Friday, July 02, 2010

fried mind friday


I am more than a little excited about this weekend… and there’s not even anything truly exciting happening – just the little things that light up my own little world.

First of all, of course, it’s the 4th of July – which holds such a special place in my heart. Our country’s independence is not taken lightly and more than ever I have come to realize the great sacrifice many have had to make to allow us to enjoy this great life full of it’s many freedoms.

I also love the American flag and the great red, white, and blue colors of our great nation. I’d sort of love to plaster my house in it, but it may be a little hard on the eyes after a while. I’ll take a few splashes of it around the my old Kentucky home instead.

Photo from last year’s Independence Day:

July 4th 028

{Photos of this year’s decorations still to come…}

I love the patriotism at this time of year, the official feeling of summer, the celebrations going on everywhere, warm weather and food on the grill, and I very much enjoy as many fireworks as this girl can get!


Saturday morning, I’m actually looking forward to waking up at the crack of dawn for Krispy Kremes, coffee, and as much yard-sale madness as I can find. {The hubs is coming along for the ride as well – yay!}


Best of all - I won’t be working! {work = the reason for “fried mind friday”} Which is a celebration in itself and one that I will attempt to revel in as much as possible as it seems I may be working the next 3 weekends in a row – Boo.

Hopefully I’ll come back with lots of pictures from this weekend’s festivities! Don’t forget to check out this week’s “Friday’s Five Featured Followers” at the top right on the sidebar OR to enter our giveaway that ends this Tuesday for a chance at being one of four to win a pre-made layout from LeeLou Blogs!

♥Happy 4th of July everyone!♥

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  1. I admire you for your yard sale patience! At least this weekend you should have great weather and hopefully it won't be too hot. The Krispy Kreme's are mighty tempting though (:

  2. Can't wait to see more pictures of the decorations!! you always do such a fantastic job!

  3. oh, thanks for mentioning me on your blog! enjoy the 4th!

  4. Have a great weekend! Yard sales, food on the grill, and Krispy Kremes...what more cold a girl ask for?!

  5. I love your blog plus I have something for you on my blog!!

  6. Enjoy your weekend off! I will be working...yuck!!!
    Happy 4th!

  7. You are right Stephanie! I will not fail with this new challenge! That would be the worst one to fail! I will have a weekly update on my blog, about what I am learning, and how I am scheduling it all in! You should do it too!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)