Monday, March 26, 2012

a house divided


This Saturday will be monumental for our household.


{and maybe just as monumental for the rest of the state of Kentucky… but I tend to make things about me, so I’ll go on…}


Lexington’s University of Kentucky will be playing the University of Louisville in the final four of the NCAA tournament. In this house divided, you could cut the tension in the air with a knife!


Taken a couple years ago while in Disney World on a day when our teams were playing each other.



In the spirit of March Madness, I thought I would share a few images from our man cave, a.k.a. the basement.





I love this light switch, which I actually installed myself a few years ago while Nick was out of the house =)




Our magnetic wall with opposing magnets:







Drink coolers:



Even our son has been pulled into the battle… who will get to him to dress him first for Saturday?!



Can you tell who does all the decorating around here? ;)




Don’t tell Daddy, but we’re already getting our blue gear on this morning and learning important first words:











Fan tip: Try out these Eastbay promo coupons and save on Cats fan wear.


  1. Hahahahaha - I LOVE IT!!!!! That is fabulous. I am betting momma wakes up first on Saturday! Gooooooo CATS! ;)

    p.s. a half time outfit change would only be right/fair. lol

  2. Love it! Dress that sweet boy in blue. It's the only way to go! Haha!!

    GO CATS!!!! :-)

  3. Super cute! Saturday will be basketball armageddon in KY... GO CATS!!

  4. hahaha I LOVE this post!!
    My husband is from Louisville, but we both went to and met at UK.
    So we both are hardcore UK FANS!! I am so excited!!
    My husband is an officer in the Army, and is currently deployed, he has made a point to get up in the middle of the night for every single game and calls me SO EXCITED after every one. I think he is beside himself that he won't get to be in Lexington at Two Keys with me for the game!!

    I'm with you!
    Put that boy in blue!!
    GO CATS!!!
    The BBN is everywhere!

  5. Go Cats! You want him to be dressed in the colors of the winning team, right?! :)

  6. nooooo.....I did not know your hubby was a Louisville fan! Your cute little man has to wear blue!!

  7. this post his hilarious!!!!! my parents were the same way with the sox & the yankees. which team will baby houston choose!?!?! xo

  8. So funny! Love your magnetic wall- how did you do that?! Is it a certain kind of paint?

  9. Your husband is brave man if he sports the red this weekend! Go CATS!! At least you're starting Houston off right (:

  10. Bethany PenningtonMarch 26, 2012 at 1:55 PM

    Love this post!!!! Hope baby Houston is in blue on goes good with his eyes. Be sure to keep us posted.

    P.S. I love the pictures especially the light switch and magnetic wall

  11. Oh, girl, you guys crack me up! Should be a good game but I have to say....I'm rootin' for the Wildcats! ;)

  12. I LOVE your magnetic wall! What a neat idea for a playroom! And, BTW, with you 100% -- GO CATS! :)

  13. So funny. My boyfriend and I are the same way in Washington state. He tried to tell me we each get to claim one twin, but they have House Divided onesies I wanted instead. Houston's getting so big, I can't believe it!

  14. I laughed out loud when I read this! My husband and I have opposing baseball teams. I cheer for the World Series Cardinals and he cheers for the Cubs. Even though they are opposing teams they really haven't been much competition for each other since we started dating! Ha! Our kids will be in trouble one day! Of course my nephew has parents with the same opposing teams and whatever team he wears to the game is the parent that must care for him at the game.

    Also, I love the magnetic wall! Is that magnetic paint that you used?

  15. Go CATS!!!I think the whole state of KY is on edge this week, I'm hoping the Cats pull it off!

  16. Aw, that last picture is so adorable!

  17. our house is divided too! Go Cards!

  18. So cute!!! We're a divided household too (OSU vs. Michigan). Can't wait to see who our little girl picks as HER team ;-) It helps that mom works there, I have the distinct advantage. I love your hair btw!

  19. You've got an awesome array of stuff for your teams,it's incredible!Luckily for me,my fiancé and I support the same team,otherwise we would be in a LOT of trouble,because we are both quite spirited (to say the least) when supporting our team.

  20. Love this! That light cover is awesome!

    I'm a new reader:) We also have the house divided like Audra (OSUvsUofM). I say Go Bucks and my 6 year old son boos me. My husband is proud.

  21. This is so funny because I was talking to a fried today about how we will be the same way this saturday. My hubby is a huge Louisville fan, but my step daughter is a huge UK fan. I on the other hand and a huge fan of march maddness in general because it means baseball season is around the corner ;)

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I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)