Friday, October 14, 2011

memory snapshots from motherhood


  • The first time I was left all alone with my son in the hospital and feeling genuinely surprised at how not scary and instead all together wonderful it was, just him and me.




  • The dog and the baby on the bed with Nick rubbing both of their tummies and watching both of them kicking away, side by side =)
  • Singing {loudly} every children’s song I could think of while taking a shower to pacify the little babe waiting for me in his bouncy seat in the bathroom floor.




  • Houston and I staring at each other quietly at 3 am and me tearing up, knowing no one will ever love this precious child the way that I do.



  • 4 diaper changes and one clothing change within 20 minutes… in the middle of the night… the middle of last night.


  • Already having over 300 pictures of him on just my phone, taken by the camera on my phone, at just 6 weeks of life.



  • Nursing my baby and having him stare up at me, knowing he knows me.


  • Watching him learn new stunts every day, like turning his head to look at the person talking to him. The most minor of human achievements that make me fill with pride and excitement for him.




  • His poppy saying things to him in his “Donald Duck” voice that he use to do for my sister and I when we were little.



  • Watching every one of his grandparents melt over him, declare he is already a genius, and act like deliriously happy fools just to get a smile from this little boy.




  • Wanting to keep smooshing him in his newborn size clothes because I can’t quite deal with the fact that he’s growing up so fast already. {Never mind that he is still comfortably wearing some of his newborn size clothes at almost 7 weeks… that still doesn’t make it easy on this momma.}


  • After spending almost 6 hours apart for the first time this week, thinking his cry was the sweetest sound in the whole world when I got to see him again.




Crying while writing this and hoping I never forget a second of his precious life♥


  1. oh my! Now I am crying. THANKS- as if I don't do that enough already.
    Love this post and the pictures. ENJOY HIM.

  2. These pictures are so darling and I just love the one of his hand on yours...adorable! What wonderful memories! Enjoy every moment, just as your are!

    Liesl :)

  3. So cute!! What kind of activity mat is that? Can you do a post of Mommy Must Haves for us that are going to be new mommies soon?

  4. This makes me so excited for what is to come! Even if it is poopy diapers and outfit changes:)

  5. Such sweet words! He looks so peaceful sleeping with his daddy. Mommies can never take too many pictures. I am still in denial that my baby is growing up- at 9 months. But it only gets better!

  6. Stephanie, this was so sweet! He is honestly THE most precious child ever! I cannot wait until I'm a Mommy!!!! I'm so ready for every.single.moment that you've talked about! I've thoroughly just enjoyed so much be able to follow along your journey to God bringing you that sweet baby! I just know yall are loving spoiling him rotten!

    Love all the pictures :)

  7. Gah, so sweet. Brings back special memories for me just reading it. My baby is already five months old! Oh, we have that same sweet giraffe onesie... my son outgrew it already though! :(

  8. So so sweet. Yep....only a mommy could understand.

  9. So sweet. I am so happy you're soaking up every moment. Who wouldn't be smitten over this little boy--he is just so cute!

  10. What a sweet post!!! He is so precious. I agree with Sarah about the must-haves! You have made me so excited for my little man! :)

  11. My heart melted completely reading this. Such a sweet post. I cannot wait to have a child to love with such force.

    have a great weekend!

  12. He's adorable! Hold on to those memories, it goes by quickly!

  13. You put every new moms thoughts so perfectly into words.

  14. My dad always does the Donald Duck voice with my nephew. It's cute! Although he sounds a lot more like the duck from the Tom & Jerry cartoons!

  15. Isn't being a mama the BEST thing in the world?? He is so precious...soak up every second of his cute newborn self! It goes by SO fast...mine just turned 1 and I remember taking him to the pumpkin patch last year when he was just 3 weeks old. Time flies but every stage is so fun!

  16. It is the best! Enjoy every minute!!!!

  17. Houston is adorable and your Mommy moments are precious!

  18. As I was reading this, I kept thinking "I bet she is crying as she types". Of course, I was tearing up as well... at 8 months pregnant, it doesn't take much! :)

  19. Love all these pictures of Houston! He is soooo adorable. Glad your enjoying motherhood and soaking it all in :)

  20. You have to read the children's book, "Let Me Hold You Longer" by Karen Kingsbury. Warning! You will be a sobbing mess by the end!!

  21. Isn't motherhood amazing! Totally feel you on packing up the newborn size...and my baby wore them until she hit 3 months!

  22. You had me crying too! It goes by so fast! My baby is 10 weeks, and no longer fits in her newborn clothes. I just packed them up and it was so sad!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)