Tuesday, November 24, 2009

picture overload and a favor to ask

I've never needed a ladder to decorate my tree. It's... different.

We decided to just go with a color theme with our tallest tree this year, since the tree downstairs has the sports ornaments, and the one in our bedroom {which I'm starting to think I won't get around to flocking this year} will hold all of our family and sentimental ornaments. We decided to go with a very non-traditional color combo of turquoise and silver. I. LOVE. IT. so far. Hopefully, all the up-and-down the ladder decorating will be over soon to show you the finished product.

We are starting with these cheap lovely Wal-mart ornaments and going on with ornament shopping from here.

Let's not forget that our fur-child needed his own tree sitting in the corner of the eat-in kitchen.

Complete with Christmas colored rawhide tied up with ribbon.

As well as the only doggie ornaments we had at this time. Hopefully Santa will bring us some more in his stocking ;)

Also in the eat-in kitchen, hanging above the bar area, is a little idea I stole from my mother-in-law.

I love walking in and see all the sparkle and magic these bring to the kitchen.

Nick thinks they're overkill. He might have mentioned that a couple of times along with the fact that he does not like glitter while I continued to work away at my project, which I loved and was getting very little respect for.. did I mention I didn't ask for his opinion? As I was putting up the last few, he asked if I thought they were overkill.

I may have snapped back a little something about "do you think I would work on this for 2 days and continue to add more if I thought it was overkill????"

If that man doesn't watch his step, I'll be testing the "shatterproof" claim that comes with these ornaments against his head! He now claims it looks beautiful.


I may have got caught up in all the excitement and forgot to mention that I FINISHED PAINTING THE TABLE AND CHAIRS!!!!!!

So the place settings and tablescape were all kind of just thrown on top and very hodge-podged together, but I just wanted you to get the idea. I would still love to have a piece of glass made for the top of the table and there is still the small matter of painting the china cabinet.

I now must skid-daddle, working all the days up until and around the holiday leave me to pack for an entire week of traveling over 1000 miles for work and family gatherings.

But can my husband I ask you a big favor before I go?

Nick is working on a big project for grad school that needs your help.
If you have a few minutes, please click here and take this small survey for his class project.

Nick, his final semester grade, and his loving wife would sooooooo appreciate your help!

NOW, go have a very safe and loving Thanksgiving! I hope to come back with lots of pictures and stories for the memory books.


  1. I LOVE all your decorations! I just may put some up today as well!!!

    i did the survey too! i was confused about the "must add up to 100" thing, i didn't understand but hopefully I did it right! :)

  2. I love the decorations even the ones in the kitchen I'm sure my husband would say the same things! I took the survey and was confused by the 100 thing at first too..but I think I did it right. :)

  3. girl, have you ever been busy spreading holiday cheer! looks amazing! I haven't decorated one BIT. sigh. this weekend?

    I loved your story about the "overkill" ornament! (I love them, by the way!) :) men!

    ok, off to take a survey....

  4. Wow, you all really do it up right at Christmas. Definitely not overkill. Silly men. Mike didn't even help me decorate our ONE tree.

    Love the table and chairs! It all looks great! :)

  5. I just took the survey for ya'll! And I love the decor, definitely NOT overkill. I do the aqua and silver, but with light pink and light green as well. LOVE. It.

  6. I love the ornaments. I don't think they are overkill at all. I do have a question though - how did you manage to hang them up there like that?

  7. Love the decorations and no it's not overkill! I put up my tree and decor last weekend and am loving this time of the year. We are still working on getting more decor. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  8. Love the decorations and no it's not overkill! I put up my tree and decor last weekend and am loving this time of the year. We are still working on getting more decor. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  9. I low the ornaments in the kitchen, it makes it look so festive. Tell Nick it is not over-kill! I love the colors you picked for you big tree too!

  10. I Luurve your decorations! One idea if you don"t have time to flock the bedroom tree, something I do caould I like the snow drift look, is stuff large pieces of "snow" batting like you would set a village on. I gives me the feel without the flocking mess I have made in the past on real trees.

  11. I love your decorations especially on the table and the ornaments hanging from the ceiling. How did you put those all up there?

  12. Your decorations are gorgeous! Will you come to my house and decorate next ;)

  13. WOW!!! Beautiful taste!! I'm sooooo jealous how it all turned out! I'm just starting decorating but I need more ornaments and stuff for sure!!

    Love the blue and silver! Love the Doggie tree! My Snoop would be so jealous!! Love it all! And your table turned out so nice too!!

    Ok and I have to set the record straight! You are gorgeous! Red heads are beautiful!! I think the funny thing comes in when you're like "where did that come from" since 1. I'm black and 2. My hubs has blond hair. For the record though I'd be just as shocked if our baby came out with blind hair too! I of course want it to look like me! Haha!!

    Thanks for stopping by girlie! I'm loving your site too!! I need to pick your brain for decorating advice!!

  14. Love, Love, your Christmas decorating!! You must tell us how you hung the ornaments from the ceiling! It looks great! Can't wait to see the finished Christmas tree.. Im jealous already..lol..Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  15. Cute "dog" tree! And your black painted table is lovely! I'm debating to paint mine too! :)

  16. Your home is beautiful! I love all of your decor, great job decorating! Merry Christmas!

  17. BEAUTIFUL!! Everything is so festive.

    mY tOUR iS nOW sHARED....come by, if you can, to visit. Happy Holidays!


  18. yes! i too, want to know how you hung those ornaments. i love it. so different then the "normal" decorations. very fun & festive looking.
    thanks for the tour!


  19. Your table and chairs look great - I love all the decor you have chosen!

  20. I love how you hung the ornaments! Sooo cute! I love all of your decor!
    Summer :0)


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)