Tuesday, March 20, 2012

the magic secret for a sleeping baby AND a giveaway!

A couple weeks ago, I was hanging out with some long lost friends of mine from college. {A MUCH needed reunion and so much fun… a blog post in itself to come!} Several us girls became moms to baby boys in the past year and we were non-stop chatter boxes about all things baby all night long.

{Something I’m sure the non-moms in the group were absolutely thrilled to hear about incessantly… sorry, sweet friends, we’ll try to cool it on the baby talk next time!}

Seriously though, I needed this. There is nothing like another new mom to make you feel more normal about the daily predicaments you find yourself in these days and how you’re handling it. I thought I had motherhood all figured out until I became one. Now, I’m clueless.

P.S. It seems like there are a few women not yet in the ‘hood who think they have it all figured out… just a friendly note that I was with you at one time and believe me, I know you mean well, but you do not know how you’ll handle life in the motherhood until you’re right there in the thick of it. It’s okay, just write your “I would never _____” thoughts in your journal instead of saying them out loud, then refer back to them when you’re actually in those shoes and you will THANK ME you didn’t air them about like the expert I use to think I was as well!
{Oh yeah, I also use to compare dog owning to raising a child. ALSO, a mistake. Like I said, I meant well enough.}

Oops, veered off track.

Back to the mom venting at the reunion...

While we were commiserating on sleep, I explained how Houston has never been the same since we stopped swaddling him around 4 1/2 months. He thrashes and wiggles and beats himself up and makes it impossible on himself to stay asleep. He’s excellent at taking his own pacifier out, throwing it to the side, and then screaming for someone to find it and put it back in it’s rightful place.

What a goober.

He never seemed comfortable or secure anymore like he did in his swaddle. He was just plain fitful at night and during naps, which had been going on for 2 months.

Then my friend Ashley, mentioned that her niece had been sleeping in a magic sleepsuit of some kind ever since she had stopped being swaddled. I was hooked on every word about this mythical, magical sleepsuit.

That night, we left our friends’ house around midnight and as soon as we were in the car, I started Googling the magic. There was no doubt, my life now needed a magic sleepsuit before my sleep deprivation warranted my own magic suit, otherwise known as a straight jacket.
Then I found it, Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit. It was ordered and at my front door just a few days later.

The day it arrived, hubby was away on business in Vegas, {ummmm, yeah – business? What-eva.}, and my parents were staying with me.

We nearly died laughing at this little guy in his new sleep wear. It appeared as if he had put on a good 10 pounds.


Like I mentioned before, this baby loves to jump constantly. He was still jumping in the sleepsuit, but it reminded more of the slow, anti-gravity jumps of an astronaut on the moon. More laughter ensued.


That night though, I was no longer laughing.

I was sleeping like a baby, because my baby was FINALLY sleeping like a baby!

It was no fluke either, night after night, instead of waking every few hours to demand a diaper change or a mid-night snack, my baby sleeps.
Nap times too!

I am in awe and already fearful of him outgrowing it =)

Not only that, since I’ve started talking to others about it, I’ve found lots of people whose babies also sleep in Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit. Honestly, I was kind of ticked that I didn’t hear about this before and I couldn’t not tell you about it.

The gift of sleep is priceless.

I went so far as to email the maker, Maureen, mother of four and pediatric physical therapist, to ask her if she would give one of my lucky reader’s a sleepsuit of their own as well – she agreed!!

If not for your own babe or futures babes, the gift of sleep makes a WONDERFUL baby shower gift. The sleepsuits come in blue, yellow, or pink and sizes 3-6 months and 6-9 months.

{At this point, I think it’s very important to tell you I was NOT compensated to write a review of any kind. I genuinely learned about this product from a friend and bought it with my own money out of desperation to achieve SLEEP! I would not lead you astray or EVER be paid to write a positive review. I rarely rave about a product and when I do, it is REAL.}

{I feel better now :)}

If you would like to win a sleep suit of you own, any color, any size, you simply need to be a follower of this blog and leave a comment on this post.

For additional chances to win you can:
Please leave a separate comment for each chance to win. A winner will be chosen this Friday, March 23rd.




  1. I was not compensated either but can testify to the good nap he had with his Mimmie watching the very first time he wore it for a nap.

  2. I'm due any day now and am taking ALL advice for babies sleeping through the night! What a great giveaway! Thanks for all your advice!

  3. I just liked your Facebook page too! I'm already researching this Magic suit!!

  4. Oh this sounds magical!! I would love to win this. Thanks for the review...this sounds like heaven!

  5. Just started following your blog via email although I check in regularly. Never heard of this magic sleepsuit! Amazing!

    Karen in MD

  6. My 4.5 month old needs this to work for him! There is hope that I'll get a good night sleep at some point! :) Following you on Pintrest & liked you on FB. - Amanda B.

  7. Oh I cant imagine sleeping through the night...we need this!! One questIon, will you still use it in the summer when it gets warmer? My little guy is 4.5 months now :) oh and I follow your blog...love it! I am also following you on pinetrest

    1. I've still been using it and it's been in the 80's here lately. We turn the AC up at night and he's only in a onesie under the suit, he doesn't seem hot at all!

