Monday, March 19, 2012

let’s try this again, shall we? :)

Last week, I attempted to post the following pictures for Wordless Wednesday, but failed.
The day before that, on a whim and an attempt to get all fancy on “the internets”, I changed my blog domain to a .com address instead of a blogspot address, more specifically:

Yeah, it’s long.

My creativity was escaping me wholly that day.

What was supposed to be a smooth transition, wiped my blog out for nearly 5 full days. What.the.heck?!

Boo, Google and GoDaddy: you have disappointed me.

{Almost as much as UPS has disappointed Big Blue Nation, but we shan’t go there on this day…}
While the blog was out of commission, I turned my energies in other directions. One direction I had specifically avoided turning down as long as I possibly could, though I knew it was inevitable that I join…

PINTEREST, I am your newest addict.

{and possibly the last person on earth to join you… since even my mother beat me to it… :)}

It turns out, surprisingly enough, I am highly interested in new recipes {though I rarely cook}, lots of DIY crafts {can’t remember the last craft I did or when I even had time for one} and pictures of babies {despite my hard drive running extraordinarily slow because of the high volume of pictures of one particular baby I have saved on my computer}.

and we can’t forget the pictures of homes I’m drooling over, the hair tutorials, the inspirational images of art, party ideas, fun things to do with kids… the list goes on.

I mean, how cool is this little nugget for cute fonts while blogging?!

There is no better way to become a spectator of my blossoming ADD:

Follow Me on Pinterest

Now that the blog is up and running again, expect lots of post to come, including a GIVEAWAY tomorrow! It seems a dependable trend in my life that with warm weather comes inspiration and motivation.

Maybe I should become a warm weather blogger?
Or more likely: MOVE SOUTH!

Now last week’s post, AGAIN =) :
Looking at these pictures makes my heart feel like it will burst with joy and my smile want to pucker into a million kisses for this precious little boy that I can’t believe it mine♥all♥mine… no words necessary :)

Photos taken in sunny, warm weather just mere days after this 4 inch snow.


















  1. Glad you are back on the air.

  2. he is just too precious! gotta love the striped baby overalls. :)

  3. Actually you are NOT the last person to join Pinterest.....that would be ME! :)
    I am holding out for as long as I can. I'm still working on the MBA, and need to stay focused! I don't need another time vacuum! Have fun!! :)

  4. Since my husband works on people's computers for a living, we've learned something through other people's mistakes and I'd like to share... If you haven't already, go buy yourself an external hard drive and immediately save those pictures to it. This will ensure you don't lose them if your PC dies for any reason. It will cost WAY more if you have to recover the data from the hard drive of your PC than it will to just go ahead and purchase the external HD, if the data can even be recovered. AND - it will help with the speed of the computer as well! WIN WIN!

  5. YAY!! so happy all is back in working order again, and thanks for responding to my email re: the pictures...I am having so much fun making some with my boys pictures!! :-)

  6. I will back up what CB_Wilson said - when I was in college, my hard drive crashed because of all the pictures on it, and I LOST EVERYTHING. It wasn't until about 10 years later that I stumbled onto someone who could get everything off of it. I thought it was gone for good. I highly recommend the Apple Airport Extreme as an external hard drive. It's well worth the cost - it's not even that much, especially when compared with the cost of losing all the pictures of your baby and everything else you have on there. Not to mention it'll speed up your computer too. Please go buy one!

  7. Oh my goodness, Houston is SOO cute! Glad you're back! I missed you :)

  8. Pinterest is my most favorite website! And your little man is too cute!! Great pictures!!

  9. Don't feel bad about being late jumping on the Pinterest bandwagon, you are definitely not the last person to join. Somehow I've kept myself from joining, because I joke that I'll join, barely get by in school, be pinning at work, where I'll make a mistake on someone's prescription, be sued, lose my license and live in a van down by the river... but I will totally know how to make melted crayon wall art. ... While I don't believe that, it's what I have to tell myself to keep from joining.

    Glad your blog is back up and running! =)

  10. Awwwww your little boy is so cute!!!! Just presicous! I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog, you should check it out! I'll be back tomorrow to check out yours!

    Xx Kelly

  11. At the risk of sounding like a creepy stalker - I was starting to worry you had gone private! Wonder if UPS is still running that ad now that UK is still in it and DUKE got beat in the first round???

  12. Glad you're back up and running!
    Pinterest is so addicting. I want to bake, eat, craft, and work-out all day!
    Great photos of your little darling!

  13. So glad you're on Pinterest!! I just followed you :)

    The pictures are SO SO SO cute!!!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)