Sunday, October 09, 2011

celebrating the “greats”

Houston’s grandad is having a milestone birthday today! We spent last night celebrating with dinner at a very yummy Cajun restaurant and then back to our house for dinner and cupcakes.




I won’t tell you his age, but I can tell you it rhymes with crixty… except that there’s no “r” and the “c” makes an “s” sound.

You catchin’ what I’m throwin’ here? ;)

Happy Birthday, Grandad! Houston and his parents love you very much and hope you have a great first birthday as a grandpa this year!!



From one “great” grandpa’s birthday to a true great grandpa…


My papa had a birthday this weekend as well {Friday}! Houston got to meet his great grandpa a few weeks ago and it was one sweet day for us all to see papa with his first great grandchild♥



Happy Birthday, Papa!! We can’t wait to visit again soon. We love you so so very much!






  1. I love the photos of your dad and grandpa with Houston. so sweet! :] and it's so wonderful that your grandpa is still around to meet his great grandson. I bet he cherishes that immensely.

  2. what great photos! I'm so thankful that I still have all 4 of my grandparents and Elyse will be meeting them so very soon! What fabulous memories!

  3. much to be thankful for!

    Your little one is just the cutest ever too!!


  4. How special to have a great granddad still:) Hey, what was that vitamin that helped conceive (i think) and helped with acne? Just wondering. My hormones have my skin going crazy.

  5. Great post! So lucky to have the love and wisdom from all these generations!
    I just recently found your blog and have really enjoyed seeing your family grow and experience the LOVE for a newborn. When we first brought our son home, everyone said, this is the easy part. I thought, No Way, this is hard! I remember feeling so tired and overwhelmed, but the LOVE and sweet smiles more than make up for it. Thank you for the lovely pictures and for bringing humor to motherhood :)

  6. So beautiful...makes me sad that when we have a little one, {he or she} won't meet our grandpas. There is something so special about that. Cherish that special gift! I see you already are. Love love love... Jenn @ Bliss to Bean


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)