Wednesday, January 06, 2010

our NYE in Disney

As promised, here are a few of our favorite pictures from our whirlwind Dinsey World trip we just came back from on Monday!

We had so much fun touring Walt Disney's dream, with a side of eating lots of goodies around every turn of our vacation. Obviously, the token New Year's Resolution of weight loss had to be delayed until we got home.

One HUGE regret of the trip for me: that I didn't take my Canon Rebel.

MY GOODNESS the fabulous pictures I could have taken of Mickey and Minnie! We thought the bulk of that big old camera would be too much of a hassle to cart around, but in the end, we realize it would have been totally worth it. I forgot what total garbage comes out of our smaller camera...

Now that my one rant of the trip is out of the way, onto Day One in Disney, which just happened to be New Year's Eve!

We hit Hollywood Studios on this day after being advised it would be the least populated park for the holiday. The crowds were insane. Which is about to make me a liar because here goes on a second teeney tiny rant... common courtesy! It was nowhere to be found in the crowds.

Navigating through the holiday people traffic was a nightmare for the first couple of days of our Disney trip. The last time I went to Disney was 5 years ago in the dead of summer vacations and it was MUCH BETTER in terms of people traffic. I was almost gunned down by a stroller, oh, I dunno, 1 million times. All I'm saying - watch where you're going and if you know NO OTHER words in English at all... excuse me would go a long way. It took lots of self control not to throw a few elbows in  the "Happiest Place on Earth". {Cue evil laugh.} MuHahaHahahaa...

Besides my two tiny rants, which neither of spoiled the trip by no means, we had a blast with our friends Johnny and Ashley! So as not to overload you and your computer with images, I'm going to divide the posts up into days.

Day One - a.k.a. New Year's Eve
Hollywood Studios

The shuttle, on our way to Disney!

Mickey's famous Fantasia sourcerers hat.

A plarmacy in Disney? Heck yeah!
And instead of lots of pills, lots of candy?
Double heck yeah!

I wonder if they have any job openings?
I may know candy better than I know meds!

NYE dinner at DE-licious BeniHana.

Of course, the Christmas decor and music were still in full blast at the parks.
This one street was a-maz-ing. Wish it could translate to pictures.

{I hunted down that big blue bad cotton candy I'm clutching. I reallyreallyreally wanted some cotton candy that night.}

And my favorite pic from the fireworks show that night.


The night Hoolywood Studios went up in flames?


More to come of Day 2, Day 3, Day 4...


  1. Great pics. I am the same way with our Canon Rebel. I never want to lug it around and usually regret it.

    Looks like so much fun!

  2. I don't blame you for lugging the rebel. I can't wait to see more! Now that you are back....let's hang out and warm up the old Rebel for some jumping shots! What hotel did ya'll stay at? How was the flight and all the travels with the recent high security alerts at airports that have occurred through the Holidays? Clue me in next post! Muah!

  3. Ah, a rebel. I need a souped up camera!

  4. We were just there in Disney the week before Christmas and it was extremely crowded. One of the worst I've seen in awhile there and we go all the time. We love the Osborne Lights at Hollywood Studios. It's beautiful isn't it and how it's all done with music. Glad you had a good time. Can't wait to see the rest of the pics.

  5. I'd love to go back to Disney World now that I'm grown up! I might have to convince my husband to take me for a long weekend later this year. Looks like you had a blast!

  6. What a fun trip! And your pictures still look beautiful. We're thinking about taking a vacay there this fall. I'm so excited - I haven't been since I was a kid!

  7. What an awesome trip! We {heart} WDW too! I linked up wth Kelly for SUYL- hope you'll check out my blog too! Susan @


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)