Tuesday, March 16, 2010

up to speed


I have to send out a HUGE thank you to the many people who commented with their thoughts and prayers for my family and I during the passing of my grandmother. Your words were read and reread and comforted me with the kindness they sent with them.

The weather was beautiful the day my Granny went to heaven and continued to be so for many days afterwards. She was and still is our sunshine. How special it was to celebrate her life on those gorgeous March days. My sister and I went through many, many pictures of  our own and those provided to us by family members to make collage frames to be displayed at her visitations. Seeing her smiling in so many pictures, seeing her younger days, seeing her with each child and grandchild as they were added to her family – every picture and every memory were all so healing and heartwarming for me.

I am so grateful to those who came to visitations or the funeral to comfort the family – the respect that shows to her and us is immeasurable and admirable. To have company and friendship in a time of great hurt and loneliness is priceless.

I will treasure my time spent with my grandmother on this earth and think of her always with such love and admiration for the beautiful woman God allowed me to call my Granny. I am so THANKFUL to have spent the time I did with her in my life. May I someday live up to the woman she was!


Since I’ve been absent for a while, I believe it’s finally time I make an appearance and bring you up to speed on what’s been going on in our little lives:

Life event #1 that I missed blogging about: I took a {sort of} new job… I accepted a position, still within CVS, as pharmacy manager or what we call PIC {pharmacist in charge}. All of this simply means I am no longer a “floating”, a.k.a. fill-in, pharmacist. I have one and only one store to report to each day for work and I will no longer be staying in hotels and traveling to far off destinations – HALLELUJAH!

But just so we don’t get too ahead of ourselves though, I must clarify… I do STILL work quite a distance from home, 1 hour and 15 minutes ONE WAY. {Yuck} Though I do still get paid for my mileage, I have a set schedule for once, and I only work 3 days a week for the most part. {Though they are 14 hour days with an added 2 and 1/2 hour roundtrip commute… can you tell I’m torn by the pros and cons of this job?!}

Anyway, there’s the update on the job front. It’s moving up in this world – if only the slightest, tiniest little bit.

Life event #2 that I missed blogging about: My roommate of 4 years {and 3 different colleges!!} got married this past weekend. Brittney was GORGEOUS and I’m still kicking myself that I only took pictures at the rehearsal and kind of forgot to on the wedding day. No fear! Like most normal people, she did not rely on the matron of honor to take her wedding photos and she had some AMAZING photographers there that day. I can’t wait to see the pictures! {The pictures I did take to be posted soon – and maybe I can share some of her amazing engagement pics too!}

Life event #3 that I missed blogging about: Nick is closing in on graduation day – June 5th!

This means several things… Firstly, Nick will be the proud recipient of a Masters in Business degree… oooooh, ahhhhhhhhh.

Secondly, the big man is now on the job hunt and we will soon {fingers crossed} be a household of TWO incomes… YIPPEE!!

Thirdly, it’s vacation time again, people!!! I decided all of his hard work should be rewarded with a big celebratory cruise of some type right after graduation. Not sure where just yet but we’re slowly figuring it out. Hawaii? Mexico? Aruba? Not sure – but there sure seems to be a tropical theme to the destinations we’re considering.

I believe that’s all for now… I didn’t promise exciting, just to bring you up to speed ;)




  1. Congrats on all of your exciting news!

    I bet our grannies are hangin out up in heaven, chatting about what wonderful granddaughters they have! ;)

  2. It's good to see you back in blogland! Congratulations on all the big news.

  3. Sounds like everything is going well! Yay! =)

  4. I'm glad you're back and that you have so many exciting things going in your life after something so sad.

  5. Welcome back!! Such exciting things going on!!

  6. Glad to have you back and congrats on the new job :)

  7. Again, my thoughts and prayers are still with your family. You have had a lot going on. Welcome back. We all missed you!

  8. You have some crazy pros and cons from your job!!! What type of job is your husband searching for?

  9. Congrats on the newish job, hope all the cons work themselves out!

  10. Welcome back! :) What a lovely post about your grandmother. Congratulations on ALL of your wonderful news!

  11. So sorry to hear about your Grandma :( Congrats on the new job!

  12. I gave you a blog award

  13. So glad your back! I have missed your posts, they brighten my days up

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. So Happy For You!!!!

    Honestly, the commute of your day is horrible but I have found that I actually like the quiet time I get in my car. It's a good time to just sit, relax, and reflect. I hope you find the same thing.

    Very happy again. Happy St. Patty's Day!

  16. congrats on the new job! i too am waiting for the day we become a two income household. enjoy a permenant schedule and planning a warm vacation!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)