Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cowboys & Indians Birthday Party - Part 1

On August 25th we celebrated Houston’s first birthday a few days shy of the actual with lots of family and friends – almost 50 people came to our home, a.k.a. the Roberts’ Ranch! We were blown away by each and every one of their presence that day and our hearts were full with the outflow of love for our little buckaroo from so many.


The day was nothing short of magical.


I will forever look back at this day with *extremely* fond memories. It honestly ranks right up there with the day he was born and our wedding day. I LOVED every moment and there’s no way it would have been possible without the most dedicated grandparents and aunts and uncles any little boy would be blessed to have.


Too bad Houston will never remember it, but that’s why there pictures – right?


The party started at 2 that afternoon and the friends began trickling in!



‘Happy Trails Mix’ for our guests.



Miss Bessie donated by my best gal, Houston’s aunt Ginny :)





I probably attached more than 200 balloons to this wreath for my baby boy’s big day. More on this craft soon!



The birthday banner I worked all week on and made my family make various morbid promises about…



Cowboy hats in kids and adult sizes, sheriff badges, Indian head dresses and stick on MUSTACHES for only the most fun guests ;)



His itty bitty cowboy boots and hat that he pretty much refused to wear – cute pic anyway!



Stick horses for the kiddies.



Simple tied together bandanas for a banner around the deck.



The cake and cupcakes were phenomenal looking AND delicious. If you’re in the Lexington/Georgetown area, Desserts by Rebecca was a dream to work with. Thanks, Rebecca!









Told you!

My cousin, Kristen, approves.




My maternal grandfather, Ernie :)



The boy and his beloved Poppy.



With his Mimmie.






Meredith brought a sweet little Indian to the shin-dig, Houston’s buddy, Mason.






My love♥









This picture of my boys melts my heart.






 Kennedy, deep in thought while horse-back riding ;)



 Brit and Wyatt, our best buddies.



Loving on his Grand-dad.



Gina and Gabriella were looking precious in matching coral!



More pictures and the sources for the party details tomorrow as well as a party package giveaway to come!!!


Check out our Facebook page for the full party album.





Don’t miss Part 2 of Houston’s big day!


  1. I LOVE the decorations! I can only imagine the time it took to pull it together. Job well done girl! We had my daughters first birthday in July. It stamps such a precious footstep on your heart, doesn't it?

  2. Holy goodness what a sweet sweet party!!! Love all the decor!! Houston is soo precious! Cannot believe a year has gone by!! Looks like you had a great time celebrating!!

  3. You come up with the best decorations and themes for parties! Everything looked great and Houston got to ring in year #2 in style =)

  4. Those decorations are so crafty and unique and that cake is TOP NOTCH!!!! Such a cute theme!!

  5. What a precious party! I am having Lainey's birthday party Saturday and I so wish I had done it at home! Love it all!

    Be sure to visit my blog, I'm hosting a giveaway right now!

  6. What a PRECIOUS birthday party!

  7. He is just the cutest thing! Loved his little suit pictures the other day, too :) They grow wayyy too fast, huh?

  8. Wow, everything looks perfect!!! Great job mama. Houston will love looking back on these xo

  9. This is a complete birthday party! i think there is nothing missing in the party.
    kids birthday party Boca Raton

  10. Wow!!tEverthing looks perfect.Realy I loved the decoration.Thanks for sharing.I know a very beautiful place to celebrate ur kids birthday party


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)