Sunday, June 20, 2010

my dads

My father is so precious to me that I shouldn’t need a special day set aside to celebrate him. It should be said right now, that even though we live 2 hours apart and I don’t get to see him {or my mom} nearly as much as I would like, I think about them both many, many times throughout each day and our memories are some of the happiest of my life.

While growing up, I never knew how great I had it. I didn’t understand how veryveryvery lucky I was to have such a stable and loving family. My father is so much to me and such a strong influence in my life. He is the very definition of calm, patient, understanding, forgiving, humble, God-fearing, sweet, loyal, sensitive… the list could go on without end. Without him, I would not have set such a high standard for the other men in my life. I’m certain I would not have wound up with the loving, sweet husband I have without my father showing me how a real man should be. {My husband also divulged to me one day that my dad is in his top 3 of the men he respects and admires the most in the world… I could have cried!} My father is usually not a man of many words {unless he’s having one of his super silly days!} and has always taught us through his wonderful example.

We didn’t have the chance to be together this father’s day since both my parents and Nick and I were all traveling and in different parts of the state, but it always goes without saying,

I love you, Daddy!


Biltmore Trip '08 030




Biltmore Trip '08 138




It wouldn’t be a Father’s Day post if I didn’t include all of my “fathers”!

My father-in-law has been such a wonderful and self-less father to his sons and has always welcomed me with open arms into his family. I am so grateful for all of the admirable qualities of a husband and father that he passed on for my husband to follow in his foot-steps!



2009 031 

In-law weekend 027


Last by not least, our precious grandfathers began the tradition of being WONDERFUL examples of fathers and husbands. We are LUCKY to say the least!

{I’m so sorry I didn’t have a picture on the computer of Nick’s paternal grandfather, Ottie. I never got to meet him, but I have heard hundreds of stories of his sweet character and the wonderful friend he was to everyone, as well as a very successful businessman! He is greatly missed by his family.}



My maternal grandfather, Ernie , pictured with my little cousin, {and his best side-kick}, Christopher.  

Candy maker extraordinaire.   Famous for asking this granddaughter what she wanted for breakfast at 5 years old and actually giving her what she asked for that morning.  My mom came downstairs a little later to find me eating my ice-cream for breakfast – she will never let him live that one down!



My paternal grandfather, Robert, a.k.a. “Bud”.  

Always laughing, smiling, handing out candy {and money when we were teenagers!} and just like my father, patient as Job =)

{In this picture, you can tell my dad took a little more than just patience from my grandfather, he got his looks! You should hear them laugh it up and slap their knee just alike - IT’S HILARIOUS!}


Nick’s maternal grandfather, Bob.

As soon as I met him the first time, he was telling me one funny story after another, singing old songs as we grocery shopped in the aisles of Wal-mart, and cracking me up with the way he referred to women as “broads”. He’s a hoot! and Nick adores him.

Christmas 2008 199


Happy Father’s Day to all!♥


***P.S. – Please say a special prayer for Nick’s friend who’s father passed away this Father’s Day morning. This same friend lost his very dear grandfather this past year and his only brother just passed away a few months ago in a truck accident at work. This family is going through the worst imaginable and I find it hard to even type these words to you. They need prayers and God’s healing more than anything we could ever do for them on this earth. I pray for God to give them peace, to ease their broken hearts as best as possible, and to give them strength for the long road of healing they have ahead of them. I hope you’ll take a moment to approach His throne on their behalf as well today.


  1. Hello!
    I am sorry for your friend's loss; no one should ever go through such pain in such short time or EVER as a matter of fact; he will be in my prayers.

    Happy Father's Day to all your fathers :). You sound like you're very well surrounded!

    I am a new follower and I love your blog; it's really interesting and I cannot wait to read more!

    Enjoy the rest of your evening.


  2. Oh Stephanie my heart is heavy for your friend's family. I will be praying! Hope all is ok with you! Sending hugs your way!!!!!

  3. I love the one of your dad playing Jenga!! :) Praying for your friend and his family.

  4. y'all are lucky indeed.
    my heart goes out to your friend and his family.

  5. You are one blessed girl to have all of those amazing men/father figures in your life. Just awesome. I prayed for your husband's friend, I just can't imagine the hurt.

  6. Praying for your friends family! Love all of those pictures!!!

  7. What a sweet post. We are so blessed to have such wonderful men in our lives.

    Thank you for following my blog and for leaving sweet comments. I am glad you found it and I plan to begin following yours, as well.

  8. Hi Stephanie -

    What a sweet post! I just saw the comment you left over @ Remodelahollic today about my house tour. The plant with the really large leaves is a Coleus. I think the variety is Kong. Hopefully that is the plant you were asking about!


  9. Gorgeous pictures. I too, have a very special relationship with my dad and I am very grateful for such an amazing man in my life. I hope you had a great weekend! xoxo.

  10. Thank God for the great men in your life! That's so wonderful and not to be taken for granted.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)