Thursday, February 17, 2011

HER baby


YES! We’re having a baby.

YES! I can’t wait to talk, talk, talk about it.

and YES! I’ve had an anonymous blog out there in blogworld for about 6 months now to talk/vent about the journey towards motherhood… more on that later =)

BUT, there’s something I had to get out there TODAY before I move on to talking about my baby.


I want to talk about HER baby:


This gorgeous couple are on their way to adopting a sweet baby from Taiwan. As you know, adoption has many challenges in the process including VERY large expenses. In order to raise money to help their cause, a very AWESOME auction is going on RIGHT NOW on their blog.





Hurry on over and see some of the stylish items for auction. There is seriously something for EVERYONE.


Should you see my name as the highest bidder – WALK AWAY PEOPLE.

Just kidding…

BUT, you may not want to stand in the way of me and my Sparrow Necklace. I don’t think you wanna mess with my crazy preggo hormones I’ve got goin’ on these days. ;)


Back tomorrow!



  1. Congratulations! Best wishes to you and your husband on your new journey to Parenthood! :)

  2. How sweet of you! P.S. You totally need an ultrasound pic in your header now!

  3. I am so glad you've gotten your blogging grove back! I've missed you!! :)

  4. YAY! I'm so excited for you! Congratulations! I assumed the other blog belonged to you, but wasn't quite positive until now!

  5. Congrats! Love your blog and I can't wait to read about your pregnancy and baby :)

  6. Ahhh, I missed your post that you guys are expecting. I'm so happy for you guys! :) Congrats!!!

  7. ahhhhh! congrats! Babies are amazing and life changing!

    i'm so glad i found your blog! its precious in every way!

  8. Congrats!! So exciting for you guys!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)