Monday, April 11, 2011

20 weeks of love


Look at us hitting the half-way mark!!

Just in time for great weather and lots of fun events on the calendar.

{I’m typing this from my deck this morning before work – it’s heavenly outside!}


Nick would have you disregard the dandelion population in this picture as he attempts to get our yard under control. I would have you notice the gorgeous tulips I proudly planted last fall – only a few of the 75 I finished!



I love this Kentucky blue Ralph Lauren non-maternity dress I found at Macy’s and I love my friend Ginny who told me to try it on anyway when I said I was just too big for it and that I’ve never fit properly in a Petite. Go figure and thanks, girl!



Our social events for the summer seem to just be beginning with a day of beautiful weather at Keeneland race track’s opening day. We even got a little too much sun for these pale faces!



We should be coming back from our 20 week appointment tomorrow with a few more pictures of our little miracle to share with you. Please pray with us they’ll find only a healthy little baby on our ultrasound tomorrow! I can’t wait to see our sweet boy again♥


  1. Lots of prayers for your 20 week ultrasound. It's definitely a little nerve-wracking going in but I know your sweet little boy is doing great. Love your pictures- you look beautiful and that dress is to die for!

  2. Lots of good thoughts are being sent your way for your ultrasound. You will feel so good once you get to check in on him!

    You looked beyond amazing in those pictures. Blue is your color!!

  3. Too cute! I love the blue dress.

  4. Kenneland is on our horse racing to do list, hope you had fun even with the extra sun!

  5. This is rando... but you look so much like Eva Longoria in that 2nd photo... I swear if your hair was dark you'd be a perfect twin haha

  6. You look so cute preggo!! Love that dress!

  7. you look great! so small for 20 weeks. i mean your 20 weeks belly is what my belly looks like after a few beers or a food baby.

  8. You look beautiful! Such a great color on you! :)

  9. You are looking amazing! Goodluck with the ultrasound!

  10. Do you know what pale is? lol You should look really closely at me, and check the mirror!

  11. You look beautiful! The dress and shoes are so cute. I refuse to buy maternity dresses, I want to be able to wear them later too! Have you started on your nursery yet? I haven't been reading my blogs very closely but I am excited to see how cute it will be!

  12. Don't you just look beautiful!!!!!!! Love the dress and you look amazing with that baby bump!!!!

  13. You look so cute! Jersey is a sweet gift to pregnant women!

  14. You look so great! The dress works wonderfully with the bump :)

    Go you for wearing heels!

  15. You look stunning! And what an adorable baby bump! Praying for a healthy 20-week scan this week.

  16. You look amazingly cute. I love that dress, the color is great on you! Cheers to spring and a growing baby boy....

  17. your so cute! love the dress it looks great on you!

  18. You are probably THE cutest pregnant woman I've EVER seen!!!

  19. You are beyond cute! Love the dress and you look amazing! Sending many prayers for the doctor visit!

  20. Oh my gosh, I don't think I've seen a cuter pregnant gal. Seriously, pregnancy looks so stinkin' good on you!

  21. What a gorgeous dress!!! I might have to check out my Macy's, I love it!

  22. You look amazing! I love that dress on you! Hot mama! :)

  23. You look ridiculously beautiful. I love that dress!

  24. Great pictures! You look so cute!

  25. Of WOULD look like a model while preggers. So pretty!!

  26. I'm serious when I say you are the cutest pregnant lady ever!!! I LOVE that dress. Pregnanacy seriously agrees with you. :)

  27. You are beautiful! Praying for a great check tomorrow!

  28. You are absolutely stunning! I love the UK blue RL dress too =) Praying that everything goes wonderful tomorrow!

  29. The tulips are nice, but I'm mostly impressed by the fact that you're wearing those sky high heels while pregnant! You look great!

  30. As always, you look gorgeous!

    If you haven't already, you MUST check out the new show "Pregnant in Heels" with Rosie Pope on Bravo (Tuesday nights). It's pretty darn good/hilarious. :)

  31. I just found your blog and I LOVE it! You are adorable!

  32. Wow you look great..what a cute bump! I love that dress! Gorgeous colour and fit!

  33. I just discovered your blog, and congratulations! That dress is gorgeous on you, and I love your guys' home!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)