is sooooooo much to do in NY and you have a pretty long list haha Although if I could say go do one thing, go up the Empire State Building, the observation deck gives you the best views of manhatten.
    Take in Maceys and Bloomingdales...its a must as is having a ride in a NY Taxi lol.
    Do not forget your camera, there are so many photo ops, On your stroll through Central park why not try lunch at Tavern on the Green and then take a horse drawn carriage ridge round the park! (best done in the evening in my opinion)
    But most of all have fun xxxx

  3. You have an awesome list, it sounds like you guys will have a great time! I don't know how you feel about cupcakes, but Crumbs is fantaaaastic. I wish I could go back right now and get the Peanut Butter Cup one! I also really liked going to the Top of the was a bit expensive though so I'd probably stick with going to the top of the Empire State Building instead. :)

  4. My husband and I LOVE NYC, and we have gone every year we've been together. That's 5 times in 5 years :) Anyway, I highly recommend the following:
    1. eating street vendor food. I don't know if you're grossed out by that, but they have the best food ever! We got a bagel and coffee one morning and took it to the little tables in Times Square and it was so good! It wasn't cheap-o water-y coffee like I was expecting! And the bagels are so not like store-bought bagels you pop in the toaster. No toasting needed it was amazing! We also got one of those gyro things that was super good too and really spicy! We also saw a huge (like an entire city block) line waiting for this meat stuff that they pile into a pie plate type of dish. It was after 8pm and the line was huge, so we figured it had to be amazing, and that people didn't die from eating it or it wouldn't have been so popular! :)
    2. Get the all-day or several-day subway pass. It is $8 for the all-day metro card and it is TOTALLY worth it. I don't remember the next step up from the all-day pass, but I remember thinking that if we were staying longer than 2 days (which we weren't) it would be cheaper to buy that. (sidenote: download the NYC street and subway map apps for iPhone!! Then you can be a tourist and not look like one!:)
    3. There's a little shop next to McD's in Times Square with all kinds of free coupon books, free information books, and tickets for Broadways you can buy.
    4. The line is always HUGE to go out to the Statue of Liberty. Be prepared to spend hours waiting.
    5. Chinatown has awesome knock-off purses and cheap things.
    6. Go to Times Square at night.
    7. We went in April this year (I blogged about it...) and I wore a long-sleeved t-shirt and wished I had a jacket. It will be cold -- and windy -- which I was not prepared for.
    That's all for now :) If I think of more I will let you know! I'd usually tell you to stay in NJ and take the ferry over from Weehawken, but that will not be necessary. I AM JEALOUS!!! One day I WILL stay in NYC!! :)

  5. Hi, I don't think I have ever commented before. I have been to NYC on an annual girls trip for about 6 or 7 years! :) We love NYC! Here are a few of my suggestions:

    -Definitely see Wicked. It is amazing! :)
    -Make reservations for Serendipity. This time of year they are super crowded.
    -Eat at Carmine's in the Theater District. They serve family style Italian that is unbelievable! You will need to make reservations here too.
    -Skating at Rockefeller is really crowded, but skating in Central Park is not as crowded and is cheaper.
    -The Rockettes are good, and something I'm glad I saw, but I definitely enjoyed Broadway much more!

    Have a fabulous trip!

  6. So much fun! We went in April and had a blast. We fell in love with Greenwich Village. Such cute shops and cafes! The Rockettes are great! Be sure to have a Magnolia cupcake for me!

  7. I hope yall have a wonderful time. I'm jealous :) Can't wait to see all the pictures. I've never been but have always wanted to.

  8. Make sure you check out Eataly, owned by Mario Batali. Think Williams-Sonoma meets fresh Italian fare. Also, check out TKTS in Times Square to score cheap Broadway tickets. Have fun!!

  9. Try and get a reservation at La NOW because I think people usually call a month's amazing food and a really cool experience! HAVE FUN!!!

  10. I too have a space heater they are the best!!! I would so recommend rockettes , and go eat at hard rock cafe ! thats all i can think of at the moment off the top of my head! you will have so much fun though!!! :)

  11. One other thing, for a freaking fantastic view of Times Square you msut go to R Lounge in the Renaissance Hotel. Floor to ceiling windows, you'll feel like you're floating on top of Times Square. The food was good but pricey so if nothing else go for a drink and the view.

  12. New York is on my list! I so want to go there! Have a great time!

  13. Looks like you are receiving excellent advice, but I think you have the highlights covered.

    I had to comment about good ole honor choir!!!! That is the only time I have been to New York, but I hope to go back one day. Sam has never been, so maybe we'll journey there sometime soon.

    So many fun memories with honor choir and yes you all do look so young.

