Thursday, January 28, 2010

goodwill hunting

Over the past year, since we bought our house, I've learned that "Goodwill" on the outside of our local store means "there's a {slim} possiblity there will be goodies inside".

My friends and I have been shopping Goodwill, Salvation Army, and other likewise donation stores for a very long time now... though, up until this year, it was only for either really great decade costumes for our Honor Choir concert in high school OR for the very coolest, old, punk rock-esque t-shirts found only where people dump their very coolest junk.

One man's trash is another man's treasure.
So true.

You may remember my greatest pride and joy ever hunted down in a Goodwill store, my entryway lamps:

I am TOO happy with these little matching finds. I couldn't have found more perfect lighting for this little nook in our home if I had all the lamps in all the lands to choose from.

Since finding these lamps, I've stopped into Goodwill every now and then to see if any other prizes await me.
The pickin's have been slim.

But yesterday, my luck changed.
Not gorgeous, prized lamps kind of luck. But luck, nonetheless.

First up, some very classy, stylish, one-of-a-kind stuffed animals.

Okay, so these probably aren't your cup of tea, but they are Hendrix's:

At 50 cents a piece, you can't beat it for new dog toys.
Take that, overpriced Petsmart!

After a trip through the washer and dryer, Hendrix finally got to grab these little stuffed animals by their heads and swing them around while growling ferociously, just as he always loves to do with his best friends.

What's that you say?
Are we worried about our future babies hanging around our dog?
Why ever would you say that...

His very favorite is the tiny little cat, which I almost didn't get because I didn't think it would be big enough for him to wrestle with as he does his beloved teddy bear - but I was so wrong - he carries Miss Kitty everywhere. {Yes, I named her. Still thinking of names for the monkey and girraffe. Any suggestions?} It's all really quite adorable... already chewed her nose off, as you might notice.

I also got this candle holder for $2.50, looking almost good as new.
I'll jazz it up a little later. But you knew that, right?

Also, these two picture frames, which are such a gorgeous shade of baby poop yellow:

I've already begun spray painting them white.
You can just go ahead and consider most all of these images the "before shots".

How about my new little straw purse for summer:

Thank you!
I'm glad you agree - it is quite adorable and a steal at 3 bucks!

It even zippers closed so my little wallet doesn't flip out like my hubby is always forewarning just might happen if I don't close my danged purse.

I can't even start to list to you the many things I will end-up toting around in this:

Insert pretend phone conversation HERE:

Uh-huh, uh-huh...
OH? What's that? You're in the neighborhood and thought you might just drop by?

WELL okay then! Guess we'll just play a good cheap game of Goodwill foosball:

Yes. It would be warmer if we played the foosball in the basement instead of the garage...

Great idea. We'll be moving it down to the basement just as soon we get a chance to clean it up.

That's all of my Goodwill hunting for now, but I do have a few pieces I never showed you before that were also bought at a steal. My mom attended a small private school in Louisville, from kindergarten until high school graduation, and each year they have a White Elephant auction with donations made to the school.

I snatched all of these up for around $5.

this too:
{included in that $5!}

Also, this side table that resembles a guitar pick for another $5:
{It's getting a facelift next week, just in case you were judging.}

AND these candle holders with a little matching plate too:
{The lamp was passed to me from my mom, I was taking pictures of all of them before their paint job. Can't wait to show you!}

Finally, for just $10, I got this sweet little mirror, which has been collecting lots of dust in the garage - until now.
This is also one of the "before" pictures - seriously, can't wait to show you the finished products!

Happy Goodwill hunting!


  1. Those are all really great finds! I love that you got the dog toys there never thought of that...much better then the expensive ones that get torn apart just as fast!

  2. HAHA! That "phone conversation" made me laugh out loud! I wish I could find stuff like this! I need to start doing this! Goodwill here I come!

  3. What fun finds! Now I want to go check out our Goodwill!

  4. Way to go! I love the thrill of buying things for cheap at Goodwill or yard sales! Keep up the good work! You can always find items that have "potential." BTW...I actually liked the poop yellow frame...or maybe what you named the color! HA!

  5. I can't ever seem to find stuff like that. Kudos to you!

  6. What great finds!!!

    I always want to tackle my local goodwill but it's the people inside that scare me eeek!

  7. What great finds!!!

    I always want to tackle my local goodwill but it's the people inside that scare me eeek!

  8. Wow, I'm so impressed with all of your great finds! Can't wait to see the finished mirror!

  9. Ok, seriously love: the white pottery, the guitar pick table (I cannot wait to see the after) and that mirror!!! also not from goodwill, but I have a major crush on your entryway console :) love love love it!

  10. Wow girl! I need to go to Goodwill!
    Those items ROCK! ;-)

    Thanks for your email, you made me feel much better! I am probably just paranoid! I was laughing when you said you were more afraid of the nut jobs close by! I should too...if you could only see where I work! ;-)
    Bless those patients hearts! ha

    I had one with bugs coming out of the nose! That is a story for another day!

    Have an awesome weekend!

  11. These pieces are great, it is is even better that you can see past an item and looks at what it can become.

    An HGTV hosting gig may be in your future?!?!

  12. OMG those ARE amazing finds!!!
    I love LOVE the mirror. I have never shopped at Goodwill before, but I might just have to now... esp since I just bought my first house.. boy am I excited!!
    Another thing- you are so incredibly creative... maybe you missed your calling! I see you on HGTV as well.

    Side note about the dog toys - I have a little maltese, and her favorite toys are the ones that are smaller than her head. I think its because when she goes to shake her head, it goes flying out of her mouth, and she gets to play a game of catch all by herself. =)

  13. Schmetly..the giraffe should be named Scmetly! We buy all of our dog toys at Goodwill...WAY cuter than "real" dog toys and WAY cheaper too!! Great finds!!

  14. That first mirror is GORGEOUS! So are the rest of things and for such great prices!
    I just found your blog, and I LOVE it already!!

  15. Love all of your Goodwill finds!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)