  8. Thank you for introducing me to this wonderful product!

  9. Whoo hoo, I'm a follower, and about to become a mama for the first time and anything that a new mom refers to as magical is on my list of wants!

  10. Also following you on Pinterest.

  11. This would be awesome, my 4 month old, only sleeps soundly if she is swaddled. I follow your blog.

  12. I also liked your Facebook page. Love all the pictures.

  13. Follower, commented, follow on Pinterest, liked on Facebook, and blogged about it! Thanks for the chance to win Stephanie!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I started following you on Pinterest...I'm completely addicted to it.

  16. Thank you for this offer! I have a sweet little boy due in June so this is perfect for me! Thanks again!!

  17. I have a 3 month old who only sleeps swaddled and does exactly like your son if she is not. I would love to try this out.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I just liked your Facebook page!

  20. OMG - I need this! My babe is 4 months old and is outgrowing his swaddle. I follow!

  21. I follow you on Pinterest. I can see you wasted no time getting into it! :)

  22. I posted about your giveaway on my blog. www.accordingtoashleyblog.blogspot.com

  23. What makes it magical? Fairy dust? Potion? I must know. Is it weighted? I will be checking this out. We just switched from swaddle to sleep sack. Does he get hot? Is it as snow-suity in person? I'm full of questions! I'd like to try it out!

    1. He doesn't seem hot at all and you know how warm it's been here lately! It's somewhat heavy and it keeps him from thrashing much, but "heavy" like a thick blanket - not weighed down.

  24. I'm a follwer. Gave up fb for Lent but I'll find ya when I'm back! Pick me. My twins want to try.

  25. I'm a follower and would love the chance to try it out!!:)

  26. Wow! Sounds amazing. My little girl is 6 months old and has kept me sleep deprived since birth. I'm willing to try anything at this point... within reason of course ;)

  27. I meant to write above I am a follower.
    I also now follow you on pinterest.

  28. I am a follower of your blog! Hope to win for my upcoming bundle of joy! :)

  29. I followed you on pinterest as well.

  30. I'd love to win--love following your blog!

  31. Tweet, tweet!

  32. I've never heard of this sleepsuit! I too wish I would've known about this sooner!

  33. I have been reading your blog for awhile- love it! Just became a follower.

  34. I have been reading your blog for awhile- love it! Just became a follower.

  35. I have never heard of this magical suit but I'm definitely going to be checking it out for our next one. Sweet giveaway! :)

  36. Oh and I like ur fb page. Adorable Houston pics on there!!

  37. Our baby boy's due in a few months and I am so grateful to hear about the magical sleep suit! I'm sure he would love it just as much as Houston :)

  38. And I'm now following on Pinterest! You're so crafty I can't wait to see your pins.

  39. I'm a new follower...and I would LOVE to have this...it might be a bargaining chip in talking hubby into baby #3:).

  40. I've been following the blog for awhile, but now I'm officially following on Google Reader!

  41. I have liked your FB page! Love the pictures of little man!

  42. I'm following your Pinterest---love it all!

  43. Okay...so the sleep suit? Hilarious. But hey, whatever works Mama! Glad you guys are getting some much-needed shut-eye. We were so blessed to have a pretty decent sleeper in Sam. Once we got a few initial kinks worked out, nights were okay. At least, they were better than some horror stories I had heard from my friends. All that to say, I'm sure the Baby Gods are planning their revenge on us with #2. ;)

  44. P.S. Not trying to enter twice by adding this...just popped into my head. It looks like it's really heavy. Does Houston get hot in it? It looks almost fleece-like...

    1. He doesn't seem hot at all and you know it's been in the 80's here! he's in a onesie under the suit and he sleeps sooooo well!

  45. I would LOVE one! I follow you on pinterest

  46. following your blog =) Loving reading it!

  47. Following you on pintrest =)

  48. Following your blog and love this new sleep solution! Our little loves being swaddled and I'm dreading the day we give it up and what happens - now I know! :)

  49. Just liked your on FB - Stephanie Boswell Williamson.

  50. And following you on Pinterest too - same name as above!

  51. I would LOVE to give this as a baby shower present!!
    Krystal D

  52. I have a 4 month old baby boy that will not sleep! This might help...I am willing to try anything! Lol

  53. Also, following you on Pinterest!

  54. How it is possible to not know about this magical suit??? This should be included in a hospital going home basket!

  55. Two things that you and I have in common: One, my niece was unable to sleep through the night until my sister put her in a magical sleep suit and voila! Sleeping like a baby (pun intended) through the night! Two, my hubby was also away on business to VEGAS a couple of weeks ago. I found that funny and ironic :) I love your blog!

  56. This sounds awesome! My little guy only sleeps well swaddled in his miracle blanket but he's getting close to outgrowing it already... I'm a follower!

