Monday, February 28, 2011

14 weeks of love


Okay… so this “belly bump” pic is mostly bloat and a bit of me letting all hang out right after we had a big dinner post Sunday morning church, but it works to give me a total belly bump for the moment, so here goes!


♥14 weeks♥



I wish it looked like this more and not just the new, thicker, fatter looking me with no sight of a bump in sight, but all in good time…


Pregnancy updates and highlights:

Since this is the first weekly post, I better catch you up to speed to where we are now.


Symptoms: I’ve had very little nausea in this pregnancy thus far. In the first trimester, I’d get nauseas if I got hungry, which equated to eating constantly, but doing so helped keep me feeling just fine. There was some exhaustion, but looking back, I’m already having trouble remembering any bad days, though I know I had at least a couple. I have been blown away by the ease of this pregnancy thus far!

Now that we’re out of the first trimester, the little nausea I had has completely disappeared. In it’s place at times of hunger, I’ve developed a bit of acute hypoglycemia. Just about 2 hours after the last time I’ve eaten, I’ll start feeling dizzy, develop the shakes, and have even seen “stars” a couple of times at work, warning me that I may face plant soon if I don’t slow down and catch a quick bite. {Not always so easy to do in the pharmacy.}

I actually tested my blood sugar with a monitor we keep at work a couple of times when I was feeling that way and momma’s blood sugar was seriously low!! I wasn’t too worried till another pharmacist we have, who is currently finishing up medical school and is pregnant with her second child, started freaking out on me when I told her the number. If she’s worried, I’m a little concerned.  I have another appointment in a couple of weeks when I’ll mention it to my OB, but I’m fairly certain it isn’t uncommon and I’ll just make sure to keep chowing down regularly – a challenge I’ll gladly accept!


Cravings: My appetite has made only rare appearances in these 14 weeks, part of the reason I have a hard time eating as often as I should. My pharmacy is in a grocery store, for heaven’s sake - I can’t think of a thing I want when the hunger pains come calling! I’ve always been a big milk drinker, but now I demolish innumerable gallons a week. I craved cheeseburgers and any other forms of meat early in pregnancy, but it seems I’ve moved onto seafood for now – mainly shrimp scampi! {Which I think I’ve only had once, so it may not count as a real craving.}


Aversions: For the life of me I can’t understand this one; I have eaten it multiple times a week since I can remember. It has always been my staple, my dish to turn to when nothing else seems appealing… spaghetti. Even typing the word makes my throat tense up. I loathe it these days. Though I feel certain for some reason that the love will return post pregnancy…. We’ll see. Other than that, no real aversions besides microwave meals and trying not to seem so disgusted when I have to smell my coworker’s food fresh out of the microwave located about 8 feet from my computer. ICK!


Weight gain: Since week 13, I’ve gained 2 pounds. Nothing until that point. Though I was already searching for comfy maternity jeans by week 10! Strange how the miracle of life works. I’ve been eating terribly non-nutritious meals, including lots of fast food, so I’m actually surprised it hasn’t been more. I’m hardly eating any desserts/candy like I use to {sugar addict here} so possibly that’s helped.


Emotions: My moods have been fairly stable, possibly even more so than before pregnancy! {Which really isn’t saying much being the moody girl I am…} I’ve cried only twice – once around 6 weeks, which was completely warranted due to the stressful situation – and again around 12 weeks, completely unwarranted and I still have no clue where it came from… the *sobs* didn’t stop for an hour giving me the worst headache for the rest of the day. SO glad that doesn’t happen often!

I can tear up easier than ever over songs on the radio or a t.v. show/movie, but I expected much more crying episodes than only twice! Irritability: as long as I’m fed, I’m happy. Should I get hungry… STAY OUT OF MY WAY UNTIL THE CRISIS IS AVERTED! ;)

***Nick just called me while I was in the middle of typing this and confirmed that he thought my moods have been great and of course, this has really surprised him! His predictions were that I would be a hormonal mess and I have to concur. So again, grrrrrreat pregnancy so far.***


Baby’s size:  a navel orange this week!

