Monday, September 24, 2012

1 year old going on 25…


I’d love to keep him in onesies and footie pajamas forever and preserve his innocence – but who can resist a baby boy in his very first tiny suit after Sunday morning church?!





True to the little man he’s becoming, this one prefers to not be without his precious remote control ;)





Even in his grown-up suit, he’s still my momma’s boy for now!







For all those who think he’s always smiling… here’s the proof that our tiny tot can have a tiny tantrum from time to time, though I’ll admit it isn’t very often!

Just don’t take the remote control away without another distraction ready and waiting ;)




“Where’s my REMOOOOOOOOOOOOOTE???!!??!!!!!!”




Ahhhhh…. content again, remote in hand.





An attempt to attain a nice family photo with his grandparents sans remote = FAIL.




WAIT! NOW, he’s TRULY a happy man.

Remote in hand, pantsless.




We soaked up the last days of summer on the deck last week with his new water table.





It was hit as I hoped it would be.

Splashing in water is pure joy for this wild boy.





I’ll be back with his pics from his first birthday party – trying to pick just a few to share out of the hundreds the photographer took for us is nerve racking.

I love them ALL a little too much. The cuteness is overwhelming!

But I did upload alllllll 170+ of only my favorite photos I have to the blog’s Facebook page today if you want to stop by and check them out :)


Now we’re off to enjoy these crisp fall days we’re having now with an actual non-heat stroke inducing walk in the afternoon at Lexington’s GORGEOUS arboretum.

Happy fall, y’all!





  1. Such a cut little man :-) Oh and how familiar pictures with remote are! Remotes are favorite toys of my Zachy!

  2. His little man suit is ADORABLE!!! And what is it with boys and remotes??? Carter LOVES our remote. I bought him a toy remote for him to play with, but apparently it's not near as cool as the actual remote. Ugh.

  3. He is so easily lovable. And growing up absolutely TOO fast. :)

  4. Him in that suit makes me want to die from cute overload!

  5. he is SO handsome! and you are gorgeous mama! and boy do I know those baby screeeeaaammms

  6. Ohh, that suit is precious! What a cutie. :)

  7. He is a doll! We are quite fond of the remote in our house, too. It's so funny, our remote is grimy! I have to clean it every night!

    Check out my blog, I have a giveaway going on and lots of jewelry for sale!

  8. OK, please share where you got that suit!!!! That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Also, where did you get the water table? What kind is it?

  9. He is a doll. Do you think the arboretum is really neat? I ask because we visit Lexington often for the horse races and have thought about visiting it but never have, I have 3 small girls.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)