Monday, April 04, 2011

19 week of love


Yes, our dear Wildcats are out of the tournament, but I couldn’t be more proud of them for making it to the Final Four.

{Especially after playing crappy most of the season! Can I get an, AMEN?!}


Thankfully, we have so much more to be happy about around here and even more to look forward to than just a championship game!




We’re 19 weeks – which means this Friday will be the halfway mark for us!



Some exciting stuff going on right now:

  • I’ve been feeling the baby move a little more lately. It’s still not as much as I’d like nor am I always *sure* that’s the baby I’m feeling, but it sure brightens my day when I feel it =)


  • This week we lucked into finding someone to watch our little boy when momma goes back to work, meaning – NO DAYCARE!! No restricted hours or only weekdays, no paying for days when he’s not even there, and one-on-one attention. The sitter and her husband are sweet as sugar and originally from the same county I’m from in East KY, so they can help us give our son that hillbilly twang even while we’re living in the city ;) OH and did I mention… they’re both retired certified nurses?! CHA-CHING!!!! I am feeling so blessed with the way this just fell into our laps, I love see God’s way of taking care of us in action!


  • And I’m still feeling FABULOUS. No illness, much less cramping, and my appetite back 110%. My food loves right now: SHRIMP!, corn on the cob, and lots of sweet tea. I next to never drank sweet tea before pregnancy! We’ve been holding steady at +8 pounds for a couple weeks now, which truly surprises me after eating like a 2 ton man lately.


  • I’m trying to soak up this time of still feeling “normal” before the uncomfortable stage settles in for good. I still get around like a non-preggo just fine, give or take a few issues with bending over. The bladder is at it’s worst right now, visiting the lieu it seems every 30 minutes, but I’ll gladly take that over the 1000 other horror stories I’ve heard can happen to you.


  • Next Tuesday, the 12th, we’re having our 20 week anatomy scan. I have to say I fear the doctor appointments much for than I look forward to them. I’m trying hard to just be excited about seeing our little boy again and how much he’s grown in the last few weeks, but not knowing what possible bad news we may learn at these appointments drives me crazy. We did get the results back from my blood test that’s supposed to be 80% accurate for spotting some genetic abnormalities like down syndrome. All was well, which settles my fears just a smidge. I think with everything going so smoothly, I’m always waiting for the bottom to drop out. Must make a note to start living in the moment…

Happy Monday, y’all!


  1. You look great, love your outfit! You're right on with enjoying this stage before the uncomfortable period sets in. :) Best wishes on your ultrasound, try and relax to enjoy it if you can!

  2. You're such a cute lil pregnant lady! So happy that you found a childcare provider, I'm sure it takes a lot of weight off your shoulders. Try and enjoy the ultrasounds, you'll kind of miss those (and the kicking) once you have the least I did.

  3. You are adorable! I loved shrimp when preggo!!!! So yummy. Congrats on finding someone or sometwo lol to watch your sweet bundle for you.

  4. Where did you start your childcare search in Lexington? We're at a daycare, but I've recently been looking for a way out...but our work schedules keep me returning to a large center that's open 12 hours.

    You look great! Congrats on halfway (a few days early)!

  5. Adorable baby bump! Glad you are feeling good! Good luck at your big scan, I'm sure everything will go perfectly! Try & enjoy this 'drama free, feeling good, everything is perfect' pregnancy :)

  6. You look so cute !! So exciting you're feeling the baby move more and more :)

  7. You look so cute! Just think those positive thoughts an everything will be just fine! That is so exciting that you found a reliable sitter for your son once you go back to work, I bet that's such a relief. Have a great week!

  8. You look great!!

    Oh man I had the worst leg cramps when I was pregnant. I would wake up and hit my hubby, scaring the poo out of him, and have him rub my leg!!

  9. You look great! I get so nervous before every appointment too. I guess we don't have to wait for our babies to be here to start worrying about them!

  10. You are the cutest preggo ever! :)

  11. Just stumbled across this blog, congrats! Halfway there!

  12. You look fabulous! Can't wait to see what you come up with for his nursery! :)

  13. You are such a cute pregnant lady! I love your little belly! Glad to hear everything is going smoothly :)

  14. Congrats to you and you look so cute!!! i am proud of our Wildcats too. I will definitely miss Jorts! Keep feeling good!

  15. You look AMAZING! And, I am so glad about the sitter. I am so lucky in that way too because lets face it our hrs are bad!

  16. Congratulations! The middle mark was always my fav part of pregnancy. I called it the cute stage. Just big enough to look pregnant with out feeling it!:)

  17. Look at you all glowing and lovely! It must be so exciting to feel the little bambino start to kick and move around. So happy you found a great childcare option!!!! :)

  18. You look just wonderful! Glad to hear everything is going so well! What an amazing thing to have childcare figured out already, they sound great!

  19. Wow you look amazing! Congratulations on your pregnancy! Enjoy this amazing time :)

    LoveLoveLove, Hilary

  20. I actually found your blog from Definitly Maybe Baby, and share your inability to keep my own secrets :), so you inspired me to start my own baby journey blog-

    Just wanted to give a thank you for the inspiration, and let you know you are such an adorable preggo!

  21. A word of encouragement for you: I had an easy pregnancy, an easy (relatively speaking - not sure they're ever "easy") delivery and now have a beautiful, joyful and "easy" 1-year-old boy who has been healthy and perfect since the day he was born. Sometimes I can't even fathom that all of these wonderful blessings are mine. It's human to expect the worst, but if you're a believer in God, which it sounds like you are; continue to trust in Him and His desire to bless you through the next 20 weeks and beyond with his supernatural protection and power. There's favor on your life! Be blessed! :) (P.S. I'm usually not this bold, like ever, but I felt like it needed to be said.)

  22. You look so cute with your little belly! super cute blog:)

  23. i'm 16 week so i'm very interested in following your pregnancy! that bump is so sweet! Those movements are the best feeling ever!

    BTW i love the cute easter decor!

  24. Wow! You look like a pregnant Barbie doll. Very pretty indeed!

  25. You look fabulous!!! My Husband and I are TTC and you have offered alot of hope for those days I think I will never get pregnant, reading you be so open and honest on your other blog was so helpful!!!

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I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)