Thursday, November 19, 2009

white lights, huh?

It's been quite the day already.

Remember when Christmas threw-up all over the basement a week or so ago?

It's only gotten worse since. We are currently wading through the mess, slowly decking the halls, making our lists of what we still need want to buy for decor and checking it twice.

As for our little poll going on the right sidebar - it closed last night. The people have spoken and the lights shall be WHITE.

60 votes to 16 is a pretty loud aversion to colored lights. Both of our moms voted for color, and since they birthed us and all, I was thinking that they each could count as 20 votes a piece - and still the white lights would win out. What's the big deal here? Did colored lights ruin Christmas one year that I didn't hear of?

I'm now thinking of leaving more decisions up to you folks through blog polls like what color to paint the china cabinet, where to vacation next summer, when would be a good time to have our first offspring...

Some online shopping has been done and we are now eagerly awaiting the arrival of our newest addition to the scene, set to arrive ANYTIME now.
{Come on, UPS.}

I believe our little {10 foot} friend will make a nice addition to the forest growing in our home. He will be joining his two 7" brother and sister trees, as well as little bub and sis, the two 4" trees.

Nick already started on his own personal tree in the basement - definately the "brother" tree, chock full of sports ornaments, mostly baseball, as well as tiny poker tables and dartboards and lovingly decorated in the most appropraite fashion for our game and entertainment dedicated part of the home.

Almost finished... he may still need a woman's touch.

If I ever get the time for crafts outside of the furniture painting, house cleaning, prescription dispensing, and christmas shopping/decorating that will be going on at a very steady pace over the next few weeks, I hope to be making one of these little jewels. I love the colors in this one:

{Photo and tutorial, courtesy of}

I will now be cutting today's post short because, as I live and breathe, I PROMISE you that our tree has just been delivered as I typed and my day has just been made.

Nick is already on top of getting it put together and it looks GORGEOUS! Thank goodness it looks good on it's own, I didn't know if I'd even have enough ornaments to decorate it properly this year!!

Back tomorrow for the rest!

Oops - One more last note - my mom is delivering the OTHER 7" tree, one of her old ones, tomorrow. I am dieing to have a flocked tree, which is the purpose of this specific tree, but have no experience in that area what-so-ever. She said I can throw the whole thing away if I really screw it up =)

Any advice out there? Anyone know a good product to use to make it looked heavily snowed? I appreciate whatever I can get! {Won't it just look precious in our bedroom with the white bedding?! Can't wait!} Thanks in advance!


  1. I won't give advice on the tree, I would mess it up no matter what and would have to throw it out. I just posted our Christmas pics, with lots on Facebook. Happy decorating!

  2. YAY! I love new x-mastrees! Have fun!

  3. YAY! I love white lights...they just look so traditional and classy to me! That wreath is too cute. Have fun with your new tree!

  4. I didn't vote on your light choice but I would have said color. I've noticed lately that more and more people lean towards white but I still say color- white may be more elegant but color is so cheery! I'm sure it will all look lovely regardless!

  5. White looks soooo classy!! I have a cute 4'5" tree in my kitchen that has kitchen/baking themed ornaments on it and I do use colored lights on that one because it is more whimsical (er, or so I tell myself, haha!).

    Where did you get your 10 footer??!?!?! We are in the market for a 9 foot tree and can't find anything we like!

  6. Just found your blog and you guys are a gorgeous couple! I love the way you have your blog set off to keep reading. :)

  7. I can't wait to see your newest tree!! I'm sure it will turn out fabulous!!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)