Saturday, July 03, 2010

I love a good challenge!


Good is an understatement. This is “good” in God’s eyes and we all know that’s on a whole other playing field.

I’ve been challenged by Samantha after reading that she took the challenge too.

The challenge to read the bible in 90 days.

My shame: I failed to read the bible in one year, twice.

Now I’m accepting 90 days when I failed giving myself an entire year. This is MOST DEFINITELY a challenge for me!

***On a side note: I have to admit that lately, I have felt extreme guilt with the amount of time I devote to decorating our humble abode, surfing the web, work, all things vanity related, blogging, thinking about working out {haha – just thinking about it}, trying to keep up with friends, fit in a little sleep… and by the end of the day, I’ve spent only a few minutes talking to God and zero time reading His word.

The fact that most of my time praying to Him is in my own time of need and not to praise Him is even more shameful.

Even with that huge burden of guilt on my heart, weighing me down with fear of eternal consequences and self-loathing, I haven’t set aside a moment’s worth of thought to sort out a solution. I do not believe in consequences… God knows my heart and HE knows how to get to me – so HE put in a blog post. He is “The Great Creator” – and boy did He get creative to reach me!  =)


You can read about the challenge for yourself, here on Amy’s Blog devoted to “Real Moms Growing in Christ”.

Though I’m not a mom, I’m pretty sure I’m allowed to join in ;)

I won’t be participating in the weekly twitter meetings – I don’t twitter and I don’t have a work schedule that allows me to commit to the same day and time each week though I wish I could! The meetings are meant for discussion and encouragement between others taking on the same challenge in these hectic on-the-go times. But I will try to write about how I’m doing from time to time to hold myself accountable.

I’ll be following this plan, equipped with boxes to check off each day, which is also on Amy’s site and that you can print out for yourself here.

{I LOVE checklists – I feel so accomplished with each mark!}



Just a little FYI to let you know what I’ll be up to and hoping someone out there would like to join in and help hold me accountable. {with two huge fails in my past, I could use the support!} Since I don’t Tweet – I was thinking about starting up an email type forum or even a McLinky where everyone could add their posts about where they’re at in the 90 days, their thoughts and feelings, etc…

I’m SO excited!♥

Hoping everyone’s having a lovely weekend!


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  1. YAY! SO glad you jumped in! I printed off the checklist as well, as I also love checklists! I have had lots of people link up with me through twitter and my blog to help with accountability, as well as my Homeschool Community. I also am linked to Amy through FB.
    My reasons for the challenge were very similar to yours. Think of the accomplishment if we do it more than once this year!
    Good Luck!

  2. I know what you mean about the guilt over finding time to do some things but not read the Bible. I recommend the Journey magazine from Lifeway. They're short little devotionals for women, but they have a longer set of verses for in depth study.

    I. Love. Them.

    There are so many days that I read the devotional and think, "How did God know that's EXACTLY what I needed to read today?" Unfortunately, I don't think that very often these days because my study-time has taken a bit of a hit, but on those times that I do read it, I'm always blessed.

  3. me and hubs have been trying to do this and failed miserably! Im printing off that checklist..thanks so much for sharing this!!!!!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)