Tuesday, January 05, 2010

back from Disney, another year older and deeper in debt

Last night we celebrated the birthday of a very wonderful man in my life.

We flew in from chilly Florida to absolutely frigid Cincinnati by four in the evening and made our trek home by six o'clock. Nick's momma was here waiting for us with our sweet, dearly missed, puppy-son. The same dog I've talked about like a mad woman since being separated, as well as swooned over his pictures on my phone like the lunatic that I am who carries on as if he was my own.

YES, I do know I am crazy. Recognizing you have a problem is the first step.

Anyway, not only did Karen bring our sweet child back to us, she also came bearing presents and a scrumdiddleyunptious chocolate cake!

This man's birthday was actually not until today, the 5th, so the celebration is continued with a little birthday lunch. Sadly, life goes on and I must work till 10 tonight, hopefully he finds a way to celebrate on his own.

Maybe a little Xbox 360 without a nagging wife around?

Sounds delightful.

This sweet human has blessed my life tremendously and deserves only the best. He married me - Hallelujah! - and puts up with me daily as well as continues to love me despite my many flaws. He is super talented, a fantastic head of household, crazy handsome, and too easy to love to pieces.

Happy birthday to my most awesome 26 year old husband!

I'll get around to filling ya'll in on our little trip soon. We had a blast! But until then... notice any Christmas decorations? How about the fully decorated and lit-up Christmas tree in the backround?

Yeah, it's been pretty impossible to get to those just yet with work and traveling. Maybe by my birthday in February they'll be taken down and put away...

We have still yet to fully unpack, I've washed and dried the laundry but it's sitting wrinkled in the basket waiting to be properly put away {I hate when I do that}, and the house is a train wreck.

It was a wreck before we even left and now it's worse. Worse than ever with the addition of still being fully decorated for Santa 11 days after Christmas. All this to do with a few New Year's resoultions on top of that, all of which are just a bit time consuming.

And it's back to work for me and back to school for Nick.

That's life folks!

Thankfully, one of my resolutions includes not letting myself stress, letting go, and taking it all one step at a time. That resolution is already hitting a pretty big test to my willpower but surviving thus far!

But can I stay stress free AND reach my goal weight by my birthday?

One step at a time...

Much love and hoping your 2010 has been blessed so far!


  1. I can't wait to hear about your trip! Who says that decorations have to come down right away! haha good luck being stress-free!!

  2. You guys are a gorgeous couple. So sweet.

  3. Goal weight? What you talkin' bout sister?? Glad you had a fun trip, and safe return!

  4. My Christmas decorations are all still up too...so no worries! Hope the trip was wonderful...can't wait to hear about it!

  5. My Christmas decorations only just came down today, so don't worry! Glad you had a great time at Disney!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)