    Have a blast!!

  14. I'm going to New York soon also! I have seen the Rockettes before and it is worth it. I'm not much into shows and wasn't expecting much and I really liked it. I'm going to see them again on our trip! Have a great time :)

  15. I'm so jealous! We went to NYC last December and it was magical! Have a great time!

  16. Ive been a tourist to NYC a few times because my BFF lives there. I LOVE the city, and I am itching to go back!! Here are my words of advice!

    -First things first- THERE ARE A LOT OF THINGS TO DO IN THE CITY!! Dont be surprised if you just dont have time to do everything.

    -Central Park is HUGE. I still havent been able to see and do everything. Each time I go- I spend an afternoon in the Park, and Im only about 1/4 a ways through. Buy a map if you want to see certain landmarks. Strawberry Fields is a good one.

    -Def get the weekly Subway pass. Its the best deal if you are staying more than 2 days.

    -Each time I go, I go to Serendipity's for the frozen hot chocolate. We go when they first open, and there isnt much of a wait. I have ordered the food there twice, and each time, I am disappointed. STICK WITH THE DESSERTS.

    -Traveling down to see the statue of liberty will take half a day. Get your passes ahead of time if you can. And if you dont want to wait in the horrendous line, skip it, and take the Staton Island Ferry for free and you will cruise past the Lady Liberty for some good photo ops.

    -The Big piano is still there (at least it was last summer) It takes some time to find it, but its there and there are probably about 100 5 year olds in line =) The original big piano from the Movie Big is on the wall at Hard Rock Cafe.

    -If you want delicious pizza, go to Lombardi's. I have been craving it ever since.

    -Gelato off the streets in Lil Italy. YUM.

    -Crumbs Cupcakes. YUM. I took 4 home with me on the plane.

    -Def dedicate a date night to go see a Broadway show and dinner

    -I have never been to the top of Empire, but I did Top of the Rock which is great, and you get a fabulous shot of the Empire.

    -St. Patricks Cathedral is an amazing site

    -Dont forget to stand in Grand Central Station

    -My best advice for safety is too not stand out as a tourist. ha. I walked fast and acted like I knew where I was going.

    -Understand that a lot of New Yorkers arent that friendly. It will save you a lot grief.

    Ok- thats all I got for you! I hope you have a great trip- I am super jealous!!

  17. I can't believe you are staying at the Waldorf-Astoria!!! I am soooo jealous!!! I am in like total awe of you right now! I bet you will see so many celebrities!
    Hope yall have fun and be safe!

  18. How awesome! That is so exciting! I've never been, but would love to someday!

  19. I loved NYC and want to go back soon! It's been several years since we've been though so I was curious to read what other people said about places to go. We are pretty big foodies and really enjoyed Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill. Someone mentioned Tavern on the Green but I think that closed. We weren't that impressed with the food anyways. There are a couple of bakeries that are legendary out in the blog world, Levain and Bouchon to name a couple. I'd also advice looking at the Food Network's website to see some of the places chefs have recommended on "The Best Thing I Ever Ate..." Have fun, I know you will!!

  20. So, I just happened upon your blog and it's super cute! Anyway, my husband and I just went to NYC last December. It was amazing! I would definitely recommend seeing Wicked, it's fabulous! We saw the Rockettes and it was okay but Wicked is so much better. You should eat at Carmine's in the theater district but make reservations. It's some super amazing food! Also, you should go eat breakfast at A Friend of a Farmer in Union Square. It is small and quaint and super yummy. Also, Rockefeller ice skating is really crowded. We went ice skating at Bryant Park and it was great. There's also a lot of cute vendors around it selling all kinds of neat stuff. And when it comes to shows, Regis and Kelly is amazing! We actually went twice! But get there early. You'll have to wait for a while but it's well worth it. I could go on and on but I better stop! :) Have fun! It's such a great place, especially during the Christmas season!

  21. The frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity is out of this worth the wait! Yummy!

    We enjoy Ruby Foo's restaurant in Times Square and Thalia on 8th Avenue...I believe it is one of Rachel Ray's favorites!

  22. I have only been once for a quick weekend when Z was up at West Point, so I have no advice, but HAVE FUN!! What a fun, spur of the moment trip!

  23. You will LOVE the Waldorf. It's amazing. The restaurant they have in the hotel is really good if you're looking for a quick bite.

    You should stop by the "L-O-V-E" sign for a picture. I can't quite remember where it is....but I'm sure you can google it or someone at the hotel will tell you.

    There is a great sushi place called "Sushi on the Rock" not too far from the Waldorf. It's supposed to be fabulous (my Aunt ate there several times - but it was too busy when I tried to go).