I picked one of these up in the grocery store last night and asked Nick what it reminded him of, just a few seconds later, he said, “the baby.” So cute that he’s actually paying attention to all my baby babble. ♥



I can’t believe I’m posting my first weekly update post! I am thrilled and blessed beyond words =)


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P.S. Our gender poll is up on the right sidebar – I can’t wait to see what y’all think the baby will be! Our BIG APPOINTMENT is in less than 2 weeks, March 12th. I could jump out of my skin with excitement… !!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

it’s raining babies!



Can you tell?? The baby posts are JUST beginning. I promise not every single post on this blog from now on will be on the topic of baby, but even that may be only a handful a posts! My brain is in full-fledged BABY.


I got the chance to go back home to the hills of Eastern Kentucky this weekend for a sweet Friend’s Baby shower.

Mrs. Katie is due April 4th with Edmond Kayne, but with last week’s appointment, little Edmond was measuring 36 weeks while momma’s only 33… I’m so glad I got to see her before he made his grand debut which may be a little sooner than she was expecting!

The shower was gorgeous in teal and brown, the colors of Edmond’s nursery. The hosts truly outdid themselves with decorating and making loads of delicious, BEAUTIFUL food for us to scarf down. I had a blast catching up with friends from our old church and town where we spent our first year of marriage before moving to Lexington.



It has to be said that baby Edmond only has one uncle… can you spy with your little eye which article of clothing his uncle may have gifted him with???


The cupcakes… the cookies… we were in HEAVEN!


Baby cupcakes and “rattles”… genius!


THANK GOODNESS for loads of food… who would have thought there would be 9 preggos in the building for the shower?! In this picture we’re all lined up according to due dates. I’ll help you find me: I’m the tall, awkward one looking decidedly un-pregnant. I was so happy to be next to Jody {in purple} to help me feel just a little less out of a place =)


And a blurry picture of Katie and I: 33 weeks verses 13 weeks!

I promised her a retake in August when she’ll be completely deflated and I’ll be ready to burst, 9 months pregnant in humid 100 degree Kentucky weather – can’t wait!



My first “belly bump” pic on the blog♥


I promise it’ll get better.


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Thursday, February 17, 2011

HER baby


YES! We’re having a baby.

YES! I can’t wait to talk, talk, talk about it.

and YES! I’ve had an anonymous blog out there in blogworld for about 6 months now to talk/vent about the journey towards motherhood… more on that later =)

BUT, there’s something I had to get out there TODAY before I move on to talking about my baby.


I want to talk about HER baby:


This gorgeous couple are on their way to adopting a sweet baby from Taiwan. As you know, adoption has many challenges in the process including VERY large expenses. In order to raise money to help their cause, a very AWESOME auction is going on RIGHT NOW on their blog.





Hurry on over and see some of the stylish items for auction. There is seriously something for EVERYONE.


Should you see my name as the highest bidder – WALK AWAY PEOPLE.

Just kidding…

BUT, you may not want to stand in the way of me and my Sparrow Necklace. I don’t think you wanna mess with my crazy preggo hormones I’ve got goin’ on these days. ;)


Back tomorrow!


Monday, February 14, 2011

you do the math…


A Blue-Eyed Boy



Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


A Brown-Eyed Girl

IMG_3731equal sign

A whole lotta’ love ♥EXPECTED♥ this Valentine’s Day!

baby love



and I can’t wait to tell you more!



heart heart2

Giveaway Winner!… and some foreshadowing =)


The winner of my “Love and Respect for a Lifetime” book giveaway is none other than comment #21 {random number chosen by the love of my life}… Black Tag Diaries!!

Imagine my surprise when I found out our winner is a BEAUTIFUL girl with unbelievable camera skillzzz and who just recently moved from Texas to KENTUCKY!!! Welcome to the Bluegrass State, girl! We’re glad to have you =)




Stay tuned for a BIG announcement from yours truly today…

and when I say BIG, I mean HUGE.


Or maybe just in my world and I’m blowing this out of proportion.

Either way, I am far too excited to let you in on the secret !


Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Wednesday, February 09, 2011

a Valentine’s Day giveaway!


Wowzers – it’s hard to get back in the swing of blogging when you’ve been gone so long. But here I am, back at it, and with a giveaway!


I was contacted a little while back to do a book review. I never do reviews and I next to never read. {So not proud of that fact and actually have been doing a lot more of it since the new year!} But I thought: what a great way to make myself read AND a book written about a topic I’ve been interested in reading more about: relationships.

