Monday, May 24, 2010

long overdue

SERIOUSLY?! This post {and several others stored up in the old noggin} is so looooooong overdue, I’m embarassed! I’ve been working as a double agent pharmacist lately – more on that exciting piece of news later – which has totaled to a remarkable amount of hours slaving over pills and meetings between two full-time jobs. Being a double agent doesn’t leave much time for blogging, nor the creative fun I like to blog about… but that’s all about to change!

I can officially say, as of the last two days off, my creative mojo IS BACK! I’m in the middle of so much decorating, creating, and using a ridiculous amount of hot glue that I’m working my fingers to the bone trying to hurry up and finish so I can blog about it all… becuase if I don’t blog about it, did it really ever happen??

While I contemplate this very deep philosophical question, enjoy some pictures from our weekend in Michigan almost a month ago, where we celebrated Nick’s brother’s graduation, earning him the honor of a Masters in Accounting… we are SO proud of you, Chad!!

As always, I wish I had taken more photos of our fun, but glad for the ones we did manage to bring home!

Lauren, Chad’s lovely bride and my favorite sister-in-law in the whole world!!



Memory lane pictures from a very accomplished young man and more importantly, CAKE!!

, IMG_4373

Cake made by the very talented Lauren… law student by day, cake baker extraordinaire by night.


I know this little decoration doesn’t seem too exciting – until I tell you it use to say “Congrats Grad” until I got my happy scissor hands on it and changed “Grad” to “Chad”.

Still not impressed? Sorry – it’s the best I could do at the moment. This is still pre-creative mojo returning… =)











We don’t get to see these lovely people near enough – but looking forward to seeing them AGAIN in just a couple of weeks for my business minded hubby’s graduation. Hope the world’s ready for all these great Roberts’ family minds to join the workforce – watch out Economy!! We’re about to get you straightened out…


  1. Welcome back! :) What great pictures, congrats to your brother-in-law!

  2. congrats to your brother in law!

  3. What fun pics! Congrats to your bro-in-law! :)

  4. Glad to see your posts come up!!!

    Cake is def important at parties!!!

  5. I am off for 8 WHOLE days!!!!!
    All I can say is, THANK GOD!
    HA ;-)

  6. What a fun graduation party. Graduations are always exciting!

  7. Great pictures! Congratulations to your brother-in-law!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)