Sunday, January 10, 2010

cold duck

On the way to church this morning, we noticed that the ponds in our neighborhood were nearly froze and that plenty of our neighborhood geese and ducks were just sitting on the ice. That got me thinking about whether they get enough to eat... what if the ponds completely feeze up... how I have a bag of old bread ready to be thrown out that they might enjoy... and WHY THE HECK DIDN'T THEY FLY SOUTH?!

I know it's usually a summer activity and it's only 10 degrees out - but why not go feed the poor little freezing ducklings?

{the geese were on the bank, totally uninterested in my stale bread}

The ducks started to swim away from me until...

Food fight!

Nick drove back home and left Hendrix and I, all bundled up, to walk back.

{This was the plan, though I made it sound as if we were abandoned.}

Some of the geese decided to fly home as well. They were making a beautiful "V", but we didn't quite catch it on camera.

Wild man, a.k.a. Hendrix, was all bundled up for the walk because he just got the sweetest haircut and I thought he might miss that extra warmth. Doesn't it make him look just like a wee little one again?


What a difference!

I just told Nick yesterday that I think there are sweet little baby angels living inside dogs.

They are absolutely the best, especially this sweet as sugar and cute as all get out pup.

One crazzzzy little baby angel here, just doin' what he loves.

Wallerin' his back on a blanket while chewin' on his favorite cigar bone.

We ♥ him.

P.S. We had to run out to Lowe's in the middle of me writing this post... seems as if our gas HEAT has went out. Yikes. The temps in the house are already down to 63 degrees and should something not change soon, we'll probably be near freezing temps in our house in the morning!

I'm sitting next to a space heater right now, we just bought a kerosene heater, brought home some wood for the fireplace as well, and Nick is on the phone with his dad, a.k.a. the petroleum engineer, trying to see if he can fix this himself.

Shew... 63 degrees is much colder than I ever expected.

Oh - and poor Nick. I'll be leaving for work tomorrow morning and won't be back for a couple days which means.... yeap, I'll be in a hotel. A hotel with heat. Poor sweetheart will be left behind to deal with this problem as well as go to school.

I can just see me coming back to him and the pup frozen in a big block of ice, neanderthal style.


  1. Oh no, I hope you get the heat fixed.

    Cute pics of the ducks. We have lots of ducks around us too and I always wonder why they don't fly south...? Maybe they are from Canada and Chicago is south to them...?

  2. Hope your trying to stay warm. I can't imagine. I love your Hendrix. He is just so cute. What kind of dog is he?

  3. OK, I'm saying LOL to your 63 degrees, even though I know you don't think its funny. 63 degrees is what we set our heat on during the day--and we live in Wisconsin =)

  4. Your dog is just adorable! Hope your heat gets fixed!! :)

  5. I always wondered how to spell shew!lol

  6. Sounds freezing!!!! I thought Kentucky was warm!!! (that's where you are, right??)

    Question: what exactly do you do? I know you work in a pharmacy, but why all the traveling? Just curious :)

    Hope you enjoy the WARM hotel!

  7. Hi, I wanted to nominate you for a blog award on my blog. I just wanted to say that I love your blog and on my darkest days, your blog makes me smile. You have so many wonderful ideas and they inspire me to do something new. Thank YOu.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)