    You HAVE to stop by this cute little Japanese Bakery that's (sort of) in Rockafeller center. It's called Minamoto Kitchoan. They have the most beautiful things. And they are tasty too!

    Soho is a great place to go for a little sight seeing and shopping. And you HAVE to walk through Times Square at night. Have to.

    OHMYGOSH how could I forget. You HAVE to go to this place if you can. It's called "the donut plant". It's incredible - they've won all kinds of awards and been on TV for their donuts. It's worth any cab ride you have to take. I promise. I still remember loving their lavender donut...and that was almost 5 years ago

    I hope you have a WONDERFUL time! :)

  24. I just went to NYC this summer and have been there about 15 different times! I LOVE it and I'm sure you will too! The Waldorf is such a fabulous place to stay! If you have time, head over to the plaza hotel and have afternoon tea or a drink at the oak bar. Right across the street from the Plaza is FAO Shwartz so you can head there next and all of that isn't too far away from all of the good shopping! Also, if you want a nice lunch, fairly inexpensive (well, for NYC that is) then head to The Odeon. It is DELICIOUS! I also love Tao for a fun date night, and if you go there you could possibly have a celeb siting! Be sure to head to Rockefeller center because there is a lot of shopping around there. I also love Henri Bendel's on 5th, and Bergdorfs has a 5th floor which has lots of sale items!
    Here is the link to my post about my most recent trip to NYC:
    Have a great time!!!!

  25. Hi I just stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago....soooo cute! This one especially since it is close to my heart. My husband of one year and I became engaged in NYC at the Waldorf!!!!! I couldn't love a place more! I agree with all the posts before me. You must have a vendor hot dog and you HAVE to see Wicked, cried my eyes out:):). We also saw Legally Blonde, sooo cute but I'm not sure it's still playing. Anyway have a blast and I look forward to hearing all about your adventure!

  26. I wish I had advice, but I have never been! I'm dying to go, and I'm super jealous, haha...Your agenda looks amazing! What a perfect time of year to go, hope y'all have a blast!

  27. O my goodness...I'm so jealous. Going to new york is on my 'bucket-list'. I can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it! Watch the movie "Serendipity" before you go! It will get you in a New Yorkie kinda mood!

  28. I was going to mention Dylan's Candy Bar, but it's already on your list.
    Hope you have an awesome time!

  29. I LOVE LOVE LOVE NYC!! I went there every summer to stay with my Aunt in the city. One of my FAVORITE places to eat in the city is Ellen's Stardusk Diner. The wait-staff all sing and dance while serving food! And these are all people who want to perform on Broadway.

    Check this place out -

  30. HellO! You should check this blog:
    She is or was in New York and you can get ideas of what you can be doing or where to go!!
    Have fun!

  31. Ahh...I love NYC! I've been there twice. The one piece of advice is...if you are in a hurry and want to see (and stay) alot in one place. Don't take the double decker bus. I hated it. If you don't get off at a site, and want to go back, you have to take it around the whole route again. Which seemed like a bummer to me. We took the subway everywhere. It's very easy to use. And one other thing...there's a difference in "uptown" and "downtown". We were under the impression that Wall Street and Ground Zero is right next to Broadway and Times Square, ya...that's not the case. Why do the movies give that impression? lol. You'll need a day for each side of the city, atleast! Have fun! I'm jealous. Cute blog by the way. I'm new to this blog world :)

  32. The Rockettes are AWESOME! I saw them a few years ago and I absolutely loved it. It's just one of those things you need to see if you're going to New York during the holiday season. I would also recommend going ice skating in Central's not as fancy as Rockefeller Center but it's definitely a great New York experience!

  33. go indulge in a little... or lot... of chocolate at Max Brenner's, Chocolate by the Bald Man Restaurant. Pretty much anything and everything is made from chocolate. Also, get cupcakes at the Magnolia Bakery!

  34. If you like tv (especially SNL) check out the NBC studio tour. I thought that was pretty cool. I LUV NYC! The Rockettes are definitely a must! Enjoy!! Can't wait to hear all about it.

  35. I've never commented, but just had to comment on this post! I was in New York last week and had the most amazing time! My top recommendations are to walk or bike around Central Park and to go to the West Village at night. My husband and I loved The Spotted Pig (restaurant), Turks and Frogs (wine bar), and Magnolia Bakery (cupcakes!), all in the West Village. Have fun!

  36. So jealous, I LOVE NYC! You have a great list of "to dos" already set up, but I would be sure to add Tribeca/Soho to your list (fun shopping!). I would definitely recommend comfortable shoes (SO much walking involved) and lots of warm clothes since the sun doesn't reach the ground due to the skyscrapers. Have LOTS of fun!!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)