Sunday, May 09, 2010

love for my mothers

I am beyond thankful for my mother – we had a wonderful weekend together that ended today when SHE came home and cooked dinner for US on mother’s day! {Although Dad did do the grilling of the steaks =)} We are beyond lucky to have her in our lives. She is dearly loved!

I can’t help but think of the other wonderful “mothers” in my life that I can’t imagine being where I am today without – my grandmothers and my mother-in-law – I am such a blessed woman to have these wonderful examples of loving, caring, courageous, and do-anything-for-their-children kind of examples of what a mother should be in my life. I love you all more than words can express.

This year’s Mother’s Day came with a sting that I had never experienced on this day before. It is a reminder of the wonderful mother and grandmother we so suddenly lost only a couple months ago. My heart is breaking remembering her sweet smile and her funny stories. A piece of my heart went with her on March 4th and our world will never be the same without her.

I’ve been seeing this little poem on facebook this week and I can believe how a few short lines can bring tears to my eyes and lump in my throat so quickly. It’s just another testament to the love we had for this great woman!


If roses grow in Heaven, Lord, please pick a bunch for me.

Place them in my mother’s arms and tell her they’re from me.

Tell her I love her and miss her and when she turns to smile, place a kiss upon her cheek and hold her for a while –

because remembering her is easy, I do it every day -

but there’s an ache within my heart that will never go away. 

We love and miss you more than you’ll ever know, Granny.





  1. Oh, that poem and picture absolutely brought a tear to my eye!

  2. What a sweet post and beautiful pictures...I am happy to hear you had such a lovely day with your own mother!

  3. What great pictures!!! ;) Good post girl!

  4. I had a bittersweet Mother's Day as well. It has been two years since we lost our Grandma Betty. Keep your grandma close in your heart.

  5. Love the post Stephanie. The pics of you and Charlene are wonderful. The one with her head on your shoulder just brings a tear to my eyes. She is so missed by all of us.

  6. what a beautiful post! hope y'all had a wonderful mothers day celebration :)


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)