Sunday, March 21, 2010

5 years and the best present I’ve ever given him


5 years ago today, two dorky kids went on their first date together. Inseparable ever since, we’ve taken many, many dorky pictures together.

Enjoy a few from the first couple years.

We were awkward. We were desperately trying to be cool. But we were first and foremost, head over heels in love.

{Still are!♥}




















I look at these pictures and smile, just remembering each occasion and the emotions that came with it.

I also look at these pictures and think of the poor little, extra fair skinned babies we will beget together.


{This, most likely, will not be our child. Ours would be more pale white all over instead of just on her tushie. Or perhaps this same picture, but with the tanned portion more of a sun-seared red. I mean, even our dog is white…}


Finally, on this anniversary, I did give Nick the very best present I have EVER given him.


The gift of me… the mute version of me.

I’ll explain: Beautiful spring weather + crappy allergies to the world in bloom = full blown laryngitis

Yesterday, I could literally only whisper. Even my coughs were eerily quiet.

This made it very difficult to cheer on Kentucky to victory last night, but it looks like they didn’t need me anyway, what with our 30 point win… GO CATS!

{and can I say that I’m just LOVING that Obama picked Kansas to win over UK in the final game and they’re already out. hehehehe….}

Back to my “gift” - Nick has made several jokes about how much he’s enjoying all of this. I can’t spout off a sassy retort in return, but let me assure you, my ability to inflict pain is still fully intact ;)



I love you, baby! Happy 5 years of blessed togetherness!!



  1. Happy 5 year anniversary! None of the pics were awkward at all, you guys make a gorgeous couple! Hope you are feeling better.

  2. How Sweet! Just wait until you have more years under your belt, we look back on these last 16 1/2 years of pics and laugh! Fair skin rocks by the way!

  3. aw, ya'll look so cute and young! love it! happy anniversary! xoxo

  4. y'all make such a cute couple....i thought you were going to announce you were prego!

  5. Happy 5 Years!!! Those pictures are adorable!

  6. Happy Anniversary! Hope you feel better soon!

  7. Very sweet post - the two of you are so photogenic, each picture is cuter than the one before it! Happy Anniversary!

  8. Y'all are just too cute! Happy anniversary :)

  9. Loved the pics! You are so pretty!

  10. You two are just TOO CUTE!!! Congrats and many more happy years together. Pale babes and all...ha! (You are not alone.)

  11. What a beautiful couple you make! Congrats and happy anniversary! :)

  12. Such great pictures!! Happy 5 years :) Hope you feel better!!

  13. fun blog...check my out. I just posted my daughters 4 min. sneak peek wedding video. It is really amazing if I do say so myself, even though all I did way pay for it :)

  14. thats so funny. I lost my voice a couple weeks ago and my husband kept insisting he was in absolute heaven (even though I know it was torture not hearing my voice). Haha

    Happy 5 years, and what a cute couple you 2 make!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)