Wednesday, August 17, 2011

times like this with friends like these


I told you last week that I was going home to see my parents and grandpa on Thursday, eat some home cookin’ and relax in east KY one more time before the baby takes over and the next visit is a little ways off. Then I was heading back for dinner with friends and a date night with the hubby over the weekend. I had FIVE WHOLE DAYS OFF FROM WORK and I believe I lived them up to their highest potential =)

Seriously, I had the BEST WEEKEND EVER!


{I also told you I was going to pack the hospital bag… I lied. But I finally started working on it today. I’ll just have to throw a few things in there that I still have to use day to day at the last minute. We’ll be fine – I think.}


Just a few pictures from the weekend:


A visit with Papa.



Swimming at my parents… the dog wanted in the pool with his momma so bad, but didn’t really want to swim, so my dad blew up a float just for him.

He is unbelievably spoiled by us and his grandparents… this babe on the way won’t have a chance!



Friday night dinner at our house with friends:

Britney, Ginny, Kennedy, and me.

{Of course our men were all there as well – but don’t expect them to get into any pictures without pulling teeth!}




We only made it through a couple pictures before things started getting silly…



A little sillier, but trying to keep a serious face:



About to lose it:



Officially LOST!



Kennedy may have been the only real model there that night. This gorgeous girl doesn’t take a bad picture♥



Last minute {like getting close to midnight!} we decided to do one “jump” picture for old time’s sake. Let’s remember that 2 of the girls in this picture are pretty darn pregnant… Britney at 29 weeks and me at 38.

And Ginny… she’s just skinny and completely disgusts me right now in my state of whale blubber. I wouldn’t even hang out with her anymore if she weren’t so darn nice! ;)


Prepping for the jump…




I couldn’t be more proud… though I have a feeling I should be more embarrassed than proud. I’m choosing to suppress that feeling for now.



Saturday, Nick and I spent a full day together shopping, watching Bridesmaids at the matinee, napping, dinner out, and then doing a belly cast on this preggo! I was in heaven all day with the love of my life. We didn’t take a single picture but as soon as I paint the belly cast I’ll be sharing it soon!


Sunday evening my parents stayed with us after meeting up with my aunt. My sister and brother-in-law came to Lexington to help us surprise Mom after church with a little early birthday dinner. Her big day is August 28th and might be overshadowed by someone’s birth, so we wanted her to have her own special day. She was definitely surprised and was one happy girl, I do believe.

I could kick myself for not getting pictures at dinner. But here’s one from late that night as Nick helped her set up her new iPod touch. She was a little excited!



If y’all have any more pregnancy/baby related questions for the  “baby week Q&A” feel free to leave them here or email. I’m starting to formulate my answers!


I’ll hopefully be revealing the nursery… TOMORROW!!!

I’m so excited to share my favorite room in our whole house with you all♥


  1. Looks like you had a WONDERFUL weekend! Love the picture of you & your papa! And your 'jump' picture makes me LOL! Ha!

    When you get a chance, head on over to my blog. You won an award! :)

  2. You girls are too funny!! I love the jump picture! Way to go for being able to even jump at 38 weeks pregnant girl haha I sure couldn't have with Brody! You look awesome Mama! That sweet baby boy will be here so soon!!! Can't wait to see the nursery!!

  3. I have so enjoyed your baby week(s)! It's always so much fun expecting a baby:) I would love to see a "Top 10 things I will miss about being pregnant" list. Its always interesting to see what everyone elses fav/worst parts of pregnancy are!:)

  4. I am surprised your jump didn't send you into labor!

  5. Beautiful pics of you girls! Kennedy is soo adorable and such a fashionista. Can't wait to see the nursery!

  6. Looks like you had a great weekend! I'm sure you were super happy to be off your feet for a few days! Love the jumping pic : )

  7. cant wait to see baby houston, he is gonna be the most adorable baby ever! :) and congrats on jumping the highest! cant get over how wonderful you look especially for being so pregnant during the hottest time of the year!

  8. Oh I have something for you to add to the baby bag. I was so hot when in labor! I had a spray Evian and kept misting my face. It was a lifesaver!

  9. Hendrix is cracking me up in the pool. Molly doesn't like to get in the pool. Can you believe it? A LAB...who doesn't want to swim. Weird...

  10. Okay, so I've been following your blog for awhile now and love love love your updates! Houston is a lucky little boy! I, too, am expecting and am due 2 weeks after you. I see you wear acrylics (or it appears so anyway lol) and was wondering what your doctor's take is on wearing these during L&D? Have you asked yet? I've heard both sides, yes and no, due to blood-flow, etc., some ask that you not wear them. I'm checking with my doctor today during today's appointment, but I thought I'd ask you, too! :)

    Many congrats, girl! Can't wait to see the nursery! :)

  11. These pictures are just adorable!!!

  12. I love your maternity clothes? Can you please help a sister out and tell me where you shop? Please? I need some cute ones!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)