Tuesday, June 22, 2010

beach wrap-up

After a full week of blissful relaxation, our beach trip to Fort Lauderdale came to an end this past Saturday as we packed up the 4-Runner and started our 18 hour journey home.

I swear, I almost cried saying goodbye to the beach from our balcony. Looking back though, I think it was the stress-free days with no itineraries, mornings without alarm clocks, and endless amounts of one-on-one time with my beloved husband that I knew would be left behind with the beach; which is enough to make anyone almost cry. We both put our best faces on and out loud reminded each other how nice it will be to back in our own home, to sleep in our own bed, and {the best reason I had to smile about going home} to see our dog again =)



This stress free, no hurry to get anywhere vacation was exactly what the doctor ordered. My nerves are rested, my attitude is sunnier, and I feel much more prepared to handle the madness of the pharmacy world again. Hopefully, the feeling lasts. It will be a long time until the next vacation…



A fun little side story: This past New Year’s, Nick and I  spent some time in Orlando with friends at Disney World. I actually made the comment several times before we left that it would be the first time I could remember that I actually went somewhere warm while it was still frigid back at home. If you believe in jinxes, than that is definitely what I did. Upon arrival, we were met with the coldest temperatures Florida had seen in January in the past 30 years. I was a little disappointed to say the least, even though we still managed to have a great time with our friends - because, hey, it is the happiest place on earth, right? Unfortunately, I can still say I haven’t been on a vacation to somewhere warm while it’s still cold back at home.


It seems Florida has warmed up since our January visit. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I talked so poorly of it’s “supposedly warm weather” while we were there last and Mother Nature doesn’t forget a cross word. Just to show me, Mother Nature cranked up the heat up and gave us a taste of some of Florida’s highest June temperatures on record{because of course, the world revolves around me, and therefore, so does the Mother Nature and weather patterns ;) }.

How hot was it, ya say? It was hotter than you-know-where. Which prompted me to rename our vacation spot, Fort Lauderdale to Fort Lauder-hell.   =)



But guess what, Mother Nature?! Hot or not, we enjoyed ourselves anyway! Because when you’re there to swim and tan and nap in the shade, lots and lots of sun is just what you need. {Not to mention that when I would call home to check in with the parents, I heard plenty of ranting about just how sweltering hot it was back in Kentucky as well. Which at least relieved me that we weren’t vacationing in worse weather than back home.}

I think this post I wrote while we were still away kind of gave away the few good picture I took while there… it wasn’t much of a “go, see, do” kind of vacation, more like “I’m trying to recover from physical and emotional depletion so I’m going to lay here in the sun by the pretty water and let people bring me lots and lots of comfort food” kind of vacation. I fully recovered both physically AND emotionally, as well as gained 5 pounds… COMPLETELY worth it =)


One of the only places we visited that wasn’t the beach, pool, or a supersnazzyultrahip restaurant with yummyinmytummy food was the Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art.

I truly recommend this place if you’re in the area – super cool art AND even some Picasso! SCORE!

We even got in free as “college students” – it pays to keep your old college ID in your wallet!!

Except that I don’t – so thank goodness Nick has been carrying my ID from our freshman year at Georgetown, the year we met, in his wallet for several years now. Not only did it come in handy for a free pass, but I personally think that is beyond sweet♥!

{I just push the thought aside that he might carry it because he likes the 18 year old version of me better than the 26 year old…}



We had a glorious time and I am oh so thankful for these wonderful, lazy days together.

Final conclusions: best vacation we’ve ever taken.

We both agreed, it was even better than the honeymoon – and that was one good week! ;)

Now back to work and life in Kentucky,


  1. Looks like you all had a lovely time! As a Florida native I do miss being able to sink my toes into the sand and enjoy a good book next to the waves.

  2. Your getaway sounds like it was amazing. I love vacays like that because you get to actually relax instead of stressing about what you need to go see/do. I love Florida sun too, especially after that frigid winter we had!

  3. Welcome back. Sounds like an amazing vacation!

  4. What a great vacation!! I actually have "Chasing Harry Winston" on my nightstand, just waiting to be read!

  5. Oh how I envy you!!!! Welcome back though and hopefully you are well rested! I have been wanting to get into a new book..I might check out the ones in your photo lol! I hope you don't mind another follower!

  6. Beach vacays are always the BEST...even the 500 pounds of sand that accidentally makes the trip home too! Sounds like a lovely trip!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)