Tuesday, October 27, 2009

life is messy

So is our house. Cobwebs, dust bunnies, fur balls, crusted dishes and mountains of laundry. It never ends and I am JUST NOW realizing this.

Everything I ever wanted lead to these increasing chores. Bigger house = more to clean. Husband = increased laundry. Cutest puppy in the world = fur EVERYWHERE.

To whom much is given, much is expected. Luke 12:48

THANK GOODNESS the pup helped with the chores or we were looking at 2010 before we saw the floor of the laundry room again.

Being placed in the clothes basket and popping up for a staged photograph counts as helping, right?

The master bedroom is almost finished, but I couldn't help sharing before all was accomplished.

We bought this new {used} gargantuan furniture from another pharmacist at work. Getting married and moving to a house with a smaller master bedroom had left this gorgeous, barely used furniture in storage. That is, until our good fortune found it.

It also came with a beautiful canopy that I would love to attach but we would have to detach the light/fan combo. I can't sleep without the fan, thus no canopy to be seen in these pictures.

Big thanks to my husband who is legally bound to a nag that convinced him the curtain rods should be reinstalled closer to the ceiling so that the windows could appear larger AND so that our new curtains wouldn't be pooling in a big mess on the floor.

{Finishing touch still missing here - looking for a nice cushy bench to set between the curtains. It will seem as if it's there to help out with lounging and sitting on to put on one's shoes, but really, I need a place to throw my clothes besides the floor =) }

All four curtains: $32 at TJ Maxx.
Much better than the curtains I originally brought home for $200 and returned after they just weren't the look I was going for, exasperated that I would never be happy with any on the market and that I would be making them myself as soon as I learned how to sew {which is never}.

Glad I didn't have to resort to the mess I'm
sure I would make or the big $$$ I may have spent on a seamstress!

The lamps are lucite, also from TJ Maxx. They just don't sparkle in these pictures like they do in person. I ♥ them.

The white bedding I ALWAYS wanted and looked for, literally, over 2 years... believe it or not, a place I next to never shop: JC Penney online. Just crazy to me!

And I know you're just dying to find out where we got my nightstand as well! It's just so darned glamorous. It's even too delicate to store anything in, as the drawers WILL NOT stay on the tracks, evident by the crooked top drawer in the picture below, which I couldn't even struggle to fix before showing you.
If you didn't catch on, this little piece it really just holding up my lamp and cell phone on my side of the bed until something else canbe found.

Our eyes are peeled for a second nightstand
to even come close to matching. The furniture is by Pulaski, where this exact line is no longer being made as far as we can tell and they do have lots that would fit nicely but, geeze... they're almost as much as we payed for the entire set PLUS the mattresses. {i.e. we bought it at all for a STEAL!}

A few pretty plates hung around the mirror above the bed and a couple running rugs on each side and we're set.
Now only 6 more rooms to finish. By then, we'll probably have 3 kids and looking for a new house. It really never ends, but it sure is fun.

P.S. Ironically, I uploaded all of these pictures and wrote the ENTIRE post before accidentally deleting it just before hitting the "publish post" option. I was crushed. The kicker: the post was originally titled "life is messy" and the title stuck for the second writing . Even more appropriate this time around.

Have you tried any Amazon promo codes for home to save money on decorating and organizing?


  1. oh thank goodness for that!! ha!

    your bedroom is amazing! love it!!
    i want wood floors in the upper level of our home!! your room shows me how fabulous it looks! now i need!
    we have wood on our main level and i really like it but i didn't know how it would flow in bedrooms, obviously awesome!! love your room :)

  2. Your bedroom is so pretty! I love the "I love you" hand :)

  3. I love the bedroom. It looks so cozy! Great steals, it always feels amazing to get a bargan!

  4. The bedroom looks great!
    You might want to try rooms to go for the nightstand...they have a bedroom set that looks similar to yours and is probably a lot more reasonably priced (or at least they did when we were bedroom shopping last March!)

  5. Thanks for sharing! The room looks GREAT! I love the furniture. I've always wanted white bedding, yours looks great. I have recently found some stuff off of jcpenny's website too. Who knew?!

  6. Thanks for sharing. I love lucite lamps.

    Where did you get the I love you hand?

  7. I loooove your bedroom! It looks amazing! Those curtains are fantastic; I can't believe they were so cheap. I'm always on the lookout for affordable curtains but have yet to find ones that look so nice!

  8. Gorgeous gorgeous bedroom furniture!!!

  9. Love the curtains!! They look awesome. Have a great day!

  10. Your bedroom looks so beautiful, that furniture is great! Thanks for sharing the photos!

  11. I love it that your nightstand doesn't match, I love the I love you hand, and although we go primitive/country we also found our dream bedding at JCP.com...we need a big tv in ours too! Looks great! ps I can't sleep without the fan either.

  12. What an absolutely gorgeous bedroom you have! I just love it!!!

  13. You have a lovely room! Looks perfect for relaxing in!

  14. i love that white "i love you" hand on your nightstand! did you make it?!?!

  15. Don't you love it when you come across great deals??? I LOVE those lamps! Sorry I forgot to notify you that I gave you the blog award! Now, I'm off to tell the other people too!

  16. what a pretty and cozy room!! i like the clean & cuddly white bedding too...hoping to find some for our guest room.


  17. I absolutely love the furniture in your bedroon, such a great feel to it. Looks gorgeous!

  18. That furniture is awesome! I love it without the canopy. Looks great with the white bedding. Very pretty!


  19. Love your bedroom! Especially the bedding and the furniture. It's so dramatic and classy! Well done =)


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)