Friday, March 23, 2012

Giveaway winner and a sneak peek



I had so many comments from sweet mommas in need of sleep that it actually pains me to give only ONE of these magic sleepsuits away!

Then again… I had to shell out my own dough for mine too :)



{Seriously, baby boy had a 2 1/2 hour nap in his sleepsuit yesterday and I had to WAKE HIM UP to take him to the sitter’s before work… that NEVER use to happen pre-sleepsuit. Who knows how long he could have slept?!}


I also had several comments/questions about the wearability of the suit in the warmer months and if he gets hot. The sleepsuit does have some weight to it, like a baby comforter – which is really where the whole “magic” of it comes in to play. Take a baby that loves being swaddled and remove his nice cozy cocoon away from him, you’re asking for trouble!


The short answer: no, he does not get too hot in the least.


It was still cold when he started wearing it and he was in full long sleeved, footy pajamas underneath the suit. Within a matter of days, our weather went from snow to 70/80 degrees and he now wears a onsesie only inside the suit, with or without socks. I have never seen one drop of perspiration on him when he wakes up he never acts uncomfortable. On the other hand, he sweats like crazy in his carseat, so I know he has the propensity to sweat if he’s the least bit overheated, which just confirms the fact that wearing the sleepsuit is like sleeping in “baby bear soup” ;)


Without further adieu, the winner of Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit is comment #103!


random #


Brittany Renee said:

I NEED this sleep suit! I am sooo intrigued to see if this will work on my little one. He only sleeps for maybe an hour and a half at night. :o( I'm beginning to lose my mind...


I feel your pain, girl. Email me { robertslove (at) live (dot) com } the address you would like this shipped to and I hope and pray you’ll receive the answer to your sleep prayers SOON!


Lastly, I also had several comments asking about Part 2 of Houston’s birth story

God willing, it will be here next week.

I am the most shameful procrastinator OF ALL and I sincerely apologize for leaving you hanging :(



On a brighter note, this morning I uploaded THE photo album of pictures from Houston’s Birth Day on the blog’s Facebook page.

Precious pictures like these two, my favorites:



Daddy cutting the cord while our sweet angel takes his first breaths… does it get any sweeter?




Check them out if you wish and “Like” our page while you’re there because…

I like to be liked.


There, I said it.



Have a lovely weekend!

We’ll be visiting family to have an early Easter celebration since momma has to work Easter weekend.


How special must Houston be if the Easter bunny is going to come 2 weeks early just for him?!





  1. i love you. i love your little family. and your blog. and those pictures? just melt my stinkin' heart away!!

    have a great weekend! i'm off to LIKE your page, because clearly i like you :)

  2. So very cute! Did you have a birth photographer?

  3. Wow, that photo of Nick kissing you is BEAUTIFUL!!

  4. Those pictures almost make me tear up... they remind me of how those first few moments with our daughter felt. Surreal, and unforgettable.

  5. Yay, part 2, can't wait! You gotta love a good birth story. They never get old.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)