Wednesday, February 09, 2011

a Valentine’s Day giveaway!


Wowzers – it’s hard to get back in the swing of blogging when you’ve been gone so long. But here I am, back at it, and with a giveaway!


I was contacted a little while back to do a book review. I never do reviews and I next to never read. {So not proud of that fact and actually have been doing a lot more of it since the new year!} But I thought: what a great way to make myself read AND a book written about a topic I’ve been interested in reading more about: relationships.

Couldn’t we all use a little help in that area?


Off I went, the newest little bookworm, diving into Love and Respect for a Lifetime. And boy, did my relationship come out the winner!


This book confirms what we all know about women and men – that we are definitely from different planets. But what it goes on to tell you is just what that means for your relationships with these handsome aliens =)

Little did I know about communicating with my husband. While we get better at it with time, this book truly put it into perspective for me about exactly what he needs from me and the difference in what I need from him. In words and actions.

Not only that, but it incorporated scripture throughout the book!

A winner in my eyes… Who else knows more about us and our needs then our Creator?

While our significant others seem to be the focus of this book, I dare say it will help me in all of my relationships, with men and women. Providing a deeper understanding of what we all want and need can only aid us in communicating and co-existing with one another.

I’m putting it on my dearest love’s nightstand next, I’m also putting it on one of yours!

♥Anyone who is a follower of this blog and comments on this post will be signed up for the Love and Respect for a Lifetime book giveaway, set for Valentine’s Day, February 14th!♥

Could you think of a more appropriate giveaway then a book about love on Valentine’s Day?!

Much love!

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  1. Ya know, Steph! I could NOT agree more. And although # 1 hardly ever wins, I figured WHY NOT!?!? And I am sooooo happy to see you back!

  2. Welcome back! I would love to have this book!

  3. Count me in! I'm always up to read advice on marriage and relationships, especially when they are focused on God!

  4. This is a great book. We just finished the "regular" Love and Respect in my couples' small group. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  5. Me,Pick me, please. Thanks Stephanie, for the chance to win this fantastic & encouraging book. Karina

  6. I'm so glad you are doing this giveaway. ;) I've been wanting to read this book for awhile, and even if I don't win, I think I'm going to purchase it....but I still hope I win so I don't have to!

  7. What a great review...hope to read this book soon!! I read the "5 Love Languages" and it was another eye opener for my husband and myself.

  8. I just looked at this a couple hours ago at Barnes and Noble. Looks really good!

  9. What a great giveaway for valentines day! I would love a copy of this book!

  10. I would love this book! There are always aspects of marriage that could be improved upon, that most don't even see.

  11. I would love this book!!! What a great giveaway for Valentines day!!!

  12. Welcome back hon! :) I would love to get my hands on this book. I just got married in June and I just turned 20 in july -- my husband is 22. So yes, we are apart of the stereotypical "at-risk of divorce" group of married individuals because we got married young. I would love to learn more about communication in relationships. We are learning and teaching eachother, but I'm a brat and I'm stuborn...(tehe). *Fingers crossed*

  13. This sounds like such a great book! And definitely a perfect giveaway for right now!

  14. I've been wanting to read this book! I've heard such good things about it!

  15. Oh wow - I really want to read this book. Thanks for the chance to win it! :)

  16. i'm a follower! would love to read it.

  17. I'm a followers and I would love to read this book.

  18. That's our 14th wedding anniversary. <3

  19. Love this!! I would love to read this regardless if I win or not!! Glad your back :)

  20. oooo... pick me, pick me! i gave this book to my sister and her fiance for christmas... but have been dying to read it myself! have heard really great things about it!

  21. Sounds like a good book to read! It's always good to learn something new that can help the relationship!

  22. So glad you are back.

    This book would be a winner regardless if I won or not. We could definitely use this after all that we went through the past two months. I will be checking for it at Chapters next time I'm there.

  23. We're currently reading some of Gary Chapman's books, which also incorporate faith in working on your relationship, so I'd love to have this book too! Welcome back!

  24. OOOOO I would love to win this giveaway~!

    A) I love to read
    B) I blog about it's right up my alley

    C) I would LOVE to win!!!

    I am a follower! :)

    I am also having a fantastic CSN give away in case you are interested in entering!

    ~Romantic Savy

  25. So glad you are back!! Even after 17 years of marriage, I could sure use this book:)

  26. You know I'm a follower, and I've missed you! Glad you're back. Would love a copy of that book. Crossing my fingers that I win. :)

  27. I've never heard of this book, but it sounds really cool! I would love to win it! :)

  28. I'm a follower and I'm leaving a comment! :)

  29. What a sweet giveaway! Sounds wonderful! Hope you are doing well! I have a prayer request on my blog if you dont mind stopping by!

    Have a wonderful day!

  30. What a sweet sounding book, hopeing I win lol!

  31. pick me Steph...I need all the help I can get right now.

  32. I saw a review for this book recently, and have been curious about it!
    Please through my name in the hat!!!
    I would LOVE to learn more about my ALIEN!!!!


    Happy Thursday!!!

  33. I have to correct my hideous spelling: Please *THROW* my name in the hat.....


  34. Pick me! I would love to read that book.

  35. Sounds like a great book! I definitely need help understanding why my bf acts the way he does sometimes, haha! :)

  36. What are great give away! Glad you're back:)

  37. Oh, this looks like such a great book!

  38. While I don't read as much now as I once did, (wonder why???) I would love to win this book. If I do, it will be my reading material for the next 3 months or so. Whatever works, right?

  39. I would love to read this :)

    mi3ragamuffins at aol dot com

  40. I would love to have this for future reference!

  41. I would love to share this book with my beautiful 18 year old daughter and her boyfriend.....

  42. I could really use that!!! Sounds wonderful.

  43. I would really love a copy of this book!!

  44. Welcome back! This book sounds great, maybe even a 30year married girl can learn something new!

  45. I've been a follower for a while...found you through dave and brit plus one! (love her!) Would love to read this book!! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  46. "A winner in my eyes… Who else knows more about us and our needs then our Creator?"

    Just entering the world of blogging from a desire to discuss marriage with others- thanks for posting this book, i seems like a great read for me at the moment!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)