Couldn’t we all use a little help in that area?


Off I went, the newest little bookworm, diving into Love and Respect for a Lifetime. And boy, did my relationship come out the winner!


This book confirms what we all know about women and men – that we are definitely from different planets. But what it goes on to tell you is just what that means for your relationships with these handsome aliens =)

Little did I know about communicating with my husband. While we get better at it with time, this book truly put it into perspective for me about exactly what he needs from me and the difference in what I need from him. In words and actions.

Not only that, but it incorporated scripture throughout the book!

A winner in my eyes… Who else knows more about us and our needs then our Creator?

While our significant others seem to be the focus of this book, I dare say it will help me in all of my relationships, with men and women. Providing a deeper understanding of what we all want and need can only aid us in communicating and co-existing with one another.

I’m putting it on my dearest love’s nightstand next, I’m also putting it on one of yours!

♥Anyone who is a follower of this blog and comments on this post will be signed up for the Love and Respect for a Lifetime book giveaway, set for Valentine’s Day, February 14th!♥

Could you think of a more appropriate giveaway then a book about love on Valentine’s Day?!

Much love!

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Tuesday, February 01, 2011



It’s February 1st! Yippee! This means my resolution to only blog once a month in 2011 is coming along quite well, don’t you think???!




Okay… that wasn’t really a resolution of mine, but I would feel a lot better about myself if it had been and I was actually on track with one for once. While I’d like to blog more, blogging more wasn’t a resolution either. So I haven’t completely failed the year just yet, ya see?

It’s funny how fail blog can make you feel better about yourself.

epic fail photos - Kid's Book FAIL


2011 is already proving to be a challenging one. Work has had it’s full share of energy zapping drama since the Times Square ball dropped and I get home with just enough gumption to fold the clothes I washed 3 days ago and crash into bed. While there is a light at the end of the tunnel, I can’t tell how far ahead the light is and just how long it’s going to take to get there. I’m very much looking forward to this all being water under the bridge, but for now, I’ll keep repeating: This too shall pass.


And since I’ve already taken on a whiney, complaining tone by the third paragraph of my first real post in 2011, let me also say this: 2011 is going to be one. good. year.

I mean really good. Don’t ask me how I know, I just do. And maybe February is just the start and all the bad has already been left behind in January? We shall see!


So while I’m feeling zapped, I’m also feeling blessed. Too blessed to complain so just forget about my work drama paragraph. Especially since this post was supposed to be about my resolutions, not my whining… but seriously now, didn’t we all believe we were leaving the drama behind in high school???

Just checking.



I’ve loved this shirt since Jennifer Aniston wore it on an episode of Friends. If only it were work appropriate…



Without further adieu ,{because, really, how could it get “adieued” much further than talking about New Year’s resolutions in February…}, here are my real resolutions for 2011:




That pretty much sums it up folks!

These two walk hand in hand of course. The more I procrastinate, the more literal junk builds up and gets shoved into different nooks in my home and the more figurative junk adds up on my to-do list, leaving me stressed and running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off at the last minute.

I often feel very much like this guy… in fact, catch me at work, and you’ll be able to see at least 10 different sticky notes around my computer of things I must write down or I’ll never remember to do:

I would very much love to be the OCD type with their color coded folders, overly prepared for any situation, and need for everything to be in it’s place with check-list complete by dinner time – but I’m not. I may strive to be at times, but deep down, I’m just a little too laid back, {a.k.a. lazy}, to have the drive to accomplish such feats.

But the incessant need to make lists? I’ve got that one down. Just gather them up from my house, off my computer, from work, my purse, the car and I’ll show you how 90% of those lists did not get accomplished… but boy do I love to make them!

So there you have it, if you have any organizational tips to apply to literally any facet of my life or home, I’ll take them. I want to contract this “disease” from you folks. If I find out it’s air-borne, I’ll invite you all over just to cough on me.


I need your organizational OCD, please.


Should there also be any treatment for my genetic inheritance of procrastination, {I don’t think my dad could deny passing this one down}, I’d also love to know exactly what course of therapy I could begin on right away. I mean, there’s seriously a million pills in my pharmacy… you’d think at least one would be useful in this situation, right?


I will stop procrastinating and I will start blogging more. Let’s pretend February 1st is the first day of the blogging fiscal year, shall we? I like it!

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