Saturday, January 09, 2010

News of the strange and the weird

After coming home from work in the snow and the bitter freezing winds last night around 9, Nick and I decided to have a movie night. It was a nice end to the work day and a wonderful excuse to cuddle-up with the one I love after freezing in a pharmacy with a drive-thru window that lets the little warm air we have out and the chill of the arctic tundra in.

{Me and the drive-thru window do not get along. Also, me and the sassiest of the sassy drive-thru customers do not get along. Therefore I stay at least 10 feet away from the window and all the demanding sassiness and cold air that spouts through it and stand next to a space heater instead. STILL my hands freeze to the point that if I were not able to see them or the words they were putting on my computer screen, I would not be sure if they were actually moving.}

Anyway, in true 12 year old form, Nick and I decided to move all the furniture out of the way and build a cozy little bed on the floor of the basement in order to make a proper cuddle puddle, pup included, while watching our movie.

Oodles of blankets and some pillows from our bed. It was the coziest and the BEST way to watch a movie in front of the projector screen. {As well as beside the glowing Christmas tree that I have been told will be taken care of today, while Nick is watching a football game in the man cave.}

Just how cozy was our floor bed?

Cozy enough for Hendrix...

...and cozy enough for us to not wake-up until 5 am. Had I not woken up and wondered why there was a fully lit Christmas tree in our bedroom, we probably would have slept on the floor until the morning. We moved our sleepy selves upstairs for the ramainder our our beauty sleep.

Like I mentioned, it has been snowing around here. This little jewel has proven to be quite worthwhile and purchased just in time for me to travel in wintery conditions with the all wheel drive.

{and of course this is just how I planned to show it to you for the first time - covered in mud, snow, and road salt - crusted over and unable to be washed until our temps can get above freezing}

Thursday, I worked a full day from 8 am - 9pm while peeking out windows and hearing from customers how the roads were getting worse and worse. Before I knew it, I was snowed in, scared and unwilling to drive back home or to drive onto the hotel at my next work location for Friday. Instead, I argued with travel agencies and hotel employees when "it was too late to cancel your reservation" and finally got a hotel room in a hotel about 1 mile from my snowed-in pharmacy. Thank God I was able to get everywhere safely and to return home in one peice last night.

So today, instead of fearing the snow, we PLAYED!

We buried our faces in it and came out looking like the abominable snowman.

"we" = Hendrix only

We're thinking about having a big BBQ on our deck this evening.

Stop on by! Your chair is waiting for you...


  1. Awww your little bed looks so comfy!

    And Hendrix is adorable :)

  2. SOOO cute!!! We do that, fact, we were planning on it tomorrow afternoon/night! :)

  3. Such a cute idea for a "cuddle puddle!"!!

  4. that looks like fun! might have to try it myself...

    I like the garland on your deck, ps. :) ours is still on our porch too... it is just to snowy/cold to do anything about it... plus it's pretty :)

  5. Oh my goodness-your movie night looked like so much fun! SO cute!

  6. BBQ sounds great! What can I bring? HA!!

    We have also made a comfy nest for movie night quite a few times. I just does not get old. Love yor PJ's, by the way!

    Also, love, love your new beauty!

  7. LOVE your new car! Snow can be a PITA sometimes, but I sure do miss it!

  8. What an adorable idea- the "movie bed" looks so cozy:)

  9. What a great idea!!!!! I love it!

  10. Great idea to put together a bed to watch the movies on. It does look super comfy!

    Very cute blog - you've got a new follower. :)


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)