  57. ...I also follow you on pinterest now. :)

  58. Our first little one is arriving in September-- and it sounds like we need this! :)

  59. Plus, I follow you on Pinterest. :)

  60. I've never heard of this either! We have our first little one on the way, and think the sleep suit would be a great addition to our small collection of baby clothes. I love your blog and have found myself looking back to when you were expecting to see how it went for you!

  61. I'm pregnant with my first and I would love one of these!

    I'm a follower of your blog :)

  62. also I'm following you on pinterest! (username: bottleblack)

  63. Bethany PenningtonMarch 20, 2012 at 5:51 PM

    My baby boy is only a month old and acting just like Houston. He screams when I swaddle because he hates his arms under the covers but he just isn't comfortable anymore. Each night about an hour into sleep, he becomes fussy and I find myself sleeping with him in my chest (which I swore I wouldn't do at night). I'm definitely going to research this magic because I start back on nightshift soon and I need my rest too

    Thanks Steph

  64. I definitely want one!!! I've got a 3 month old that could definitely use a 3-6 month one! I've always followed your blog since you got pregnant, but never hit "join" to officially follow. I'm following now :)

  65. I am due to have my first baby in early May. I've enjoyed reading your blog silently for awhile! I would love to win this little gem :)

  66. My 3 month old baby boy needs this!! I follow your blog, love it.

  67. What a neat giveaway. I wish that I would have known about this when my daughter was a baby. If I do win this, I will definitely be giving it away as a gift for a friend whose baby has a hard time staying asleep at night. I follow your blog, and love looking at the pictures of your baby boy!

  68. Oh Lord.....I don't know what I will do if Sally starts having trouble sleeping. This could be wonderful. I am a follower.

  69. I've been a long time follower and with my only little guy on the way- any day now!! This sounds like a dream!!

  70. I follow on your blog, sorry not on fB or pinterest. Would love to win one of these. My grandson is very dependent on his swaddle, and has really outgrown it. Thanks for mentioning this on the blog. Elaine

  71. I have followed for a while! I am awaiting a little girl in May and would LOVE to have a sleep suit on hand!

    Than you for the review and giveaway!!!

  72. oh this is SO fun!! I've never heard of it before, but it sounds AMAZING! I have a million friends with new babies right now...I'm sure one of them would be thrilled if I won this for them :)

  73. I would love to give this a shot!!

  74. I NEED this sleep suit! I am sooo intrigued to see if this will work on my little one. He only sleeps for maybe an hour and a half at night. :o( I'm beginning to lose my mind...

    Love your blog btw!

  75. I follow you on my addiction, Pintrest.

  76. I NEED one of these suits. I am getting zero sleep because my beautiful little girl is a ninja in her sleep! :) Liked on FB

  77. Hello! First of all, I LOVE your blog! A friend of mine recommended I read it, as I'm also from NKY and had my son, Harrison, in September of last year. Being 6 months old and all, you'd think he'd be in his crib by now, BUT...he's not. I have tried and tried and it ends up being hours of crying and therefore no sleep for anyone. And I am wondering if it's because he's no longer swaddled...my how things changed when we removed him from that beloved swaddle, lol. I would LOVE to try this Magic Sleepsuit...perhaps it would allow for a smooth transition to his crib, and a good nights sleep for everyone. AND I'd get my husband back in bed with me, lol. He's too scared to sleep in the bed with Harrison and me...understandably so! But I would love to win this! Thanks a million, glad you're finally getting some much needed rest!!! :)

  78. I've never heard of this before. Very interesting!

  79. Oh nice, i'm dreading on stopping swaddling my baby girl soon so this is awesome!

  80. I'm following you on Pinterest too!

  81. This sounds wonderful! I was worried about what to do when I stop swaddling our 3 month old boy. Thanks for sharing :)

  82. This sounds amazing! As I am sitting here nursing my 5 day old, cherishing all this time she is sleeping, it's hard to imagine (or remember since the other one is now 5) that we may soon enough not be sleeping through the night much longer!

  83. I follow you on pinterest

  84. I like you on facebook

  85. Oh man I would love to get a full nights sleep! Please enter me

  86. Yes please! We are desperate for sleep around here!

  87. I absolutely LOVE your blog! My daughter is in that stage where we aren't swaddling her and she thrashes around like crazy at bedtime. This little magical sleepsuit looks amazing!

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. I'm following you on Pinterest :)


  91. I am a follower and I NEED this!! :) Ever since my 5 month old out grew her miracle blanket she has never been the same!

  92. I'm a follower and my goodness I neeeeeeeeed this! Weston sleeps at night but does. not. nap. and Momma needs a break!

  93. We have SUCH sleep issues around here. I couldn't have written that post better. We are going nuts with rough nights....and thinking about removing the swaddle is just too darn scary, even though she breaks out of it every hour and wakes up. I NEED THIS!!!

  94. Sounds divine! Would love my four month old to try it!

  95. Your story sounds like my life with my little girl! 3 months old, startles herself nonstop, but trying to break the swaddle! I'd love to win this!!

  96. I also follow on Facebook!

  97. I follow on Pinterest also!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)