Wednesday, June 09, 2010

proud wifey


That’s me, the proud wifey.


And this is him, the hubby that makes me a proud wifey.


He’s the cutest face to ever graduate with his masters in business from the University of Kentucky.

I’m almost as proud of him being so cute as I am of his accomplishments =)


This past Friday, June 4th, we all gathered round to celebrate his achievements and watch him walk across the stage to receive his diploma.




Some of us weren’t able to “gather round” as easily as others. Some of us had to hobble on crutches when being wheeled around wasn’t possible.

Some of us step off of a deck and twist/sprain/break (not sure which?) their ankle just for kicks.

Geeeeeeze, Mom, I can’t believe how far you’d go just to steal the attention on Nick’s big day…



{In all seriousness though - Bless her heart ♥… and my sweet dad’s as well. I’m so glad they soldiered on and drove/hobbled/wheeled their way here despite the obstacles! not to mention, the pain.}


My decorations were a bit cheesy – but I think they got the point of the celebration across perfectly ;)


Who knew you could buy a kit to make your own personalized sign?

If you can’t tell, the top says “MBA 2010 UK” and the bottom line “Congrats Nick”.


I personally thought it was cool… and lovin’ the fact that you can take it apart and reuse it. There’s about a hundred more letters in the kit!

{I’m thinking that next time though, the sign should say something completely inappropriate… how hilarious would that be?! My humor is just a touch twisted.}


Favorite part of the day:

watching my husband walk across the stage and receive his hard earned degree.

Second favorite part of the day: eating THESE!



Pictures of his momma’s baby, clockwise from the right: kindergarten graduation in white, high school graduation in maroon, and his undergraduate graduation from Georgetown with double degrees in economics and psychology.

Smarty pants.


After eating the most DELICIOUS lunch at Saul Good’s, it was present time back at the old homestead.

Notice the progression in these photos:


Nick is gifted a card with money inside. Reaction: straight faced.


Nick receives a new, clean, white shirt. Reaction: confused face.

{What’s clean???}


Nick tests out the “wrinkle free” guarantee of other new shirt. Reaction: not fully impressed nor amused face.


FINALLY, Nick opens up a gift he can be happy about; a gas blower.

Imagining lots of fun in the future blowing dust, leaves, and even snow around outside. Reaction: the “dude, this is awesome!” face.


Nick opens second manly gift, a hedge trimmer {or clipper?}.

Imagines all the things he can now slice through with ease, including his wife’s computer she uses to blog on and sometimes have fun at his expense.

Reaction: PRICELESS.




You deserve so much more, sweetheart. We all love you bunches♥

Congratulations on your new start!



  1. CONGRATS to you both! And many good wishes for years to come!

    Btw, I don't think your decorations were cheesy at all! I love that you went all out to really celebrate the big day!

  2. Congrats, that's very exciting.

    Those cupcakes look super yummy!

  3. Congrats...I can't wait until my hubs is finished!
    Can you please send me some cupcakes! ha!

  4. Congratulations to your hubby! Those cupcakes look amazing :) Love your dress...SO cute!

  5. Congratulations to your hubby! MBA is hard work!!!

  6. lol! congrats to both of you! The last gift is awesome. I unfortunately received endless shirts and books (err...) for my graduation two years ago so I advised my cousin to create a registry at or etsy or something. Lol the photo progression is hilarious!

  7. Congrats! Now it should be baby time!! Cupcakes look delish!

  8. Congrats to your hubby! I thought the decorations were cute...and I thought your dress was REALLY cute! Where did you get it?

  9. Congrats to him!! And I am SO partial to your blog as I am a beg and my hubs is a beb and my little bug has a touch of red in her hair!!! You're gorgeous!!!

  10. I dream of the day my husband finally graduates from his PhD program. Congratulations for you guys though!!!

  11. I think it would very hilarious if you made the sign say something inappropriate next time. haha! That would for sure catch everyone off guard. You're adorable as always and I am loving your dress! Congrats to your Hubby!

  12. Congratulations to your husband, ya'll are so cute! (And I'm loving that pink dress you wore to the graduation). Those cupcakes from Gigi's look phenomenal - we have a Gigi's here in Louisville, I think I will have to try some now! :)

  13. I have never posted before but have followed for a few months now.....Congratulations to your husband! And those cupcakes look amazing!!

  14. Congrats to your hubs!! Love you button that says "Sit & Stay a While" :)

  15. I bet that is such a relief and weight off his and your shoulders. Congrats to both of you! Those cupcakes look delish :)

  16. LOL Your blog is so cute. Looks like it was a beautiful day and Congrats to your husband on such an accomplishment!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)