Sunday, January 31, 2010

birthday wish list

It’s Sunday, and around here, that means a new “Follower of the Week”! Meet Sarah from “These are the Moments”. She’s a sweet new mom with a very adorable little guy. Congrats, girl!

I’ve got two days left working in this little snowed-in town… I am SO ready to go home. 46 hours in 4 days, with most all of my technicians calling in because of the snow equals one tired lady druggist. I even have to get up earlier JUST SO that I can drive 10 miles an hour on the snow and ice in an attempt to get to work ALIVE. Thank GOD everyone has stayed safe so far. I’m dreaming of home and super pumped about all the home improvements I’ll be doing this week when I’m not working.

I have Tuesday through Friday to get these done as part of my personal birthday present to myself. You can’t even fathom just how happy this almost 26 year old will be if this list gets finished!

the wish list:

  • work-out and walk the dog every single day this week! 
  • make dinner every night from my new weight watcher’s recipe book ;)


  • finish making and hanging Valentine’s decor
  • spray paint the following:
    • wooden shelf with sweater hooks – white


    • lamp base – satin nickel


    • candle base and sticks {also pictured above} – satin nickel
    • side table – white 


    • bird cage – white


    • cut tree branches for vase – white
    • our dead tree{!} – white


  • finally make a decision and purchase the fabric for the dining room - also purchase fabric for lamp shades
  • recover the following:
    • 2 lamp shades


    • 6 dining room chair cushions
  • sew the same fabric used for the chair cushions to the bottom of the too short curtains in the dining room {one problem – I don’t sew!}
  • hang curtains in the downstairs guest bedroom
  • paint and hang mirror in the upstairs guest bedroom


  • finish decorating and organizing both guest bedrooms

this will be a BIG to do… just look at that mess!


  • take down the ugly border in downstairs guest bedroom, which might take forever
  • organize ALL of the closets (!!!)
  • paint magnetic paint on downstairs picture wall {which, from the reviews I’ve read, may take 4 coats to make it as strong as I would like it!}

The Party Floor 039

  • pick out the perfect shade of red to go on top of the magnetic paint
  • go out with Nick to attempt to find a pretty gas fireplace for the basement – do be  placed in the center of the picture wall
  • choose/edit/print a bazillion pictures for the picture wall
  • order a piece of glass for the dining room table
  • go to the DENTIST!
  • out for dinner and fun on Friday night with friends!!!!!!!!!!!


Also on the wish list, but pretty dang sure none of it will be getting done next week:

  • sand and paint the china cabinet {I have many nasty words to describe the china cabinet. It is by no means, it’s fault that I loathe this piece of furniture so much, but it is a daunting task I have ahead of me, one that keeps escaping me since it will definitely be time consuming. It also pains this pea-brain of mine to choose a color of paint for it and to choose the color for the backing inside OR to choose whether to wallpaper the backing – and then to choose the right wallpaper/fabric for that specific scenario… I get tired just thinking about it. One day, when it is all finished, I will once again be friends with the cabinet. But that day, I know, is a long ways off.}
  • paint the picture wall red
  • plan my bestie’s bachelorette party – she’s getting married March 13th!
  • paint Hendrix’ portrait {if this doesn’t turn-out hideous, I have plans to hang it above the fireplace in the basement}
  • paint and distress all of the upstairs guest bedroom’s furniture which includes:
    • a 2 drawer nightstand
    • a large vertical dresser
    • a slightly large (and super heavy) entertainment system
  • Paint the BIG lamp and recover the shade {can’t do just yet because I cant figure out where to put it – thus, no color selection just yet.}




Any volunteer helpers out there???????

I’ll give you updates and progress reports through the week, as well as a few finished product photos… after all, I had to post the list in order to make myself actually be accountable for once!

Wish me luck! =)




  1. Wow, I'm tired just reading your to do list! You are definitely ambitious - good luck with all your home projects!

  2. Looks like you have your work cut out for you! Good luck :)

  3. How many years did you plan for all of this again??? wow~

  4. Wow, thats a lot to accomplish in one week. Just try and pace yourself and remember to eat otherwise you wont need that Weight Watchers cookbook. lol.

  5. Wow, what a busy week you'll have! Keep us posted, I can't wait to see how all of those projects turn out.

  6. I was thinking you wanted to do all of this before your next BIRTHDAY!! but you're trying to do this in a WEEK?!?! WOW!! Good luck girlie!!

    I'm so jealous of your decorating skills! I wish I could turn something from crap to masterpiece!!

  7. Girl, you are busy! I think I may need to come help you! ha
    Can't wait to see all your work, you inspire me for sure!

    Be safe going to work...I dread tomorrow. A Monday and the First, could it get worse! Probably not!

  8. I found you threw Katy D's blog and think you're so darn cute! Love your blog & you will be WONDER WOMAN if you get HALF of your list done!!!

  9. don't work too hard now! :) a girl's gotta kick back and relax for her birthday!! wish I could come help... I loooove those kind of projects!

  10. Wow, you have a busy week planned. Your list makes me feel like a slacker. Good luck on your projects.

  11. You find the best things to fix up and make pretty! I need to start looking harder!!

  12. You have so much energy! That is awesome and I cannot wait to see pictures of the finished products! especially the magnetic paint!

  13. Oh my! A lot to do...but I'm sure it will happen in time!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! It would be unbelievably awesome if Target picked up my goldfish line...haha! But I'm not too hopeful! ; )

  14. That's a massive list!! I'm tired just reading all about it. Good luck on all your projects! :)

  15. Wow! Looks like you have TONS to do! But I'm sure it will be tons of fun doing it. Very cute blog! :)


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)